Craven County, NC - Will of Mary Pearce Estate, 1802 ~~~~~~~~~~ Craven Co Wills - Vol 3 1801 - 1812 by Dr. Stephen Bradley Will of Mary Pearce - 4 Oct 1801 - March Ct 1802 in low state of health - to my son Edmund - 1 Negro boy Jack, 1 cow & calf, a small hunting gun, on the following conditions: that at age 21 he shall make a title to a tract on the high rise to Malachi Russell or his assigns - should said Edmund refuse to make such a title, then the before mentioned property to go to satisfy the demand that may occur for the loss of the sd land. My negro woman Nancy & her children Nance & Clary to be hired out until my youngest child is age 18 & then the sd 3 negroes to be valued into 5 lots & divided among my 5 surviving daughters Hellon, Catharine, Courtney, Suckey & Barbara - should any of my daughters die without issue, then her property to be divided among the surviving daughters. After my debts are paid, the money arising from the sale of my perishable estate to be divided among my children my son Edmund to have 1 years of schooling & my 3 youngest daughters to be taught. Executor - my brother Malichi Russell, WIT Thoas Armstrong. That may or may not be the same Mary Pearce wife of Thomas. The names Sukey, Barbara and Edmund are certainly the same but this Mary's children appear to be too young to have had a daughter md to Dallam Caswell. ______________________________________________________________________ Copyright. All rights reserved. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Clair Hadley - ______________________________________________________________________