Craven County NcArchives Deed.....Phillips, John - Oxley, George 1799 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Sloan S. Mason November 4, 2021, 4:35 pm Written: 1799 Register of Deeds Craven County, NC BK. 33, p. 530 George OXLEY to John PHILLIPS of Craven County, NC 18 Jan 1799 To all People to whom these presents shall come greeting Know ye that I George OXLEY of Craven County of the Province of North Carolina, Planter for the Consideration of thirty two Pounds ten Shillings Current money received to my full satisfaction of John PHILLIPS of the county & Province aforesaid Planter, do give grant bargain, sell & confirm unto the said John PHILLIPS his heirs & assigns forever one certain usage? tract or parcel of Land lying & being in Craven County on the North side of Neuse River and the South side of Great Contentnea Creek, Containing twenty seven acres beginning at three pines the second corner, Thomas FISHER old patent and running North three degrees East one hundred & forty eight pole to three maples in a small branch then the various courses of the branch to the beginning containing twenty seven acres more or less, to have & to hold the said twenty seven acres of land with the appurtenances and all the rights privileges & improvements to the same or in any wise belonging to him the said John PHILLIPS his heirs & assigns forever and the said George OXLEY myself my heirs and assigns doth hereby covenant & agree to — with the said John PHILLIPS that he the said John PHILLIPS his heirs and assigns shall & may forever hereafter peaceably & quietly have hold — possess & enjoy the aforesaid granted lands and premises without the set or molestation of any person free and clear from all an all manner of encumbrances whatsoever and the said George OXLEY doth oblige myself my Heirs Executors & Administrators to warrant & defend the afore granted lands and premises to him the sd. John PHILLIPS his heirs & assigns forever against the Claim of all persons whatsoever. In witness whereof the said George OXLEY hath hereunto set my hand and seal this Eighteenth day of January one thousand seven hundred & ninety nine. Signed: George (his X mark) Oxley, Junr. (Seal) Signed, sealed & delivered in presence of us: Jas. PHILLIPS Reuben WITHERINGTON State of North Carolina Craven County March Term 1800 Then was the foregoing Deed proved by the Oath of Reuben WITHINGTON one of the subscribing witnesses & ordered to bed registered. Attest: Sam’l CHAPMAN, CC. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.9 Kb