CRAVEN COUNTY, NC - WILLS - John Carruthers, 20 Sep 1751 ==================================================================== USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or for presentation by other persons or organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than stated above must obtain the written consent of the file contributor. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Francis R Hodges ==================================================================== JOHN CARRUTHERS WILL (1751), Craven Co.,NC In the name of God Amen. I, John Carruthers, of the County of Craven, and Province of North Carolina, merchant, being of perfect mind and memory and calling to mind and Duly Considering the unsertainty of human life, Do make this my last will and testamant. First and Principally, I commit my Soul into the hands of my blessed maker, trusting in his mercy and in the merits of my Dear Redeemer for the remission of my sins; and my body I commit to the Earth to be Interred in such Decent and Christianlike manner as to my Executors may seem meet, in hopes of the Glorious Resurrection of the last great Day; and as for such worldly goods that Providence has blessed me with, after my just Debts and necessary Expenses are Contented, Discharged and payed by my Executors, Which I will shall first be honorably done, then the remainder I bequeath in the following manner: Imprimis. I Give and Bequeath unto my Daughter, Rocksolannah Witherinton, one lott of Land lying in Newbern town, and joining Pollocks Street and Eding Street, and known by the plan of sd. town, by number 98, together with all my houses and appurtenances to the same belonging, and my Desk, unto her, the said Rocksolannah Witherinton, her Heirs and Assigns forever. Item. I Give and Bequeath to my daughter, Frances Hodges, one Negro girl cald Carolina, and one feather Bed and one Boulster, 2 pillows, one Blanket, two Steats, and one Countarpen, it being the Bed that I commonly lodge on, and all the Cattal that I have yhousing at the Francis Hodges Cow Pen, unto her, the sd. Frances Hodges, her Heirs and assigns forever. Item. I Give and Bequeath unto my son, John Carruthers, my Riding Sadal and Bridal, and gun, and one pr. large money Seals, and my silver Shubuckles and knee Buckles, to him, his Heirs and Assigns for Ever. Item. I Give and Bequeath unto my Son, Joseph Carruthers, Six large Silver tea Spuns, and one Silver tea tongs, and Silver Straner, and fore large Silver Spuns for table use, to him and his heirs and assigns for Ever. Item. I Give and Bequeath to my daughter, Sarah Rice, my gould buttons I wear in my Sleeves, and one Brase Warming Pan with a wooden handal to it, to her and her Heirs for Ever. Item. I Give and Bequeath unto my two Sons in law, Francis Hodges and John Witherinton, all my wearing close of all sorts, except the Buckles and Buttons before menchand, to be Equaly Devided between them. Item. I Give and Bequeath unto my well beloved Wife, Content Carruthers, the Labor and Sarvis of one Negro man, cald Hannabal, Dewring the time of her natril Life or the time of her Widowhood, and at the time of her death, or the day of her marrage, my Will and desire is that my Executors, hereafter Menchand, may take the Foresd. Negro, Hannabal, into their Care and Pertection, and my Will is that they may set him up at Publick Vander to be sould to the highest bedar for redy money, and the money arising by the sale of the foresd. Negro to be Equaly devided amung my Childring, that may or shall be then Liveing, and my will and desire is that the above menchand Hannabal, may not be carried out of Craven County without the Leve or Consent of my Executors. Item. I give unto my well beloved Wife, Content Carruthers, the Labar or Sarvis of one Negro woman cald Enow, dewring the time of her, ye sd. Content Carruthers, her Natril life, and at her Decese I Give and Bequeath the fore sd. Negro woman cald Enow, to Rebekah McCarthy, to her and her Heirs for Even. Item. I Give and Bequeath unto my well beloved wife, Content Carruthers, one Negro Woman, cald Baranton, and all my Horses and all my Cattal that yhouses on Trent, or anyways Belongs to my Cow Pen at my home House, and all my Hoggs and Sheep and my Cart and Plows, and axes and hows, belonging to the Plantation work, and all my Househould goods of all Sorts, Except them before given to my Children, unto her, the foresd. Content Carruthers, her Heirs and assigns for Ever. Item. My will and Desire is that my Executors hearafter menchand may and Shall sell all my Lands, and all my Lotts and Houses, and appurtenances thearunto belonging in New Bern town, and all my trading Stock of goods of all Sorts, to be Sould at Publick vander to the highest biders, alowing three months Credit, the Purchasers giveing good security for the Payment of the Moneys. My Will and Desire is that Evry Lott should be set up Singal, Except them two whear the Long house stands, and with the money arising by the fore menchand Sales, and what Redey money I may have by me, and what may be receved of my outstanding debts, and my will and desire is that my Executors may pay all my Just Debts and my fewnarl Expences, and what is Remaning of the above menchand money when my debts are payed, my will and desire is that the Remandar of money may be Equaly devided between my three Sons, William Carruthers, John Carruthers, and Joseph Carruthers, and my daughter, Sarah Rice, and if my son William Carruthers shuld not be at the devision of the money, I desire his Part of the money may continue in the hands of my Executors till he, the foresd. William Carruthers, cums for it. Lastly, I do nominate, constitute, and appoint my two sons, John Carruthers and Joseph Carruthers, Executors of this my last Will and testament, and do hereby utterly Revoke, disallow, and disannul all former Bequests, Wills and Legacies, by me heretofore made, Ratifying and Confirming this, and no other, to be my last will and testament. In Witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal, the Twentieth day of September, the year of our Lord, one Thousand, seven Hundred, and fifty one (and my desk interlined before Assigned in the lowr line of the first side). John Carruthers (Seal) Signed, Sealed, Published and Declared, by the within named testator, John Carruthers, to be his last will and testament, in presence of us the Subscribers Sarah Betsworth (signed with her mark) Abiah Bangs Sol. Rew Craven County, NC February Court, 1752 These are to certify, that the within will of John Carruthers, deceased, being Exhibited into Court, was proved by the oath of Soloman Rew, one of the subscribing evidences to the same, who swore that he saw the testator sign, seal, and declare the same to be his last Will and Testament, and to the best of his knowledge was of sound Mind and Disposing Memory. And that he also saw Sarah Betsworth and Abiah Bangs, the other subscribing evidences, sign as such in the presence of the Testator. At the same time John Carruthers, one of the Esecutors therein mentiond, appeared in court and qaualified according to Law. Phil Smith, Current Clerk