CUMBERLAND COUNTY, NC - BIBLES - Claudia Wiley Bible ************************************************************** USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, material may be freely used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material AND permission is obtained from the contributor of the file. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by other organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for non-commercial purposes, MUST obtain the written consent of the contributor, OR the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Linda Edwards *************************************************************** Bible of Claudia Cattelle Mulrine Hamilton Gregory Wiley The Holy Bible New York: American Bible Society 1849 Family Record **************************************************** Marriages: *************** In Norfolk Virginia William Gregory to Mary Mathews Jan'y 22nd 180? By Rev'd Symns Wm Gregory born Nov 30th 1774 Mary Mathews Gregory born Nov 25th 1784 Married by the Right Rev'd John S. Ravenscroft Episcopal Bishop of North Carolina Rev'd Philip Bruce Wiley to Claudia C.M.H. Gregory only child of Wm & Mary Mathews On the 26th October 1826 ages 22 & 19 years Married by the Rev'd John Roberts Dr. John Swann to Penelope Bruce Wiley Jan'y 12th 1847 Married June 12th 1856 Philip Augustus Wiley to Lydia C. Wetmore By Rev'd Joseph Huske Married October 14th 1856 William Rufus Wiley to Margaret Wemyss By Rev'd Adam Gilchrist Married June 16th 1858 David Anderson to my youngest child Sarah Waddel Wiley By Rev'd Joseph Huske My last earthly treasure-God grant she may be happy- and His peace always rest apon her- C.W. Married June 4th 1862 Margaret Wemyss Wiley -Widow of William R. Wiley to Henry J. Frizell Married October 22nd 1868 Charles Haigh to Alice Marsden Swann By the Rev'd Joseph Huske (grand daughter) Births ********** Born Philip Bruce Wiley Son of Rufus & Penelope Wiley August 13th 1804 Born Oct 27th 1807 Claudia Cattelle Mulrine Hamilton Gregory only child of William & Mary Gregory Born Sept 1st 1827 Mary Gregory Wiley 1st child of Philip B. & Claudia Wiley Born June 20th 1829 Penelope Bruce Wiley 2nd child of Philip & Claudia Wiley Born April 28th 1831 Claudia Eliza Wiley 3rd child of Philip & Claudia Wiley Born 6th of May 1833 William Rufus Wiley 4th child of Philip & Claudia Wiley Born Nov 16th 1834 Philip Augustus Wiley 5th child of Philip & Claudia Wiley Born Dec 20th 1836 Thomas Frederic Davis Wiley 6th child of Philip and Claudia Wiley Born Nov 21st 1838 Sarah Waddel Wiley 7th child of Philip & Claudia Wiley Grand Children ******************* Thomas Davis Wiley son of Philip A. & Lydia C. Wiley in Fayetteville Born March 25th 1857 at 10 AM Baptized May 1857 William Rufus Wiley daughter of William R. & Margaret W. Wiley in Fayetteville Born July 4th 1857 at 9 AM Baptized July 1858 William Jones Anderson son of David & Sarah W. Anderson in Fayetteville Born March 30th 1859 5 o'clock PM Philip Bruce Anderson son of David & Sarah Anderson in Fayetteville Born Sept 13th 1860 11 o'clock AM Baptized March 1861 Born Feb'y 23rd 1848 Alice Marsden Swann only child of Dr. John & Penelope Swann in Fayetteville 1 o'clock in PM Baptized by Rev'd John Roberts Philip Wetmore Wiley son of Philip A. & Lydia C Wiley in Fayetteville Born May 9th 1861 3 o'clock AM Baptized July 1861 Benjamin Huske Anderson son of David & Sallie Anderson in Fayetteville Born August 4th 1862 8 o'clock AM Baptized March 1863 Claudia Cattelle Anderson daughter of David & Sallie Anderson in Fayetteville Born Sept 19th 1864 10 o'clock PM Laura Holmes Wiley daughter of Philip A & Lydia Wiley in Raleigh Born 30th September 1864 2 o'clock PM David Marsden Anderson son of David & Sallie Anderson in Fayetteville Born October 26th 1866 Samuel Hinsdale Wiley son of Philip A. & Lydia Wiley in Fayetteville Born Jan'y 22 1867 Sallie Wiley Anderson daughter of David & Sallie Anderson in Wilmington Born Jan'y 16th 1870 7 o'clock AM John Louis Anderson son of David & Sallie Anderson in Wilmington Born Feb'y 16th 1872 5 o'clock AM Claude Hamilton Haigh 1st child of Charles & Alice Haigh in Fayetteville Jan'y 24th 1871 5 o'clock AM (great grandchild) Marsden Haigh 2nd son of Charles & Alice Haigh in Fayetteville Born Oct 26th 1872 1/2 past 9 o'clock PM (great grandchild) Percy Anderson Wiley son of Philip A. & Lydia Wiley in Raleigh Born Sept 5th 1872 Frederic Augustus Anderson son of David & Sallie Anderson in Tarboro Born June 5th between 5 & 6 AM 1873 Child of Charles & Alice Haigh Born July 24th 1874 (great grandchild) Deaths ************* Died in Elizabeth City NC My Mother Mary Mathews Gregory March 1826 aged 41 years Died 23rd March 1840 our darling Claudia Eliza aged 8 years 11 months Died 19th August 1840 my beloved husband Rev'd Philip Bruce Wiley aged 36 years Died May 11th 1842 my first born darling Mary Gregory Wiley aged 14 years 7 months Died in Elizabeth City NC My Father William Gregory Oct 26th 1845 aged 71 years Died 2nd Nov 1850 my youngest boy was killed by the accidental discharge of his own gun Thomas Frederic Davis aged 13 years 10 months Died May 11th 1857 my darling son William Rufus Wiley aged 24 years 3 months Died June 21st 1857 my very dear little grandson Thomas Davis Wiley aged 3 months Died Aug't 4th 1863 Margaret Wemyss Wiley Frizell aged 24 years 10 months leaving her husband & Willie R Wiley her little daughter & I.H.L.Frizell her little son of 3 months - all to mourn their great loss Died Feb'y 24th 1867 Samuel Hinsdale Wiley aged 1 month & 2 days Died Oct 28th 1869 WilliamTillinghaste Anderson aged 26 years 11 months deeply mourned by those who knew him best- not lost but gone before – gone to rest in his Fathers House, gone to receive the reward of his many virtues trusting only in his Savior Died Dec 22nd 1869 Benjamin Huske Anderson aged 7 years & 4 months My own precious little grandson by his ernest wish was to go & be at rest with his God & his last wish to have his favorite hymn sung to him "I want to be an Angel" (diphtheria) Died May 31st 1872 John Louis (Lewis) Anderson aged 3 months & 1/2 our precious treasure sent to us for so short a time taken from us when each day made him more dear Blessed little Angel he rests in the Bosom of his Savior (pneumonia) Died Sept 10th 1872 Percy Anderson Wiley aged 5 days another dear little Angel sent to rest with our own little boys dwelling forever with the dear Savior Claudia Cattelle Mulrine Hamilton Gregory Wiley died February 22, 1877 in Raleigh NC at the home of her son Philip Augustus Wiley and is buried in Oakwood Cemetery Our Colored Family ********************** Children of Maria Lucy Neal born March 15th 1845 Dora Charles born October 30th 1846