Duplin County, NC - William Grimes Papers ¤¤¤¤¤¤ Manor, Texas September 26, 1905 Dear Brother, You will be surprised, no doubt, to hear from me, but Maggie was too busy getting off, and asked me to write. Ben has not been In good health all the Summer, and recently has had several attacks of appendicitis, the last attack was more severe than the others, and his doctors urged an operation at once. So, he, Maggie, and Joe left Monday for New York. Mr. Chlles, a good friend of theirs, accompanied them. They made all necessary arrangements before starting. They think the operation will be performed Saturday or Sunday. They expect to be gone a month, and while they are away I am staying with Ben. He Is Ashia's baby boy, and Is practicing medicine In Manor, a small town fifteen miles from Austin. I was not surprised to hear of Mary's death, as she has been in such feeble health for so long. I know she is better off, and through suffering. Tell Margret about Ben. I know she will be grieved to hear it. We hope he will come back to us well and strong. I am so sorry you could not come to see me, but could you not come as soon as Ben gets back. I am anxious to see you once more. I don't feel very strong myself, and have little spells every once in a while. I send lots of love to all, and keep a good portion for yourself. I feel too sad to write much, but wanted to let you hear. Your sister, Maria Worsham Note: Above letter addressed to: Mr. W. S. Grimes Arleston Harrison Co. Texas ___________________________________________________________________ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Sharon Timmons ___________________________________________________________________