CRAVEN COUNTY, NC - Will - Edmund Hatch, Jr., 1821 ====================================================================== USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be used by non- commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or for presentation by other persons or organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than stated above must obtain the written consent of the file contributor, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Edward L. Davis Mar. 1999 ======================================================================== EDMUND HATCH'S WILL In the name of God Amen. I, Edmund Hatch, Jun. of Craven County, North Carolina, being low in health, but of disposing memory and knowing the uncertainty of life do make this my last Will & Testament. That is to say, Firstly. I give unto my two sons Buckner and Lemuel Hatch, all my lands lying on the North side of he Trent iver in Jones County, to them their heirs and assigns forever, upon condition that in case my son John Hatch should in anywise become to be dispossessed of the property that I may leave for his support that in such event my said sons Buckner nd Lemuel should support him. Secondly. I give unto my son John Hatch, during his natural life, all my slaves, for his support and after his death I give the said slaves to my sons Buckner and Lemuel Hatch, to them their heirs and assigns forever. Thirdly. I lend unto my daughter Mary Blackledge for and during her natural life the plantation and land wherein I now live called "the Haywood land" and at her decease I give the said Haywood land unto the heirs of her body lawfully begotten, and in case my said daughter Mary shall die without heirs of her body as aforesaid, then the said Haywood land I give to my heirs at law. Fourthly. I give unto my sons Buckner and Lemuel Hatch and to my daughter Mary Blackledge to be equally divided, all of my household and kitchen furniture except one bed and furniture which I give my son John and except one mahogany bedstead which belongs to my son Buckner, now in my possession: to them their heirs and assigns forever. Fifthly. I give unto my sons Buckner and Lemuel Hatch all my horses, cattle, hogs, mules, sheep and goats to be equally divided between them excepting my carriage horses which with my carriage, I give to my son Buckner. Sixthly. The land which I have herein given to my daughter Mary during her life is to be in the possession of my Executors until the same is paid for by the said Mary and whenever the said Mary shall so pay for the said land, that is to say shallpay the balance which I now owe for its purchase then my said Executors to give up to her its possession Seventhly. The crop of produce now in my possession I give to my Executors to be sold and the proceeds to be applied towards paying for the land which I now live on. Eighthly. I constitute my sons Buckner and Lemuel Hatch, Executors of this my Last Will and Testament and this my request that they give Bonopart Busnet a reasonable portion of education and I make my Executors Guardian to my son John. In testimony, whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 26th day of January AD 1821. /s/EDMUND HATCH SEAL Signed & Sealed in the presence of Geo. Wilson C. A. Hatch Craven County Court, March Term, AD1821. The foregoing last Will of Edmund Hatch was produced and the execution by said Testator and proved in open court and in due form of law by the oath of George Wilson one of the subscribing witnesses thereto Lemuel Hatch and Buckner Hatch the Executors appeared and qualified. Attest \s\ illegible