Duplin County, NC - Nathaniel Price to David Peele, 1801 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Duplin County Deed Bk O, pg 33 - 249 acres Nathaniel Price of Duplin County for the sum of $650 to me in hand paid by David Peele of Green County, NC do sell and convey a certain parcel or tract of land - 500 acres situate, lying and being in Duplin County on the west side of the Northeast River one part beginning at a stake 14 poles to Phillip Davis' beginning corner and running the same with his line S 86 W 160 poles to a pine in his second corner, then S 80 W 30 poles to a stake in Jerediah Blanchard's corner, then with his line S 34 E 92 poles to two pines, then with Davis' line W 10 E 26 poles to a pine in said line, Blanchard's corner, then with his line S 74 E 90 poles to a pine at Simon Davis' line then S 100 poles to a pine, then 46 poles to a stake from thence to the beginning - 120 acres Another tract or parcel beginning at a stake in Simon Davis' line 80 poles from his beginning and runs with his line W 24 240 poles to a black jack his corner, then with his line S 40 poles to a pine William Kenan's corner, then with Kenan's line N 80 W 50 to a stake in Jerediah Blanchard's corner, then with his line along Kenan's other line then with his line S 80 E 50 poles to a stake at Simon Davis' corner, then with his line to the E 240 poles to a stake, then with a direct line to the beginning crossing Davis' survey and containing 250 acres, after excluding or taking out of said bounds the quantity of 90 more acres which Samuel Rogers Patent claims and another beginning in the Juniper Pond Branch in Flemmings line and runs with his line S 74 E 60 poles to a pine on his corner, then with his line again E 40 poles to a stake in his other corner, then S 100 poles to a stake, then W 280 poles to Jumping Run, then up the meanders of the run to Juniper Pond Branch to the beginning - 129 acres Nathaniel x Price {Seal} Witnesses: Needham Whitfield, Bryan x Minshew (Mincey) Registered: Oct 1801 __________________________________________________________________ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives from the Frances Weeks Collection, LDS Library, Goldsboro, NC ___________________________________________________________________