CUMBERLAND COUNTY, NC - WILLS - Lewis Atkins, 20 Sep 1800 ==================================================================== USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or for presentation by other persons or organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than stated above must obtain the written consent of the file contributor. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Melanie Atkins ==================================================================== Cumberland Co., NC, Will of Lewis Atkins, dated 20 Sep 1800, Proved Feb 1804 Transcribed from copy received from NC State Archives In the Name of God Amen I Lewis Atkins of the State of North Carolina and County of Cumberland Being low and weak in Body tho of a Sound and perfect mind and memory do make and Ordain this my Last Will and Testament in the Following form and Manner. Imprimis I give unto my Wife Molly the following four Negroes Named Lucy Issac Phillip and Silva and the land and plantation whereon I now dwell and all my Stock of all kinds Consisting of Horses Cattle hogs and Sheep and all my household and kitchen furniture and working tools and one Still and one sain [seine] all of the above mentioned things and articles I give to my said Wife during her natural life for which I desire hir to raise and maintain all my Children untill they come to lawfull age or untill they think it proper to leave her, and after the decease of my said Wife I Desire that all the above mentioned Negroes and Other things that I have herein given to my said Wife during her Natural life (the land Excepted) may be Equally Divided amongst my four youngest Children Named Samuel Gracy John and Polly Atkins Item I give unto my Daughter Nancy Atkins and to her Heirs and assigns forever the following three Negroes Named Jane Amica and Charity and one womans riding Saddle and one Flax wheal Item I give to my Daughter Elizabeth Betha and to hir Heirs and assigns forever the following two Negroes Named Bob and Eda and one Feather bed and furniture and one Flax wheal which She hath in her possession Item I give to my Son Ica Atkins and to his Heirs and assigns forever the Following two Negroes Named Dilsey and Tom Item I give to my Daughter Sarah Atkins and to her Heirs and assigns forever the Following two Negroes Named Beck and Little Issaac Item I give to my Son Samuel Atkins and to his Heirs and Assigns forever the Following ("two" was crossed out) Negroes Named Simon and one hundred acres of Land lying in the State and County aforesaid on the South Side Cape Fear River Joining said river and John Bethas line Item I give to my Daughter Gracy Atkins and to her Heirs and assigns forever One Negro boy Named Jacob Item I give to my Son John Atkins and to his Heirs and assigns forever one Negro boy Named George and three hundred and twenty acres of Land it being the land and plantation whereon I now dwell only reserving the use of the said Land and plantation to my said Wife Molly for and during her Natural life as above said. Item I give to my Daughter Polly Atkins and to hir Heirs and assigns forever One Negro Girl Named Dice Item And I do hereby Nominate and appoint my Brother James Atkins John Betha and my Wife Molly Atkins my Sole Executors and Executrix of this my last Will and Testament whom I charge with the payment of Funeral Expences In Testimoney whereof I the said Lewis Atkins doth hereunto set my hand and Seal this twentieth Day of September in the year of Christ One thousand Eight hundred Signed: Lewis Atkins (Seal) In presence of Test John Atkins Saml Northington (his mark x) Michael? ????? & Edward Robinson (his mark x) State of North Carolina Cumberland County Feb'y Term 1804 Then was the Executer of this will proved by Sam Northington & Ordered to be recorded Test Robinson Mumsford? C.C. Will - Lewis Atkins Recorded in Book A folio 64 Test Robinson Mumsford? C.C. Ex. [Executor] Qualified