NC, Craven Co., Wills, Vendrick Family Wills ================================================================= USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or for presentation by other persons or organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than stated above must obtain the written consent of the file contributor, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. This file was contributed by Sue Guptill, Aug 2000. ================================================================= Vendrick Family wills Craven Co. CR.028.801.31 Abraham Vendrick 1812 „Weak in body¾ Date: 4 March 1812 Heirs: 2 sons, John and Asa, land and estate equally divided. Daughter Agnes Dun goods and chattels already given her with ten shillings. Wife: Mary Vendrick, son John Vendrick, son Asa Vendrick, daughter Nancy Vendrick rest of personal property. Executor: Son John Vendrick. signed Abraham [X] Vendrick Witnesses: Peter [P] Vendrick ? can¼t read Probate: June term, 1812 __________________________ Bryan Vendrick 1811 Heirs: Wife Sarah Vendrick one third of personal property and all lands during her widowhood. Son: Major Vendrick rest of estate real and personal. Appoint uncle Peter Vendrick guardian of son Major. Date: 9 May 1811. Executors: Uncle Peter Vendrick wife Signed Bryan [X] Vendrick Witnesses: James [X] Vendrick Roger Jones. Probate: June term 1811 _____________________________ Churchill Vendrick 1822 WB/C 217 (Microfilm only: C. 028.80002) [Note: will very faded‚could not read much of it. See estate record for more accurate list of heirs]. „Sick in body¾ Heirs: Wife Liza Daughter: Rosemary? Son: Gideon (Could not read property information. There might be other heirs that I couldn¼t read). Date written: February, 1820 Signed: Churchill Vendrick Probate: August, 1822 Witnesses: Jesse [X] Vendrick (Can¼t read other witness) _____________________________ Daniel Vendrick 1780 Heirs: Wife Anna Vendrick: Plantation where on I now live, all land belonging in that pattant during her widowhood, all goods and chattels except one young mair and my Cooppers tools and shewmakers tools. If wife marry then the third of the land and goods and chattels. Son James Vendrick above said plantation and land and one hundred acurs out of Chanewolfs pattent, eighty acurs out of father¼s pattent, shoemakers tools and one young mair except one colt to his brother Solomon, one gun. Son Solomon 300 acurs of land on branches of Beards Creek joyning father¼s pattent, pattented by myself, cooppers tools and one gun. Son Bryan Vendrick 50 acurs joyning land where I now live pattaint by myself, 30 acurs out of Chanewoolfs pattain. Either Solomon or Bryan die without heirs, his share go to the other. Daughter Penney Vendrick all cattle now called hers. 7 children: Mary, ?, James Nancy Solomon Lyda and Bryan and wife Anna residue of cattle equally divided, if mother marry then her pat equally divided betwixt . All chyildren residue of house funertor and house plantation tools equally divided between James Solomon and Bryan. Executor: wife anna Vendrick Brother John Brother Abraham Vendrick signed: Daniel [X] Vendrick Date: 6 November 1779 Witnesses: William White Peter [P] Vendrick Probate: June term 1780 ___________________________ Francis Vendrick 1815 Date: 20 September 1815 Son Josiah $5. Daughter Rhody tingle and Mary Hamontree $5 each. Son Jesse Vendrick one feather bed, stead and furniture. Son Levy one feather bead Daughter Elizabeth Vendrick feather bead & stead & furniture. Wife Sidney during life one feather bed and furniture, land during widowhood, negroes during widowhood. After death of wife, all land and Negro man tank to son Levy Vendrick. Son Jesse shall have 2 years possession on land. Son Levy one young mare. Wife and sons Levy and Jesse all hogs to be equally divided. Son Jesse 4 head of sheep. Wife & durther Elizabeth and son Levy remainder of sheep and all cattle. Ox and cart for use of plantation. Wife all remander of housol hurniture during life, then to son Levy. Executors: Son Josiah Vendrick Son Jesse Vendrick. Signed Francis [X] Vendrick Witnesses John Miller Probate December term 1815 ____________________________ James H. Vendrick 1845 WBD/115 Microfilm only: C.028.80008 Written: February 5, 1840 Heirs: Wife Hannah: Tract of land called Purify Neck (life estate) Son: John: Bed and furniture, Purify Neck after wife¼s death Son Michael: Rest of land, furniture and bed Daughter Percy Vendrick: Bed and furniture (might be more‚hard to read) Daughter: Hannah Vendrick: Bed and furniture (might be more) Mother (not named) Wife¼s son Wiley Vendrick Executors: Phillip Pipkin William Parrott Witnesses: Benjamin Bennett Asa Hoover Probate: March 1845 ________________________ Jesse Vendrick 1820 „sick and weak of body¾ Date 10 September 1819 Wife Sarah and daughter Easter: 100 acres of land whereon I now live, house and improvements during widowhood of wife and daughter single. (Then to son Jesse Vendrick). (Division line of said land between me and my son Church Vendrickä), negro girl Ellen (then equally divided with increase between all children). Wife Sarah all property that was hers prior to marriage. Daughter Ruthy Trewett all cattle and their increase lent to her the day after she was married. Son: Jesse one ?bofat. Daughter Easter: feather bed, bedstead & furniture, and to granddaughter Louisa Vendrick one feather bed, bedstead and furniture. „I give to my wife Sarah Vendrick, all the cattle which I got by my deceased wife Sarah Vendrick, consisting of their cows and yearlings and one Stear, to her and her heirs and assigns forever.¾ Wife Sarah Vendrick and daughter Easter Vendrick jointly all stock of hogs, crop now on the ground. Wife Sarah 2 mares. Executor: friend William Trewitt Son Church Vendrick signed Jesse [X] Vendrick Witnesses: Thomas King CD Neal Probate: June term 1820 ____________________________ Joana Vendrick 1804 Heirs: Son Bryan Vendrick: one table, 1 bed and furniture, 1 chist, one pottramel. Daughter: Penelopy Vendrick: cattle and hogs, square timber as it lies in the woods, rest of property rail and personal, crop of corn. Executor: daughter Penelopy Vendrick Date 4 June 1804 Signed Joanna [X] Vendrick Witnesses: Peter [P] Vendrick Abraham [X] Vendrick Joseph West Probate: June term 1804 _______________________ Vendrick, John 1785 „weak in body¾ Heirs: Wife Rebeekah: 2 horses, sid saddle, riding saddle, feather bed, cart and geanes, tools, all hogs. Plantation on Goos Creek where I am now gowing to live with all appertances during her life. Son Peter: Above plantation (130 acres). Son John Vendrick: 1 shilling with what he hath already received. Daughter Anne Harper: Small plentatin on Goos Creek whereon she former lived (50 acres) during her life. [Anne Harper¼s] son Solomon Green above land. Son Peter: feather bed. Son Abraham: 1 feather bed which he hath already taken away. Daughter Anne Harper: 1 feather bed which she hath already taken away. Son Francis: 1 feather bed which he hath already taken away. Son Daniel: one shilling with what he has all redy reved.. Heirs of John Boyd: (equally divided) sundry articles which was formerly ther Fathers: mentions cattle and furniture. Wife Rebeekah: 1/3 of the rest of estate not mentioned. Abraham Vendrick, Peter Vendrick, Francis Vendick and Anney Harper: Everything else equally divided. Executors: Wife Rebeckah Son Peter Vendrick William Dixon. Date: 4 February 1785 Signed: John [L I] Vendrick Witnesses: Jonathan Perkins Edmund Perkins Elizabeth Perkins Probate: June Court 1785 ___________________________ John Vendrick 1789 Date: Juneary the third day 1789 „weak in body¾ Heirs: Wife Alles: plantation I know live on and land joining the plantation (described). Son: John Vendrick: plantation that I know live with the land joining the plantation (described). Son: William Vendrick: Other part of my land. Wife Alles: 2 horses and 1 mare and one yoak of oxen. Son: William Vendrick: 1 mare. Daughters: Bettey, Zellpha, Pheribe: 3 mars and their incees. Son: John Vendrick: 1 young hors. Wife Alles: Negro garl Rodah during her natural life. All 5 children: Rodah and her increase equally devided. Son: John Vendrick: cow and calf. Wife Alles: all hhoushold goods and chattles with the Negroes and all whol living to school the children and if marries to be divided between her and he five children. Executors: James ?Bolinson sener Peter Vendrick. Witnesses: William White Samuel Lawson Signed: John [nn] Vendrick Probate: March term 1789 _________________________ John Vendrick 1804 Date: November 30th day 1804 „sick and weak¾ Wife Mary: use of plantation whereon I now live on the River duringher natrel life or widowhood. Son Peter: lower half of above land. Son James: upper half of above land, feather bed, and furniture, desk and chest. Daughter Penny: 1 feather bed and furniture. Sons Peter and James: Cross ? saw (equally divided) Wife Mary: Feather bed and furniture during her life, then to daughter Lany Dickson. All hohuse hold furniture during ehr natural life and all plantation during her life. Daughter Penny: Dining table, best linnin wheel and falf a dozen of silver teaspoons. son Peter: One large chist, 1 steel trap. Granddaughter Sarah Carpenter: linnen wheel. Daughter Penny Vendrick: 1 new chist. Liza Hukins: 1 puter bason. Daughter: Rebacah Reed 1you and lamb. Son James Vendrick: 1 lamb. Daughter Penny Vendrick desk. Granddaughter Sarah Carpenter: 1 puter dish. Daughter Rebeccah Reed: 1 puter bason. Wife: All cattle, horses and sheep, hogs of every kind during her life, then to grandaughter Sarah Carpenter Son: Peter Vendrick: 2 puter plates Son: James Vendrick: 2 puter plates Daughter Penny Vendrick: 1 mare after wife¼s death. Sons: Peter and James: all tools of every kind (equally divided) after wife¼s death. 3 children Peter, James, and Penney: Everything not named. Executors: Son James Vendrick Wife: Mary Vendrick signed: John [I] Vendrick Witnesses: Jesse [X] Vendrick Church [X] Vendrick Probate: December term 1804 ____________________ Peter Vendrick 1834 Date: 3rd day of August 1832 Heirs: Daughter Ann Brinson: 3 negroes, winney, gorg, and pheby during her life, then to her lawfully begotten heirs. 5 head of cattle, 1 feather bead, 1 roun table. Wife: Pegga Vendrick: all cattle except above metioned, 2 horses, household and kitchen furniture, all lands and plantation and plantation tools, 2 negros Nanny and York during life, and at death to son James H. Vedrick. Son James H. Vedrick: all hogs and sheep, rest of property not mentioned. Executor: Son James H Vedrick Friend John Thomas of Smits Ccreek. Signed Peter [PV] Vendrick Witnesses: Asa Hoover John Brinson Probate: February term 1834 „Recd. of James Vendrick Executor of Peter Vendrick Decd. five head of cattle three Negro Slaves Namely winey, George Pheby one feather bed & one Table. The above property being in full of the Legacy given to my wife Ann Brinson by the last will of her father Peter Vendrick to which this and a Duplicate I have herein set my hand and seal this the 12th March AD‚1834‚ Test: Wm. B. Perkins Benje F. Brinson