Craven-Statewide County NcArchives News.....Governor Martin's Magazine 1775 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Guy Potts September 23, 2007, 1:33 pm Early American Newspapers 1775 Date: 1775-11-01; Paper: Early American Newspapers Newbern, NC This week will ever be remembered as the most remarkable epoch in the annals of this country, for the discovery of the grand repository of dark deposition of Governor Martin's infernal magazine, which in cool deliberation he intended to deal out in missive weapons of death to the good people of this province. In the palace garden, and under a fine bed of cabbages was discovered and dug up a barrel containing about three bushels of gunpowder, in the palace cellar was also dug up two quarter casks of the same commodity, the casks quite new and marked R.B. In the palace garden was also dug up about 1000 weight of musket balls, lately cast, and about 500 weight of iron swivel balls, a large quantity of small shot, lead, iron worms for the cannon, with swabs, rammers, artillery boxes, matches, and the whole apparatus for the park artillery, which he would certainly have mounted at the Palace had not the appearance of the people of the town of Newbern, on his attempting to move the palace guns, driven him from the trenches before he had made them quite tenable. 'Tis said his Excellency, the night before he took his precipitate flight from the palace, buried these engines of death, as they might have an opportunity of using them. The palace cannon were spiked up after his Excellency left the palace, by a person who no doubt will be obliged to answer for his conduct. As 'tis improbable the Governor could procure these deadly weapons without assistance; the committee of this town and county are using their utmost endeavors to discover the authors of so black a treachery. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.3 Kb