Cumberland-Sampson County NcArchives News.....Superior Court Cases Tried November 22, 1826 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Carolyn Shank December 5, 2007, 9:37 am Nov. 22, 1826 North Carolina Journal November 22, 1826 SUPERIOR COURT OF CUMBERLAND -- Our Court is still in session. On Friday last came on the trial of DICK, a slave belonging to MR. WOLF of Sampson County, charged with the commission of a rape upon the person of a young white female. He was ingeniously and ably defended by LOUIS D. HENRY and ROBERT STRANGES, ESQS. The facts were proven to the satisfaction of the Jury, who on Saturday morning returned into Court with the verdict of guilty .-- The sentece of the Court was returned by JUDGE NORWOOD on Monday morning in a brief, but forcible and feeling manner. DICK is to be hanged in Cumberland County on the 9th of December. WM. T. PARKS was tried on Monday on a charge of perjury and was convicted. A motion was made yesterday for a new trial, but the opinion of the Court had not been pronounced when our paper went to press. The Case of the State Bank vs the Securites of RICHARD RAIFORD, late Cashier of the Fayetteville Branch of the Bank, will be taken up this day. HENRY SEAWELL, JAMES TAYLOR and GAVIN HOGG, ESQS. are Counsel for the Bank, while WILLIAM GASTON, JOHN D. TOOMER and L. D. HENRY, ESQS., appear for the Securities. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 1.8 Kb