Cumberland County NcArchives Court.....Kirkpatrick, William July 16, 1795 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: N Miles March 22, 2011, 1:39 am Source: "north Carolina Centinel And Fayetteville Gazette" Saturday, August 15, 1795 Written: July 16, 1795 Agreeable to an Order of the county court of Cumberland. On the 20th day of August next, will be exposed to public sale, at the plantation of William Kirkpatrick, deceased, at the mouth of Rockfish creek - all the perishable property of said dec. Consisting of Horses and Cattle, among which are three yoke of oxen. Also household furniture, a Waggon and Cart, a four oared Boat, a riding Chair, and an excellent Seine, with a variety of other articles. Six months credit will be allowed the purchasers. At the same time & place will be rented, a valuable Saw-Mill on rockfish, with the timber belonging to the same, which is extremely plentiful, and convenient. The mill is now in good order for sawing, and there is navigation for rafts, from the same into Cape-fear river, which is not more than a mile from the said Saw mill. Likewise, to be hired at the same time and place, a number of valuable and likely Negroes, some of them well acquainted with plantation business, and others excellent sawyers. Joseph Thames, Adm'r Elizabeth Kirkpatrick, Adm'x July 16, 1795 File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 1.7 Kb