Jacob Berrier - 1854 - Davidson County, NC - Misc. Submitted for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Stephanie Harrison Parkville Park Co, Ind Aprile the 6th 1854 Mr Jacob Berrier Esteemed friend I received your favor the 24th of November the 6th of December which affored great joy to us all to hear from you and that you landed your home after having a long travail. We are all well and all the relation and hope that these few lines may find you and all the friends enjoying the same like blessing. I took your letter agreeable to request to all the friends with the exception of Henry Sowers the reason I did not was this the weather being cold and the roads being bad and I am a getting old and so I neglected it. I hope you will excuse me for pro- crastinating the time so long and not riteing sooner as I have put off from time to time with the expectation to get to see Henry Sowers and the friends over there they was all well the last account I had from them and that has not been long. The health through our country jenerley is good there has been several deaths sense last fall. George Leenards wife died in the fall while he was gone to tennessee Andrew Sappenfield and youngest child died in December. Winkle Peter Grine died in janwary the last of it Andrew Byerly seign wife died the fifth of Aprile she had the consumption. We had a dri winter and not mutch rain this spring wheat crops look very promising. I will now give you the prises of produce wheat is worth from $1,oo to $1.25 it is 125 in all the markets and $500 beef from $500 to $550 Horses are from $100.00 to $125.00 per head cattle are $3.00 per hundred grosse sheep are $250 to $275 per head stock hogs are from $300 to $350 gross so no more of that. I want you to go the recorders office and see what kind of a right that Everhards boys have got fer fathers old place and then rite and let me know what kind of a right they have got. So no more of that. I would like for you to cum and settle yourself in our country tell all the friends and relations I wold like for them all to pay me one viset look at our country. having nothing mutch of importance to rite to you at this time but I want you to write as soon as this cums to hand. So no more at present but remain your friend as ever Mathias Sappenfield Stephanie Harrison info@conquestmusic.com ********************************************************************** USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. **********************************************************************