Duplin County, NC - Jesse Grimes Letters ----¤¤¤---- Letter # 80 No Dates Jesse As ALBERT speaks of Leaving for his home in a few days I have commenced writing merely because you will expect me to to do so, for in health he can tell you all that I shall write beside many other things. ALBERT arrived here unexpectedly on the 8th of Novr.And on the same day the Rev. ALFRED TAYLOR of Ohio County Ky. With whom I am personally acquainted he also knew NANCY STROUD & most of her children he tells me that NANCY died during the sickly season which was very severe & fatal last summer or fall. REUBEN STROUD lives in Rumsey a little village at Mulligens falls on Green River is doing something to make a living MORTON who married FANNY is a neighbor to Mr. TAYLOR. The other children are scattered about some in Muhlenbergh and the rest are gone away I know not where. I have not seen JAMES for more than a year but frequently hear from him he has not married again looks old & hard favored the probability is he will not marry any more his oldest son is nearly grown and is a fine boy. The last letter received from our friends in Carolina was from JAMES BRANCH last Spring ARCHY has not wrote since I was there nor do I think he will ever condesend to write me another letter his feeling are so much wounded with me. I have seen from the news paper reports that the dry weather ruined the field crops in both Carolina's but they talk there of Turpentine crops which of course was not effected by drought. We had almost no rain during the crop growing season here yet I believe there is corn enough made here for the support of the people that will remain, The emigrating mania prevail amongst us to same extend, occasionally I feel strong symptoms myself whether I shall recover or not is doubtful you need not wonder at my being swept away with the current of emigration. My corn crop this year is as good as common but my cotton is nothing. The LISTER family will break up soon and go west ward they think of going to Texas, The old man takes his frollic's of drinking more frequent than he used to and does not fare so well knocks up his heels and makes him sick and some times pushes him to the last extremity to recover his hold again. Page 2 The LISTERS are indebt some but intend paying all their own Contracts there is some security cases they do not intend to pay. In the course of a few months past the property of P.T.Harris, R.F. HAZARD, JOSEPH McCARTY and many others of the small fry have been sold under the Sheriffs hammer I thought several years ago that, that feature called hard times had made it worst appearance amongst us but in this I was mistaken there was more & greater indebtedness the State Bank than I knew of and that institution is now closing its existence & Business and turning the screws on all these fellows. The gentlemen above named have had part of their property bought in and if they can hold on to what they have can live comfortably. S. FRISHBIE has been in declining health for more than twelve months till lately he has commenced living upon Calomel and has apparently improved under this regimen he could not have survived the present moment without a change for the time was up with him. JOSEPH BLACK who married Mrs FRISBIES sister has been living at the Toulmin place several years, will in a few days more close his mortal existence, in comsuption of the liver & lungs brought on by excessive use of intoxicating liquors, he will leave poor distressed family 7 or 8 children only one boy he small & weakly the family has been partly supported by FRISBIE the last year or two after his death (which I think cannot be prolonged only a little while) they must suffer-FRISBIE is not making now more than support for his family, he has built a mill (grist) and cotton gin on the creek below the CARTWRIGHT place the cost estimated at $3000. the stream you know would not justify an outly of $ 300. he sees his folly & regrets. OLD DUNBAR has a young wife as I have heretofore informed you the Old Stallion looks mush worsted by the service allotted him in this last undertaking and if rumor is entitled to credit the old stag has horns & his wife another comforter. Death sent his messenger for the old man last week but he was not quie ready to go, so a respite had been granted him upon what terms I know not. Judging though from appearances it is not to a distant day. One thing sure there is but few that care how soon he is taken-his son John lost his wife last summer and is wintering with the ugliest & filthest old Negro wench that I ever looked at, he is mean in every sense that word is used. Myan ? the Dutch Jew that married PHIL CATO's widow & bought the old CH Place has sold it to FRANK HARWELLs son they are merchandezing there Page 3 and I hope will be more honest & respected than the Jew I understand he intends going to Mobile no person here cares where he goes if it was to h_ll HENRY ATCHINSON speaks of going again to look at Texas with the intention of selecting a place & immediately sending on hands to make preparations for the youngest branch of his family & himself & wife leaving of his lands her for the oldest children, I think he will do so, his land is the worse of bad cultivation & must soon be rested or thrown out to recover it is very broken & of the washing kind, he has a force entering ___ l large for his place he says that he wants divide his Negroes # 89. I will now say something more about myself-a fresh breeze has struck me and whether I shall be carried away by it or not time alone will determine since I bought HARRIS's place I supposed myself settled for life, and had _igned my feeling to this as much as possible, but the great desire I have for all my children to seek a new & better country than this and there great reluctance to leave me has influenced me to agree that if they will find a purchaser of my place that I will go with them, this they say they will do. If so I will go with the crowd which are looking to the west. When you see me you will know my business. WOMACK & WORSHAM have been almost ready for the last week or more to start but I do not believe they will get off- both ought to go without delay, The health of myself and entire family has never been better than it has been the past year. And not much sickness in this neighborhood. I wrote to you in June last ALBERT tells me that my letter had arrived but that you had not recd. It, he futher states that you intended writing by him and would also have sent some seed of what he don't know had not circumstances caused him to leave without __ur knowledge, this I regret, even though I should move, _s there _ will now be the same facilities, for mail conveyance through out your country that is here I hope our friends in Texas will not fail to use them frequently __. E. G. COLLIER is now on his way to Texas passed here with his family on 2nd inst. He speaks of going into your neighborhood. If he should you will find him a hard bargain if you have dealings he is poor though he has some property but none that can be made subject to Creditors I suppose else it would applied to that use. FRANK I believe will go with ALBERT he says & swears he will. They eill start soon I don't know what day. The Ink freezes in my pen and plagues mt to write-(more tomorrow). Page 4 There is a man named OLIVER H. WHEELER an educated drunken beast living in this county who is frequently plaguing me to obtain information for him through you respecting a claim he has in Texas his story is this had a brother in the Texas service that was killed in Faunings massacre who was for his military service entitled to a large quantity of land. This WHEELER went there some 4 or 5 years ago fund whisky there which soon exhausted his funds, he made an agent of one JOHN I. REED formerly of Ala. __ by some means made his way back to this country. I know him well he is without family or means and I might add a subject wholly worthless I have concluded that if he had anything in Texas I might as well have it as anybody if he had thousands it would only make him worse or debase him more. REED (or READ) knows him and if he ever obtained the land he probably has sold it and made us of the money. As I expect you know much about this class of claims and by chance may know about this particutar one I want to know how it stands (I believe his brother was killed as stated) If the claim has been established and the land located & yet unsold and is valuable & favorably situated I perhaps might make something by buying his claim. Whether or not if you can give me satisfactory information without trouble or expense do so by your next letter. Now Dec'r 4th the weather has been severely cold for a week and during the time it has rained, hailed, sleeted, snowed & frosted is yet cloudy & unfit for out door business. I have not seen such a spell for several winters past. Dec'r 5th yet cold hard times severe frost & freeze last night. ALBERT is packing up, will leave this morning for the river and says he will not wait for FRANK who will not be ready before he can go to Mobile & return. FRANK can tell the (hard to read) of matters & thing here. Must close ALBERT ready to start Wm Grimes __________________________________________________________________ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Christine Grimes Thacker ___________________________________________________________________