Duplin County, NC - William Grimes Papers Asha Page Grimes, wife of William Grimes, died at Grand Bluff, Panola County, Texas on Friday evening one half hour to sunset July 12th 1867, aged 67 y, 6 m, 11 da. Evidently the children had gathered to be with her during her last hours for the following notes were found In the account ledger of William S. Grimes, addressed to Dr. A. L. Edrington. "Dr. I am sick today from taking some pills last night. I send Bob to help dig the grave. Please have the railing & posts taken down from around Papa's grave. Dig as near It as you can so as the railing can enclose both. Dig on the south side of the other. July 12th 1867 W. S. Grimes" ~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Dr. Edrington, Dear Sir: Will you or Mr. Cargill have Mother's grave dug as near Papa's as you can. If the Iron fence will enclose both, do so. She was not quite dead this morning. We expect to need it early on tomorrow. July 12th 1867 Yours etc, J. W. Grimes" Page 2 The following record Is found. In the account ledger of William S. Grimes. "August 16th, 1867. Divide out of Mother's bedding. My share. One trunk. Two quilts, two counterpanes, two homespun sheets, two pillow cases, two towels, one calico spread, ten yards white homespun cloth." "Oct. 17th 1868, Saturday. Bought at Mother's sale. 1 Bedstead Specie 39.50 1 Bureau spl 25.00 1 Mattress specie 3.75 1 Skillet specie .40" The following letter was also found addressed to Wm. S. Grimes, Arleston, Texas. "Mr. Wm. S. Grimes, Austin, Texas Arleston, Texas June 21, 1905 Dear Uncle: The bed came yesterday In good shape. We are having It varnished and put In good condition and my wife Is as proud of It as she can be. We appreciate very much the kindness In allowing us to have this old relic. I would not allow you to prepay the freight on it and sent the money to Will Russell today to pay the freight. Maggie leaves for Tennessee on a visit to her sister In a few days. She will be gone three or four weeks. After her return my mother will make us a visit and while she is with us I sincerely hope that you may be able to make us a visit also. One of your former citizens, Rev. Joe Westmoreland, who now lives in Natcbez in Anderson Co., just left here where he has been taking the Pasteur treatment to prevent Hydrophobia. He was bitten by a dog that I think was un- questionably mad. He took the full treatment and I think is now entirely immune. Give my love to all of our people and again accept our most sincere thanks for your kindness in allowing us to have the bed. Yours very truly, B. M. Worsham." ___________________________________________________________________ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Sharon Timmons ___________________________________________________________________