Duplin County, NC - Dickson Bible Record ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DICKSON FAMILY BIBLE DAR Washington, D.C. (Davis SLOAN folder #2) Transcribed by Sloan Mason SloMas7@aol.com This is a typed page which includes a family history and apparent bible record. There is no Xerox copy of the original bible. DICKSON FAMILY BIBLE Copied from the family Bible of James DICKSON, son of Susan Powell Carr DICKSON. This James DICKSON was sent to school and was educated somewhat better that the other children, perhaps, as he had the misfortune to be born with one hand. There is a house on the Old Halstead BOURDEN Place built by this James DICKSON who was unfeelingly called, "Nub Jim DICKSON" to distinguish him from the other James DICKSONS. I, James DICKSON, who was born the 7th day of June 1802. My father's name was also James, who died on the 10 day of May 1812. I never having married and having no (family of my own) record to make for my own family, thought it proper to insert in this old book, some little history of my ancestors, as I obtained from various sources during a visit I paid to my friends in South Carolina in the year 1834. I was presented with the following memorandum by my Cousin Samuel Henry DICKSON, viz: "Simon DICKSON, an Englishman by birth was born about the year 1607/8, was an officer in the Parliamentary Army and sent over with Oliver CROMWELL into Ireland, and settled on one of Oliver CROMWELL'S grants of 300 or 400 acres (when he was about 40 years old), within two miles of Dromore in the County of Down. At the Restoration of Charles 2nd the grants of Oliver CROMWELL were destroyed, and Simon DICKSON and his family became tenants, not withstanding they lived on the same land. He had numerous offspring. It is not known how many sons Simon had, but tradition says they were: six (the family in the USA are the descendants of his son Joseph). Joseph I was father of Joseph II who was father of Michael who was father of John who was father of James DICKSON." The dates given above correspond very accurately with the Revolution and history of Oliver CROMWELL in England and Ireland, also much of the above genealogy of the family ancestry is supported by a memorandum taken from the family record of another branch of the family viz extracts from a Bible belonging to Major William P. SMITH of Montgomery, Ala., son of Thomas and Elizabeth SMITH, viz. (History) A History of the Ages of John DICKSON, ancestor to whom this belongs, and this memorandum made, in his own handwriting at Bluckers Ferry this 14th of February 1815. (I do not know whether this word is Bleekers, Blockers or Blucker's, but it looks like the latter.) viz: "John DICKSON, a native of County Down, Ireland, emigrated to Penn. In America prior to 1738, and settled in Chester County, having two sons born in Penn. (Michael and William) and one in Maryland, he settled in Duplin County, N.C. where he raised his family. (consisting of William, Michael, Joseph, Edward, Alexander, Robert & James, and one daughter Molsey or Mary) and departed this life December 25, 1774 in the 70th year of his age. His father, Michael DICKSON, died in the 74th year of his age, and his father Joseph DICKSON died in the 94th year of his age." Note: in the above page, the names in the brackets are by the writer of this. James DICKSON, March 1st 1870. "The religious sentiments of all the members of the family, as far as is known to the author, were Presbyterian, and as the history and tradition now extant, shows they were all opposed to the usurpation of the Crown of Great Britain, and those who lived at the time of the Revolutionary War were active in the cause of Independence in the USA. "The James DICKSON writing this was the son of James DICKSON and Susannah Powell Carr DICKSON. He died Feb. 16, 1882 aged 79 years 8 months and 9 days. Dorothy PEARSALL, daughter of Edward PEARSALL born July 12, 1755. James DICKSON, and Dorothy PEARSALL married May 5, 1774. Edward DICKSON, son of James and Dorothy born April 17th, 1775. Eleanor DICKSON, daughter of James and Dorothy born Nov. 24, 1777. Margaret DICKSON, daughter of James and Dorothy born Feb. 14, 1780. William DICKSON, son of James and Dorothy, born Oct. 9th, 1781. Alexander DICKSON, son of James and Dorothy, born Feb. 20, 1784. Elizabeth DICKSON, daughter of James and Dorothy, born April 2nd, 1786. Ann DICKSON, daughter of James and Dorothy, born July 15, 1788. Mary and Sarah, daughters of James and Dorothy, born July 15, 1793. Dorothy departed Jan. 10, 1794. Edward departed (in Tenn) Jan. 30, 1799. Sarah departed May 4, 1804. Susannah POWELL, daughter of Osborne POWELL in Craven Co, born July 5, 1769. John Osborn, son of Osborn POWELL, born Aug. 1718, lost at sea Sept. 1804. Osborn POWELL, father of Susannah and John died Jan. 16, 1780. James CARR and Susannah CARR married Oct. 16, 1787. Ann CARR, daughter of James and Susannah, born March 8, 1790. Osborn CARR, son of James and Susannah, born March 11, 1793. John CARR, son of James and Susannah, born May 22, 1795. James CARR departed Aug. 5, 1796. James DICKSON and Susannah CARR married Feb. 14, 1797. Dorothy, their daughter, born Dec. 8, 1797. Ann Jane, their daughter, born Nov. 8, 1798. James, their son, born Jan. 7, 1802. Linda, their daughter born Sept. 5, 1804. Joseph, son, born April 29, 1807. Robert, son, born Jan. 19, 1810. James DICKSON departed May 10, 1812. Joseph, his son, Nov. 4, 1839. Robert, his son, Nov. 4, 1854. Dorothy MAXWELL, daughter of Susan and James died 15 May 1874. James DICKSON, son (Records of Bible) Feb. 18?, 1882. Linda CARR, died April 25, 1884. Ann OLIVER, died Dec. 30, 1883. Diding MURRAY ? David SLOAN md. 1/23/1825 David SLOAN md. Susan SLOAN 1/26/1852 (evidently the father of William H. SLOAN) Note: The above was copies by Mrs. Laura GAVIN of Kenansville in the 1920's. A Xeroxed copy was made of her handwriting, from this was transcribed in 1976 by Mamie SAWYER. END OF DOCUMENT (Diding MURRAY was Diadema MURRAY, b. 1814-d. 1872 Duplin Co., N.C. & married David SLOAN) ___________________________________________________________________ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Sloan Spence Mason ___________________________________________________________________