Cumberland County NcArchives Court.....Carver, William Et Al December 1826 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Carolyn Shank December 6, 2007, 9:27 am Source: Wed. Dec. 20, 1826 North Carolina Journal Written: December 1826 Recorded: December 21, 1826 1824 & 1825 DELINQUENT TAYPAYERS I shall expose to public sale at the Court House in Fayetteville, on the 5th day of February, 1827, the following lands or so much thereof as will satisfy the tax and costs due thereon for the years 1824 and 1825, and all costs. WILLIAM CARVER 350 A. Aspic's Crk. $ 0.11 JAMES JORDAN 100 Big Swamp 1.15 JESSE ANDERSON 150 Cedar Crk. 0.65 WM. HODGES 221 W. s. Cape Fear 0.65 317 Joining Thames 303 Water Brch. 5.09 JOHN THAMES SR. 263 W./Cape Fear 300 back/Cape Fear 3 Lion's Crk. 50 Cedar Crk. 13.32 BENJAMIN CHASON 50 Cedar Crk. 0.11 MICH'L HORN 440 Sandy Crk. 1.31 MATTHEW JOHNSON 275 South River 1.20 ABRAHAM LADEN 200 Sandy Crk. 0.91 LUCRY PHARIS 65 Buck Crk. 0.28 JOHN BUIE 112 Gum Brch. 0.93 WILLIAM RILEY 100 Sandy Crk. 0.91 EPHRAIM OUTERY 32 Long Brch. 0.87 DANIEL McCOLL 300 Coll Sugg Crk. 2.00 ALEX'R BAIN 100 Black River 0.91 DAVID BURROUGHS 50 Joins ARMSTRONG 1.34 DAVID M. GAGEN 150 Turkey Brch. 0.33 Est. of WM. TAYLOR By JOSHUA JONES 100 Piney Woods 1.38 THOMAS WILLIAMS 75 Swampland 2.32 THOMAS GADDY JR. 200 Little Crk. 1.94 JOHN WRIGHT 122 joins JOHN WRIGHT 1.33 HUGH KYLE by WILLIAM TAYLOR 230 Horse Pond 0.25 MALCOM McDONALD by N. McDONALD 150 Turkey Perch 0.33 JOHN TAYLOR 400 Joins ALEX STUART 1.00 HUGH WRIGHT 50 0.11 Est of JOHN McKAY 122 E. Cape Fear 100 Swamp 100 Joins CAMPBELL & McDUFFIN 5 Cross Crk. 100 Puppy Crk. lot Liverasborough JOHN BLACK, Sheriff By ISAAC NEWBERRY, Dep. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.5 Kb