CRAVEN COUNTY, NC - Estates - James Bryan, 1805, Slaves at Partition. ========================================================================= USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or for presentation by other persons or organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than stated above must obtain the written consent of the file contributor, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. This file was contributed by: Sue Guptill May 2000 ========================================================================== Transcribed by Sue Guptill ADDITIONAL ESTATE RECORDS FOR JAMES BRYAN: Slaves At Partition [See also, on this site: "Bryan Family Collection, Estate Records, pre-1850", and "Bryan Family Wills, Collection", contributed by Sue Guptill and Martha Marble] Bryan, James Estate record 1805 [Note: this is not the entire estate record which was abst. by Martha Marble. This is list of slaves only]. Slaves at partition: Name: Age: Value: Gabe 25 $550 Lewis 20 $575 Simon 12 $450 Cate 43 $300 Betty 53 $100 Harry 10 $450 Samarrow 12 $450 Old Rose 70 $ 10 Zilphia 25 $400 Hannah of Zilpha 10 $275 John (ditto) 8 $250 Charles (ditto) 6 $200 Becca (ditto) 2 $150 Delia 24 $400 Milly (of Delia) 6 $200 Clifton (ditto) 3 $150 Harriot 17 $400 Nelly 15 $400 Theressa 15 $400 Lizzy 12 $350 Rinah 29 $375 Amy of Rinah 9 $275 Harriet (ditto) 5 $150 Melvina (ditto) 2 $150 Amey 50 $150 Sophia of Amey 14 $350 Julia 18 $400 Calvin of Julia 1 $100 Eliza 15 $400 Rose 13 $350 Old Ben 60 $200 This is from December term, 1817. Some of these children were born after James Bryan died, and it1s quite possible that there were others who had died by this date; therefore, this is not the list of slaves at James Bryan1s death. Another list, which appears older, but is undated lists the following: Name: Value: Bill $500 Ben $400 Ceasor $550 Jack $300 Clifton $350 Gabe $350 Robbin $300 Sam (old) $100 Lewis $200 Samarraux $ 90 Wright $125 Betty & child Harry $225 Emy & child Sophey $250 Molly & child Sam $325 Lucy & child Sukey $350 Rose old Lady $ 50 Binah & child $350 Rosetta $350 Simon Binah child $125 Sukey $225 Zilpha $275 Bitty $200} Cate $250} Venice $325 Delia $200 Rosetta $200 Julietta $150 Tracy $150 Harriett $175 Elvia $150 Sall $200 Sukey (marked out) Little Bitty $150 Nelly $150 In 1808, the list of slaves hired out were: Ben, Jack, Clifton, Gabe, Robbin, Lewis, old Sam, Rose & Trecy, Venus & 2 children, Cate, Zilpah, Delia, Rosetta, Sukey. 1810 slave hire list included: Ben, Jack, Gabe, Robin and old Sam, Rose & Trace, Cate, Delia, Rosetta, Lewis. [Heirs at death were John,, James, and Elizabeth, an infant dead by Sept 1814].