Cumberland County NcArchives Court.....Coster, John G. Et Al August 9, 1826 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Carolyn Shank December 3, 2007, 9:44 am Source: Aug.16, 1826 North Carolina Journal Written: August 9, 1826 Recorded: August 16, 1826 EQUITY SALE Pursuant to a decree of the Hon. Court of Equity, of and for the county of Cumberland, State of North Carolina, in the suit in the said Court depending, wherein JOHN G. COSTER is complainant and RICHARD S. HACKLEY is defendent, there will be sold at Public Auction in the Court Room of the Court HOuse of said county, a. m. of Monday, the 2nd of October next, by and under the direction of the undersigned Master of said Couort the following lots of land: A Lot of Land in Fayetteville, in the long row of Brick buildings on the north side of Say street being the tenement between the lots of JOHN M. DOBBIN and WILLIAM L. McNEILL. Also, a moiety of a lot of land, held in common with JOHN CLARK, of Fayetteville, on the south side of Hay street, beginning at the upper corner of the lower row of brick buildings near the foot of Haymount, thence up Hay-street to the end of the stone foundation, say 40 feet, thence south 26.5 degrees, west 139 to a street 30 feet wide separating it from BLAKE or FLACK'S line, thence along said street sout 70-1/2 degrees, east 40 feet, thencde direct to the beginning.-- Also, all that other lot of land the north side of Hay-street, beginning at a stake on WILLIAM GILLESPIE'S line, running thence south 15 degfees, west 74 feet fouor inches to a stake on HAY-street, thence on said street north, 70 west, 30 feet to a stake, then north 15 degrees east, 74 feet six inches to a stake on said GILLESPIE'S line, thence with said line direct to the beginning. -- Also, all that other lot known as No. 48 in Campellton or lower Fayetteville, according to the plan of said town, with improvements upon the same, the said lot consisting of half an acre. Terms of Sale -- All sums under $100 cash, all over that sum in three equal installment of three, six and nine months from date of sale, to be secured by notes to the Master aforesaid, negotiable at all or any of the Banks in Fayetteville, with security thereto to the approbation os said Master. On compliance withthe terms of the sale in every particular, the said Master willl make, execute and deliver sufficient deeds to the purchasers, respectively. Aug. 9, 1826 JOHN HOGG, C. & M. E. Additional Comments: Richard S. Hackley, William McNeill, John Clark, John M. Dobbin, William Gillespie, John Hogg. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.0 Kb