Cumberland County NcArchives News.....Trust Sale for Dr. W. H. Maffitt April 11, 1827 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Carolyn Shank December 7, 2007, 9:41 am Wed. May 2 , 1827 North Carolina Journal April 11, 1827 TRUST SALE By virtue, and in pursuance of a Deed of Trust, to us executed by DR. WILLIAM H. MAFFITT, dated 3rd March, 1827, and Registered in the Registrar's office of the County of Cumberland, we shall upon the 4th day of May next, at the Town House, in Fayetteville, proceed to sell the interest which the said WILLIAM H. MAFFITT had, and has for certain purposes conveyed in the following property, to wit: The life estate of the said WILLIAM MAFFITT, in that parcel or tract of land, known as the "Beaver Creek Mills" situate about five miles from Town, and containing 179 acres adjoining, for and during the above, with the privilege of cutting saw-mill timber on three other tracts. Also adjoining, for and during the natural life of the said WILLIAM H. MAFFITT -- also his life estate in a tract or parcel of land containing 187-1/2 acres being that tracy of land upon which he now lives -- also, the like interest in two other lots adjoining the last mentioned, the one containing 120-1/2, the other 54- 1/2, known by the name of WILLIAMS Tract. Also, his life estate on three tenements or stores on the North side of Hay-street, now in the occupancy of C. & P. MALLETT, JOSEPH AREY, C. P. & S. W. TILLINGHAST, subject, however, to an unexpired lease in the aforesaid tenants, for the term of one year from the 1st day of Sept. 1826 -- also his interest, being an absolute estate, in a negro man named DUBLIN, about 30 years of age, one wagon and team, and all the stock and farming utensils on the sand hill plantation, which are too numerous to particularize. Terms made known on day of sale. ROBERT T. GOODWIN WM. F. STRANGE, Trustees L. FITZHARRIS, Auctioneer Fayetteville, April 11, 1827 File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.5 Kb