Dobbs County NcArchives History .....Thomas Pridgen Papers ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Martha M. Marble January 17, 2015, 11:28 pm THOMAS PRIDGEON PAPERS ? Private Collection #1612, North Carolina Archives, Raleigh, NC. INDENTURE ? JOHN IRONS TO SAMUEL RUFFIN 4 December 1773 ? JOHN IRONS of Dobbs to SAMUEL RUFFIN of Edgecombe (torn) ? fifty pds ? sell a track in Dobbs SS of Great Contentney Creek and both sides of Tisons Creek being formerly surveyed for SAMUEL ROLLINGS ?? ? beginning at the Run of Tisons Marsh opposite FRANS HARPER?S fields below the road and runs up Hucklesberry Marsh adj DUNN, TIMOTHY REEVES, WILLIAM WILLIAMS, BENJA CASWELL, FRANS HARPER ? 200 acres WIT Wm BLOUNT, GRAY RUFFIN END OF DOCUMENT INDENTURE ? WEST WILLIAMS TO SAMUEL RUFFIN 12 March 1774 ? WEST WILLIAMS of Craven to SAMUEL RUFFIN of Edgecombe ? 100 pds ? sell tract in Dobbs ? SW Tyson?s Marsh granted by Patent in Sept 1745 ? runs various courses of Patent teversed to the line of the land conveyed by Deed from said WILLIAM WILLIAMS to CHARLES MILLER ? 250 acres ? mill and plantation ? being land bequeathed by last will and Testament of WILLIAM WILLIAMS dec father of WEST WILLIAMS No further information END OF DOCUMENT DIVISION OF WARD NEGROES Document torn Torn ? In pursuance to an ?? of Dobbs Inferior Court and last will subscribers have met and divided 6 Negros to wit ? Peter, Tony, Arch, Little peter, Ulsey and Dinnah ? lately the property of sd decd (not named) among the 5 sons of him dec to wit ? EZEKIEL, BEST, BURWELL, SPEYERS and BENJAMIN WARD in the following manner No 1 ? EZEKIEL WARD for Negro man Peter and he to pay unto BEST WARD 12 pds No 2. BEST WARD (smudged) ? Lot #5 Negro Toney No 3 . To BURWELL WARD lot #4 ? Negro man Arch and Negro boy little peter and to pay unto BEST WARD ? 12 pds No. 4 ? To SPYERS WARD ? lot #3 ? negro (torn) Ulsey No 5 ? To BENJAMIN WARD ? lot #2 Negro woman Diana and he to pay (torn) WARD 4 pds and SPEYERS WARD 8 pds. END OF DOCUMENT INDENTURE ? SAMUEL RUFFIN TO THOMAS PRIDGEN 10 June 1777 ? SAMUEL RUFFIN of Edgecombe to THOMAS PRIDGEN of Dobbs ? 250 pds ? sell tract in Dobbs on SS Tysons Marsh ? run in patent line to various courses of the Patent traversed in land conveyed from WILLIAM WILLIAMS by deed to CHARLES MILLER ? 250 acres ? part of Patent dated Sept. 1745 and bequeathed by sd WILLIAMS to WEST WILLIAMS and by sd WEST WILLIAMS to SAMUEL RUFFIN; another tract in Dobbs on both sides of Tysons Marsh adj above land adj TIMOTHY REAVES, WILLIAM WILLIAMS, BEN CASWELL, FRANCIS HARPER ? 250 acres ? being a tract granted by Patent to JOHN IRONS and the same land formerly surveyed for SAML ROLLENS and Conveyed by IRONS to SAMUEL RUFFIN WIT G. RUFFIN, ETH. RUFFIN, MARY RUFFIN Dobbs Court 1777 on oath of ETH RUFFIN M Caswell, Clk Enrolled Dobbs County Liber B p 262 10 October 1777 R. Caswell Jr, Regr END OF DOCUMENT DEED OF GIFT ? THOMAS PRIDGEN TO THOMAS RUFFIN PRIDGEN 11 February 1804 ? Greetings, I THOMAS PRIDGEN of Greene for natural love and affection to my son THOMAS RUFFIN PRIDGEN ? and 5 shillings ? convey a tract in Greene Co ? SS Grate Contentnea, WS Tysons Marsh being parte of a tract I patented bearing date 1779 ? adj his own line, to the rode ? 130 acres; another tract ? olde rode, Spring Branch ? 230 acres (I reserve for my natural life) ? former patent of MOSES FIELDS mentioned on ES Spring Branch (NOTE: not clear if this is the original FIELDS PATENT) WIT JESSE PRIDGEN, FRANCIS WILLIAMS To Court Greene County Feb Term ? Hooker, Clk Enrolled Book d p 189 (no date) ? Williams, Regr. END OF DOCUMENT INDENTURE ? 10 October 17 ? torn ? 4 (17?4) ? THOMAS LANE TO THOMAS PRIDGEN THOMAS LANE of Dobbs to THOMAS PRIDGEN of Edgecombe ? 45 pds ? sell tract ? 200 acres ? Both sides of ? torn ? in Dobbs ? adj mouth of a branch in Fort Run, patent line ? being part of larger tract granted to THOMAS LANE by a patent dated 15 Nov. 1743 SIGNED by X WIT WILLIAM DUNN, JAMES KIRKPATRICK, ANOTHY (X) LEWIS To Dobbs Court Jan Term 1765 on oath of WILLIAM DUNN Martin Caswell CC Enrolled Liber MC #1 pages 300, 302, 302 25 March 1765 Martin Caswell, Reg END OF DOCUMENT SURVEY ? FOR THOMAS PRIDGEN 29 January 1767 ? Dobbs Co - Surveyed 300 acres for THOMAS PRIDGEN ? adj JSEUM ?? LANE, MARY (torn), WILL ?? FAIRCLOTH, NOBLE WILLIAMS - Phillip Stone, Surveyor END OF DOCUMENT SURVEY ? FOR THOMAS PRIDGEN 25 Jan 1780 - Dobbs Co ? for THOMAS PRIDGEN ? 200 acres ? SS Great CONTENTNEY, adj JOHN EDWARDS, DAVID WARD, Fort Run, BENJ EDWARDS, his own line C. Markland, Surveyor CB RUFFIN PRIDGEN, JER. HINSON END OF DOCUMENT SURVEY ? THOMAS PRIDGEN 14 June 1779 ? Dobbs Co ? for THOMAS PRIDGEN ? 200 acres ? SS Fort Run, adj DAVID WARD, THOMAS EDWARDS, BENJAMIN EDWARDS C. Markland, Surveyor END OF DOCUMENT THOMAS PRIDGEN TAXES Received of THOMAS PRIDGEN his public County and Parish taxes for 5 taxables due for the year 1764 at 12/10 each Saml Ruffin END OF DOCUMENT GRANT #209 ? TO JOHN IRONS 22 Jan 1773 - NOTE: Badly torn and missing parts ? Grant to JOHN IRONS in Dobbs ? 200 acres SS Great Contentnea Creek ? formerly SAMUEL R ? torn ? DUNN?S line ? rest torn Josiah Martin, Gov SURVEY ? JOHN IRONS 16 October 1771 ? Dobbs Co ? for JOHN IRONS ? 200 acres ? SS Great Contentnea ? both sides of Tysons Creek being land formerly surveyed for SAMUEL ROLLINGS ? run of Tysons Marsh opposite FRANCIS HARPER, HUCKLESBERRY Marsh, TIMOTHY REEVES, WILLIAM WILLIAMS, BENJAMIN EDWARDS W. Dickson, Surv END OF DOCUMENT INDENTURE ? ROBERT AND HENRY BEST TO THOMAS PRIDGEN 11 December 1817 ? ROBERT BEST and HENRY BEST of Greene to THOMAS PRIDGEN - $900 ? sell a tract in Greene ? SS Great Contentnea Creek, Tisons Marsh ? adj HINSON?S line now BEST?S line ? 60 acres WIT HENRY MORING, SMITH PRIDGEN To Greene Court Feb Term 1818 ? Am Tooley Clk Registered Book F p 551 Tho Ormond, Reg END OF DOCUMENT JOSHUA HOUSE TO THOMAS PRIDGEN 21 August 1771 ? I, JOSHUA HOUSE, of Dobbs for 80 pds sell to THOMAS PRIDGEN ? one Negro woman GOTT aged 22 or 23 years WIT JESSE COBB, GEOR. BELL END OF DOCUMENT APPOINTMENT OF THOMAS PRIDGEN 6 May 1779 ? State of NC ? To THOMAS PRIDGEN ? appoint you to be Captain of a Company in the Dobbs Regiment of Militia in this State R. Caswell END OF DOCUMENT GRANT #607 ? To THOMAS PRIDGEN Grant to THOMAS PRIDGEN in Dobbs ? 300 acres ? adj ISAAC LANE, MARY F (?) ennell, SIMON TURNER ? rest missing Enrolled 29 April 1767 END OF DOCUMENT? SURVEY ? THOMAS PRIDGEN 16 November 1798 ? Survey by Warrant No 1009 issued 11 June 1780 ? Survey for THOMAS PRIDGEN a tract of 81 acres in Dobbs ? SS Contentnea on both sides of Fort Run adj ABRAHAM SHEPPARD, ROBERT WILLIAMS ? 300 acres ? Holliday Surv CB AUGUSTINE WASDON, DAVID SMILER END OF DOCUMENT GRANT #194 ? To THOMAS PRIDGEN 27 October 1779 - To THOMAS PRIDGEN ? 50 shillings for every 100 acres ? 200 acres in DOBBS ? SS Fort Run adj DAVID WARD, THOMAS EDWARDS, SANDS STANDLEY Richard Caswell, Gov END OF DOCUMENT GRANT #442 ? To THOMAS PRIDGEN 13 October 1783 ? To THOMAS PRIDGEN ? 50 shillings for every 100 acres ? 200 acres in Dobbs ? SS Great Contentney ? adj JOHN EDWARDS, DAVID WARD, BENJ. EDWARDS Alexander Martin, Gov Enrolled Glasgow County on 25 Sept 1797 Seth Speight, Regr END OF DOCUMENT INDENTURE ? WILLIAM AND MARY COLLEAR TO THOMAS PRIDGEN 2 February 1771 ? WILLIAM COLLEAR and MARY his wife of Dobbs Co to THOMAS PRIDGEN ? 40 pds ? a tract SS of Great Contentney Creek, Fort Run ? 200 acres being part of a larger tract granted to THOMAS LANE by patent on 15 Nov 1743 Both signed by mark WIT ROBERT WILLIAMS, DAVID (X) WARD, JEHU (X) WARD To Dobbs Court April Term 1771 on oath of ROBERT WILLIAMS ? Martin Caswell, Clk END OF DOCUMENT GRANT #884 TO THOMAS PRIDGEN 26 December 1791 ? to THOMAS PRIDGEN ? 50 shillings for every 100 acres ? 81 acres ? SS Contentnea both sides of Fort Run and ABRAHAM SHEPPERD, ROBERT WILLIAMS Alexander Martin, Gov Enrolled 25 Sept 1797 END OF DOCUMENT PARTIAL DOCUMENT Nov 1776 ? Dobbs Co - Wife PENELOPE WILLIAMS and THOMAS WILLIAMS to WM COLLIER ? 200 and ? acres ? Great Contentnea Creek File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 8.9 Kb