Craven, NC - Deeds - L.J. Moore & Wife to T.A. Green, 1878 Copyright. All rights reserved. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Jo Huettl - 1878 (Source: New Bern Register of Deeds, Book 78, Page 550) L J Moore & Wife to T A Green We hereby transfer to T S Green all our right title and interest in the within mortgage made by LJ Moore & Wife of Newbern NC to us dated March 9th 1877 for four hundred & eighty nine 32/100 dollars. New York July 23, 177 (signed) Ebbinghowsess Widmayer (his mark) Witnesf: (signed) W S Hutchinson State of North Carolina Craven Probate Court, Newbern NC May 10, 1878 Then was the signature to the foregoing afsine power before me by the oath and examination of J R B Cannon. Let said afsign with this certificate be registered. Witnef my hand and official seal (signed) E W Carpenter (Probate Judge) Presented May the 1st th 1878 at 10 p recorded May 10, 1878.