Craven County, NC - Benjamin Smith to Richard Cogdell, 1785 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Craven County Register of Deeds North Carolina, This Indenture made the thirteenth day of May one thousand seven hundred & eighty five between Benjamin Smith of the County of Brunswick in the State of North Carolina and Richard Cogdell of the town of Newbern and State aforesaid of the other part Witnesseth that for and in consideration of the sum of five shillings current money of the said State and of the said Richard giving up a deed formerly made by William Dry Esq. and with it his right to two acres of land therein conveyed the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged he the said Benjamin Smith hath bargained sold and doth hereby bargain & sell unto the said Richard Cogdell his heirs and assigns forever two acres of land lying in the suburbs of Newbern and in the village of Smithville land of adjoining the James Bunting and bounding to the northwest [blank] street or Nues Road to the southward on [blank] street or Trent Road and to the eastward on Bryan Street which said piece of land is distinguished in the plan of the said village drawn by Capt. John Parker by the number [blank] together with all rights priviledges and advantages thereunto appurtaining and the reversion and reversions remainder and remainders and the Estate Rights Title either in law or equity of the said Benjamin his heirs exer's administrators or assigns in or to the same TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said two acres of land with the appurtenances unto him the said Rich'd Cogdill his heirs & assigns forever IN WITNESS whereof the said Benjamin Smith hath hereunto set his hand and seal the day above mention'd Seal'd and delivered Benj'n Smith {Seal} in the presence of Wm Blount Junr James Coor June Craven County Court 1785 seventeen hundred & eighty five then was aforegoing deed of sale proved in open court by the oath of William Blount one of the subscribing witnesses thereto and order'd to be registered Attest Wm Bryan CC ___________________________________________________________________ Copyright. All rights reserved. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Guy Potts ___________________________________________________________________