Craven County, NC - Deeds - Sally White, others to Thomas White, 1824 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Craven County, North Carolina Deed Bk. 44, pg 385-388 Children of Whichcoat White, the elder to Thomas White This Indenture made this 5th day of July in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and twenty four between Sally White, Mordecai White, Whichcoat White and Lewis White and Wiley White children of Whichcoat White the elder, late of Craven County deceased of the one part, and Thomas White their brother of the other part. Whitnesseth that whereas Whichcoat White the elder deceased by his last will and testament directed that after the death or marriage of his wife Nancy White the whole of his property real and personal should be equally divided among or between his daughter Sally White and his sons Reuben White, Mordecai White, Wiley White, Thomas White, Whichcoat White, & Lewis White the wholeof whom were alive and of age at the death of Nancy White the widow which took place on the 20th of September in the year 1823, excepting Reuben White, and the whole of the survivors (p 386) agreeing in the opinion that the lands by being divided among the several legalees would be considerably impaired in value, came to the determination to have them sold for the most they would bring at public auction & to divide the proceeds of the sales of the lands among them instead of dividing the land, and accordingly having first advertised the lands to be sold on a credit of sic, twelve and eighteen months full forty days previous to the sale, they did on the day and at the place appointed to wit on the 29th day of December in the year 1823 at the late mansion house of their father the said Whichcoat White proceed to set up at public sale on a credit of six twelve and eighteen months, the whole of the lands of their father the said Whichcoat White vir. One tract lying and being in the County of Craven & State of North Carolina on both sides of Miery branch near Slade's line Beginning at a sweet gum on the north side of said branch thence north 74Et 158 poles to a stake then south 158 poles to a stake near a marked gum in the Horse branch, then So 74 West 158 poles to a stake, then north 158 poles, to the first station, containing one hundred and fifty acres of land which were granted to James Little by patent bearing date 25th of September 1766. Conveyed by him to Levi Gill & by Gill to Benjamin Williams, by him to James Allen & by him to the said Whichcoat White. Another tract adjoining the last lying in the fork of Horse & Miery branches, Beginning at the Miery branch, then north 54 East 82 poles to a stake, then north 19 Wt 40 poles to Little's corner then So 69 West along Little's line to the Miery branch then up the said branch to the beginning, containing twenty eight acres to the same more or less, being part of a grant for a larger tract & was purchased by the said Whichcoat White from Samuel Slade by deed bearing date the 2nd day of February 1807. Another tract in the County & State aforesaid lying in the Miery branch Beginning at a white Oak, Hall's corner tree on the West ward side of Miery about ten poles from the branch pruns(?) No 63 East with Slade's line across the branch 177 poles to a pine, then So 27 East 179 poles to a stake, then So 63 West across the branch 140 poles and from thence to the beginning, containing one hundred and seventy eight acres of land be the same more or less, - The other and last tract containing ninety acres of land as granted by patent to the said (p 387) Whichcoat White lying on the south side of Neuse river and East side of Coor Creek, Beginning at a pine Samuel Slade's corner, on the north side of a pond that makes into Horse branch & runs the reverse of said Slade's line So 63 Wt 140 poles to a pine on the side of said branch, then So 31 Et 104 poles to a stake in the center of two pines, then No 63 East 140 poles to a stake, thence to the beginning. And the said lands after being duly cryed were struck off by the cryer Vincent White to the said Thomas White at the sum of four hundred and sixty nine dollars fifty cents he being the last and highest bidder therefor at that price. Now therefore they the said Sally, Mordecai, Wiley, Whichcoat and Lewis White for and in consideration of the sum of Sixty seven dollars, seven cents and one seventh of a cent to them severally in hand paid or secured to be paid by the said Thomas before the ensealing and delivery hereof the receipt whereof they do hereby acknowledge have granted bargained and sold, enfeoffed & delivered, and by these present do grant bargained & sell alein enfeoff and deliver unto him the said Thomas White the whole of the interest, estate, right , title and claim which they or either have by virtue of the last will and testament of their father Whichcoat White or otherwise in and to the lands herein before mentioned and described. To have and to hold their respective proportions of said lands together with all the improvements, rights privileges and appurtenances to the same belonging or in any wise appertaining unto the said Thomas White his heirs and assigns forever. And they the said Sally White, Mordecai White, Wiley White, Whichcoat White, and Lewis White for themselves their heirs executors and administrators their interest in and to the said several tracts of land & premises unto the said Thomas White his heirs and assigns against the lawful claim or claims of all persons claiming the same by from trough or under them or either of them, shall and will warrant and for ever defend by these present. In Witness whereof they have (p 388) hereunto severally set their hands and seals the day and year first above written. Signed sealed and delivered in the presence of: Whichcoat (his mark X) White (Seal) Lewis White (Seal) Wiley White (Seal) Sally (her mark X) White (Seal) Mordecai White (Seal) (The words "the said Wiley" being first erased and the word "Vincent" underlined before signing. Wm Blackledge Witness to all but Mordecai White Frederick Ipock State of North Carolina February 12th 1826 Then was the execution of the foregoing deed by Whichcoat White, Lewis White, Wilie White, & Sally proved before me by the oath of William Blackledge one of the subscribing Witnesses thereto. And its execution by Morsecai White was at the same time proved by the oath of Frederick Ipock the other subscribing Witness. Let it be Registered. J R Donnell JSLOE Transcribed by Marian Ryall, December 11, 2004 from FHL film #18673 ___________________________________________________________________ Copyright. All rights reserved. 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