Edgecombe County, NC - Edgecombe County Deed Book 11 Part 1 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/nc/ncfiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Tommy Colbert clycolbert@aol.com NOTE FOR DEED BOOK 11. MICROFILM DOES NOT PLAINLY SHOW PAGE NUMBERS ON DEEDS. HAVE NUMBERED AS BEST I CAN BY COUNTING PAGES, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 11, page 11, deed date 18 May 1803, recorded May Ct 1803, Mallicha Permenter, Edge. Co to Amos Johnston, county aforesaid for $400 silver, a Negro man slave named Lewis about 22 years of age, signed Mallicha Permenter (X), wit Jas Watson, Jemes Cowand, proved by Joseph Watson. Abstracted 17 Feb 07, NCA film C.037.40009, CTC. NOTE FOR DEED BOOK 11. MICROFILM DOES NOT PLAINLY SHOW PAGE NUMBERS ON DEEDS. HAVE NUMBERED AS BEST I CAN BY COUNTING PAGES, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 11, page 12, deed date ( ) Mar 1803, recorded Aug Ct 1803, Charles Gray, Edge. Co to Amos Johnston, county aforesaid for $200 silver, a Negro girl slave called and known by the name of Venia, signed Chs Gray, wit Joel Battle (proved). Abstracted 17 Feb 07, NCA film C.037.40009, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 11, page 12, deed date 22 Apr 1803, recorded May Ct 1803, Nathaniel Permenter, Sr, Edge. Co to Amos Johnston, county aforesaid for $121 & ½, silver, a tract on the north side of Persimmon Branch beginning at a large pine & lightwood stump Peter Parker's corner near the (Great Meadow) then along said Parker's line nearly south with 144 poles to the said Persimmon Branch then down the water courses of said Persimmon Branch to a small branch (cauled) the Tar Kill Branch near Ezekial Philips field then up the water course of said Tarkiln Branch crossing the road and by Exekial Philips corner to a corner on said branch a water oak and pine then north about 75 poles to said Parker's line to the center of a white oak and hickory then east with the said Parker's line about 145 poles to the beginning, containing 162 acres, signed Nathl Permenter, wit Eze Philips, Jas. O. Watson (proved). Abstracted 18 Feb 07, NCA film C.037.40009, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 11, page 13, deed date 5 Mar 1803, recorded May Ct 1803, James Permenter, Edgefield District, SC to Amos Johnston, Edge. Co, for $35 silver, a tract of land on the head of Aughtries Creek beginning at a pine first corner of the patent or grant then north 58 poles to a stake then east to the back line then along the said line south to Richard Wells line then along said line to her corner white oak then south (37) poles to a pine then east with to the beginning, containing 84 acres, being the part allotted to the said James out of the pocoson tract in the division of his father, John Permenter, dec'd signed James Permenter, wit Hardy Flowers, Jas O. Watson (proved). Abstracted 18 Feb 07, NCA film C.037.40009, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 11, page 13, deed date 23 May 1803, recorded May Ct 1803, Elisha Brinkley, Edge. Co to (Nathan L. Daus or Nathan L. Davis) for 125 pds, a Negro boy named (Thorntson), signed Elisha Brinkley, wit Elisha Owens, Dempsey Owens. (Proved). Abstracted 18 Feb 07, NCA film C.037.40009, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 11, page 14, date of deed 12 May, 1803, date recorded May Ct. 1803, division of land of Henry Gay, dec'd, by order of Court, Feb. term, 1803, to lawful claimants, estate included two tracts of land, divided into 8 parts; tract 1- 310 acres on Stirrup Iron Branch; second tract 144 acres on Autrey's Creek; lot 1 to Lucy Gay, from first tract, 77 ½ acres valued at L77.10, beginning at two black gums in Stirrup Branch and running with Elijah Owens' line 172 poles to a pine Levi Mayo's corner at "A" then south (46 ½) east 142 poles to a pine on the mill pond at "B" then down the various courses of Stirrup Iron Branch to beginning. Lot # 2, 77 ½ acres to Elizabeth Gay, valued at L58.2.6 beginning at the pine on Mill Pond at "B" and running north 42 ½ east 147 poles to the corner pine at "A" then south 69 poles to a stake at "C" course continued 134 poles to a pine in the Stirrup Iron Branch at "D" then down the various courses of said branch to the beginning. Lot #3, 77 ½ acres to Sarah Thomas valued at L67.17.6 beginning at a pine at "D" and running (north) 134 poles to the stake at "C" then west 83 poles to the center of two black Jacks at "E" then south 9 east (166) poles to a black gum in the Stirrup Iron Branch at "F" then down the various courses of said branch to the beginning. Lot #4, 77 ½ acres to Winnifred Moore, valued at L58.2.6 beginning at the black gum in the branch at "F" and running north 9 west (166) poles to the two black jacks at "E" then west 83 poles to a black oak at "G" then south 136 poles to a maple in Stirrup Iron Branch at "H" then down the various courses of said branch to the beginning. Lot # 5 in the second tract containing 36 acres (Mary or Nancy) (Mercer), valued at L36, beginning at a sweet gum in Autrey's Creek at "I" and running west 34 poles to a stake at "K" then south ½ east to a small pine at "R" the east 35 poles to a black oak at "S" then to beginning. Lot # 6, containing 36 acres to Dempsey Gay, valued at L54, beginning at the small pine at "R" and running north ½ west 167 poles to the stake at "K" then west 34 poles to a pine at (T or L) then south 167 poles to a stake at "Q" then to beginning. Lot # 7 containing 36 acres to Patrince Owens valued at L54, beginning at the stake at "Q" and running north 167 poles to the pine at (T or L) then west 34 poles to the center of two water oaks at "M" then south ½ west to a pine at "P" the to the beginning. Lot # 8, containing 36 acres to Susannah Gay, valued at L54, beginning at the pine at "P" and running north ½ east 167 poles to the two water oaks at "M" the west 34 poles to a bunch of dogwoods at "N" then south 167 poles to a red oak at "O:" then to the beginning, signed (Sam) Ruffin, James Wilkins, Amos Wooten (X). Edge. Co. Db 11, page 16, deed date 5 Mar 1803, recorded May Ct 103, Edward Guinn and Martha Guinn, his wife, Edge. Co to (Henry Holland), county aforesaid for 20 pds, NC a tract of land on the south side of Tar River and on the west side of the road leading from Tarborough to Peacocks Bridge, it being a tract the said Guinn & Martha his wife obtained from by the death of our father, John Permenter, dec'd, called the Pocoson Tract beginning at a stake James Permenter corner then north 30 poles to a pine then east 33 poles to a pine the ( ) corner then north 33 poles to a sweet gum then west to the back line then south to James Permenter's line then along said line to the first station, containing 109 & 3/4 acres, signed Edward Guinn (X), Martha Guinn (X), wit Micajah Pettaway (proved), Elijah Holland. Abstracted 18 Feb 07, NCA film C.037.40009, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 11, page 17, deed date 28 Sep 1801, Charles Gray, Edge. Co to James S. Lane and Elizabeth Lane, his wife, Surry Co, VA for ($2000) (half part undivided) of all those tracts of land in Edge. Co of which William R. Gray the late brother of the said Elizabeth died seized of" the first beginning at a beach at the mouth of a small branch below the plantation then south 50 west 160 poles to a pine then north 40 west 200 poles to a (branch) on the river then the various courses of the river to the first station, containing 350 acres, one other tract lying on the river beginning at a beach his own line then south 160 poles to a small pine then west 390 poles to a beach and pine Pitman's line then along his line north (60) to a dogwood on the river bank then along the run it being north 30 east 125 poles to his other corner then along his line south 40 east 200 poles to his corner then north 50 east along his other line 160 poles to the first station, containing 364 acres, also one other tract pine woods beginning at a pine in Falk's line then west 240 poles t a white oak then north 340 poles to a pine then east 174 poles to a hickory in (John Jemosons) line then by siad line south 290 poles to a red oak in John Falk's line then by said line west 45 poles to a red oak then by the other line to the first station, containing 583 acres, signed James S. Lane, Elizabeth Lane, wit Starling Degges, Charles Judkins, Thomas Sharp. Elizabeth was examined for her free consent by Justices in Surry Co. Abstracted 18 Feb 07, NCA film C.037.40009, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 11, page 19, deed date 3 Jun 1803, recorded Aug Ct 1813, William Dew, Edge. Co to David Moseley, county aforesaid for 130 pds, a tract on a prong of Town Creek called White Swamp containing 220 acres beginning at Joseph Jordan's line in the said swamp at a gum tree the said Jordan's corner then running north to a small branch that empties into said swamp then running up said branch to the head of said branch then a straight courses continued to William Soloman's line to a pine then running east along that line to a red oak & pine (Isom Solomon's) corner then along Isom's line to a lightwood stake Williams Branch corner then along said Branchs line to a white oke in Williams Branchs old line then south along Branchs line to a red oak the said Branchs old corner then east along said line to a pine saplin and red ash saplin a corner in and agreed line between Jesse Pitman and John Bell then along the said agreed line to a poplar in said Whites Swamp then up the various courses of said swamp to the first station, a gum, signed Wm Dew, wit John Williams, John Stokes, (James Viverrett). Abstracted 10-28-06, NCA film C.037.400015, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 11, page 25, date of deed 10 Jan 1803, date recorded Aug. Ct. 1803, John Bateman of Edge. Co. to William Taylor of Edge. Co. for 200 pds. a tract of land beginning at a white oak on the north side of the little swamp then north 93 poles to a white oak then east 98 poles to a pine then north 60 poles to a pine then east 100 poles to a (pine) then south 60 poles to the Great Branch to a gum then down the various courses of the said branch to the mouth to a white oak in the little swamp then up the various courses of the said swamp to the first station containing 200 acres. signed John Bateman (X), wit. John Williams, Milly Barnes (possibly Millby Barnes). Edge. Co. Db 11, page (25), deed date 30 Jan 1803, recorded Aug Ct 1803, William Britt, Edge. Co to Reddick Braswell, for $471 & 1/3, a Negro boy by the name of Luke, signed William Britt, wit James Bracewell, Sr, Richd Bracewell (proved). Abstracted 18 Feb 07, NCA film C.037.40009, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 11, page 28, deed date 22 Apr 1802, recorded Aug Ct 1803, Micajah Pettaway, county aforesaid to James Braswell, county aforesaid for $175, a Negro man called by name Primus, signed Micajah Pettaway, wit Reading Sugg. Abstracted 10-28-06, NCA film C.037.400010, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 11, page 33, deed date 15 Jul 1803, recorded Aug Ct 1803, William Balfour, Edge. Co to (Josiah Sparkman), Edge. Co for $40 silver, a Negro woman named Della and one boy child named Jolly, signed SW Balfour, wit Dempsey Jenkins, Philip Causey. Abstracted 18 Feb 07, NCA film C.037.40009, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 11, page 35, deed date 10 Sep 1802, recorded Aug Ct 1803, William Britt and Mary Britt, Edge. Co to Richard Braswell, county aforesaid for 80 pds, a tract of 26 acres, beginning at a cypress in a swamp then along a line of marked trees to a corner white oak on the river bank then down the said river to a water oak then along a line of marked trees to an ash in the said swamp the down the run of said swamp to the beginning being the fourth lot of land of Solomon Bracewell (Jr.) dec'd and drawn by Admiral Braswell in the division of said land and then drawn by the aforesaid William Britt and Mary Britt, his wife in the division of land of the said Admiral Braswell dec'd, signed William Britt, Mary Britt (X), wit Bythal Bell, James Braswell, acknowledged in court and Mary was examined for her free consent. Abstracted 18 Feb 07, NCA film C.037.40009, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 11, page 37, date of deed 5 Feb. 1803, date proved Aug. Ct. 1803, Arthur Staton Edge. Co. to Tabithy Taylor (her heirs, etc.), tract of land beginning at a pine in the edge of a pond Everitt's corner running east 120 poles in Everitt's line a corner then north 64 poles along agreed line to a pine in (Zediach) Staton's line then west along said Staton's line to a oak Noah Legget's corner then 64 poles south to beginning, containing 50 acres, Signed Arthur Staton (X), wit. James (Presson), (?) (Meeks or Weeks). Edge. Co. Db 11, page 40, deed date 25 Dec 1802, recorded Aug Ct 2003, Thomas Newsom, Edge. Co to Luke Cherry, for $325, a likely Negro girl named Elsey, signed Thomas Newsom, wit (Nathan Daniel), Wm. Cherry. Abstracted 18 Feb 07, NCA film C.037.40009, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 11, page 42, date of deed 23 Mar 1803, date recorded Aug. Ct. 1803, Abner Bracewell, of Edge. Co. to James Bracewell of Edge. Co. for 500 pds. a tract of land claimed by Abner Bracewell by the death of his brother, Burrell Bracewell, dec'd and one tract of land on (Hendrix) Creek beginning at a live oak in said creek then north 45 east 78 poles to a live oak then north 25 west 14 poles to a pine then north 47 west 112 poles to a post oak then south 32 west 54 poles to a poplar (Hendrix) Creek then down the said creek to the beginning, containing 50 acres, signed Abner Bracewell, wit. Richard Bracewell, John Odom. FHC film 0018889. Edge. Co. Db 11, page 43, date of deed 1 March 1803, date proved Aug. Ct. 1803, Richard Taylor, Edge. Co. to (Macksie Taylor), Edge. Co. for L100, a certain Negro girl by the name of (Lenza), signed Richard Taylor, wit. Wm. Wallace, Senr. John Wallace. Abstracted 10-28-06, NCA film C.037.400010, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 11, page 43, date of deed 26 Jan. 1803, date recorded Aug. Ct. 1803, Reddick Bracewell of Washington Co., Ga. to Richard Bracewell, Edge. Co. for 400 silver dollars "all of the land and plantation which fell to him and which he claimed by virtue of the death of his father, Solomon Bracewell, Senr., dec'd, containing 50 acres and "all the land and plantation that fell to him by virtue of the death of his brother, Solomon Bracewell, Junr. dec'd, containing 26 acres, and "all the land which fell to him by the virtue of the death of his sister (Winney) Bracewell" containing 5 acres (total 81 aces, signed Reddick Bracewell, wit. Jas. Bracewell, William Britt. Edge. Co. Db 11, page 44, deed date 2 Aug 1802, recorded Aug Ct 1803, NC grant #711 to Francis Winstead, assignee of Robert Lancaster, for 50 shilling per hundred acres, a tract of 40 acres beginning at a large dead pine on the Cabbin Branch and on Wells Robbins' line then east 218 poles along Robbins' line to a gum on the fork of Town Creek then up the north edge of the south prong to the mouth of Cabbin Branch then up the various courses of Cabbin Branch to the beginning, signed W. Wiliams, wit (Will White), Secretary. Abstracted 18 Feb 07, NCA film C.037.40009, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 11, page 49, deed date 11 Dec 1802, recorded Nov Ct 1803, Thomas Billups, Edge. Co to (Jonathan Wilson), Pitt Co, for $400, a tract on the north side of Tyan Cokey Swamp part of said land was granted to Roger Lancaster and remainder to Benjamin Lancaster date 28 Oct 1782, beginning at a beach gum on said Tyan Cokey Swamp then to a corner pine in Isaac Braswell's line formerly John Griffin's then north along Renison Tisdale's line to a corner gum then along Renison Tisdale's line west to a corner pine then along John Norris' line formerly to a corner hickory then along said Norris' line to a sweet gum then to the first station, containing 165 acres, signed Thomas Billups, wit Edmund Ricks. Abstracted 18 Feb 07, NCA film C.037.40009, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 11, page 54, deed date 3 Aug 1803, recorded Nov Ct 1803, Elizabeth Lundy, Edge. Co to Micajah Anderson, the son of Wm. Anderson Jr, county aforesaid for $50, a tract on the south side of Tar River and near the head of Walnut Creek containing (seven and a quarter) acres beginning at a small white and red oak on the path in Charles Gray's line then along said line a westerly course to a pine Gray's corner then along his other line a southerly course to a pine on the path then along the path to the beginning, signed Elizabeth Lundy, wit (Lunoy Stallings), Joseph Armstrong (proved). Abstracted 11-6-06, NCA film C.037.400010, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 11, page 54, date of deed 9 July 1803, recorded Nov Ct 1803, Lott Stallings, Edge. Co. to Fredrick Phillips, Edge. Co. for $135, his part of that undivided tract of land where he now lives" on the south side of Swift Creek and north side of Tar River, land which his father Elisha Stallings, left to be divided between his (living) children, 202 acres total, beginning at a white oak George Wimberly's corner then north 20 east to (said) Philips line then along his line with Abraham Jones line then along his line to an agreed corner then south to a pine standing in the patent line then north 68 east 21 poles to a pine then north 87 east 92 poles to the beginning, signed Lott Stallings, wit Elizabeth Philips, Jean Philips. (Meally Stallings) released all her right to land & signed with mark. Abstracted 11-6-06, NCA film C.037.400010, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 11, page 56, date of deed 17 Oct 1803, date recorded Nov. Ct. 1803, Wells Robbins, Edge. co. to Solomon Cooper, Edge. Co. for 325 pounds, a tract of land on the south side of Town Creek, beginning at a white oak in said creek then running west by a straight line of marked trees to a gum at Cabbin Branch then down the various courses of the said branch to a pine a corner tree in Lancaster's line then east course by a line of marked trees to a gum standing in said creek then up the various courses of said creek to the beginning, containing 160 acres, signed Wells Robbins (mark resembles figure 8), Charles Land, Joseph Asbell. FHC film 0018889. Edge. Co. Db 11, page 61, date of deed 24 Nov. 1803, Peter V. Pelt, Edge. Co to Dempsey Jenkins, Edge. Co. for L"440 to us" for 200 acres on the south side of Tyancokey Swamp beginning at a hickory in Proctor's line then north 3 ½ west 164 poles to (Parter's) Branch then north 85 east 28 poles, north 43 east (14) poles, south 88 ½ east 24 poles, north 58 ½ east 8 poles, south 67 ½ east 20 poles, south 41 ½ east 23 poles, south 75 ½ east 14 poles, north 67 east 52 poles then down the various courses of said (Parter's) Branch to the run of said Swamp then down the various courses of said swamp to Dempsey Jenkins' own corner a Spanish oak standing on said swamp then along his line & John (Stringer's) line to the first station, signed Peter Van Pelt, wit. (J.H.) Ward, Eton Linch. Edge. Co. Db 11, page 62, date of deed 27 Sep 1802, date recorded Nov. Ct. 1803, State of NC to James Bracewell, Edge. Co. grant # 720, for 30 shillings per 100 acres, a tract of land on the south side of Tar River beginning at an elm at the head of a bottom known by the name of Francis (Grice's) old corner and running south 15 east 163 poles to a black jack John Southerland's dec'd line then with said line south 87 west 78 poles to a pine then with said Southerland's line north 49 ½ west 53 poles to a water oak said Southerland's and Abner Bracewell's corner then with Abner Bracewell's line north 26 west 14 poles to a pine Abner Bracewell's and James Bracewell's corner then to the beginning signed Benjamin Williams. [VHW NOTE: Governor of NC] Edge. Co. Db 11, page 70, date of deed 23 Mar 1799, date recorded Nov. Ct. 1803, John Griffin of Edge. to John Van Pelt, Edge. Co. for 25 silver dollars, a tract of land on the south side of Tyan Cokey Swamp containing 50 acres beginning at a gum in the swamp then south along Van Pelt's line to an oak and pine then east along James Merritt's line then north along said Merrit's line to a water oak in said swamp then up the swamp to the beginning, signed John Griffin, wit. Philander Tisdale, Ephram Dazes (probably Ephraim Daws). FHC film 0018889. Edge. Co. Db 11, page 74, date of deed 4 Aug 1802, date recorded Nov. Ct. 1803, Lamon Bracewell Edge. Co. to Henry (Measell) Edge. Co. for $50, a tract of land on the north side of Town Creek beginning at William (Ruth's) corner in the said creek then down the various courses of said creek to Permenter Braswell corner then running the said line of marked trees to Permenter Bracewell corner standing in John (?) line then up said line to corner in William Ruth line then down William Ruth line to the corner in said creek, the beginning, signed Lemmon Bracewell, wit. James Coward, Hezkiah Merritt. FHC film 0018889. Edge. Co. Db 11, page 75, deed date 1 Jun 1762, recorded Nov Ct 1803, Earl Granville to James Braswell, for 10 shillings, a tract beginning at a pine on Hendricks Creek in Suggs' line then north 50 east 60 poles by (Davises) line to a live oak his corner then north 25 west 14 poles to (Richard Graves) corner then by his line north (47) west 400 poles to (Creals) line then by his line south 12 west 74 poles to a pine his corner then by his other line north 74 west 200 poles to (George Foorts) line then by his line south 10 west 178 poles to his corner then south 70 poles to a red oak then east 235 poles to a pine in Suggs' line then by his line north 62 poles to Hendricks Creek then down the various courses of the creek to the first station containing 528 acres, signed Thos Child, could not read wit. names. Abstracted 10- 29-06, NCA film C.037.400010, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 11, page 75, date of deed 1 June 1762, date recorded Nov. Ct. 1803, Earl Granville of Great Britain to James Bracewell of Edge. Co. for 10 shillings sterling per 100 acres, a tract of land beginning at a pine on Hendrick's creek on Sugg's line then north 500 east 60 poles by (Davis') line to a live oak his corner then north 25 west 14 poles to Richard (Grimes) corner then by his line (north) 47 west 400 poles to (Creals) line then by his line south 12 west 74 poles to a pine his corner then by his other line north 74 west 200 poles to George (Foast's) line then by his line south 10 west 178 poles to his corner south 70 poles to a red oak then east 238 poles to a pine in Suggs' line then by his line north 62 poles to Hendrick's creek then down the various courses of said creek to the first station, containing 528 acres. FHC film 0018889. Edge. Co. Db 11, page 78, deed date 14 Nov 1803, recorded Nov Ct 1803, Reuben Ellis, Edge. Co to Jonas Walston, county aforesaid for 125 pounds, a tract of land on the south side of Town Creek beginning at the run of the Rooty Branch in Amos Johnston's line, formerly Soloman Forehand's, where it crosses said branch then running down the various courses of said branch to the lower line of the land granted by Amos Johnston to Hugh (Cravy) then running with said line upon the south east side of said branch to the corner then south with the said line to the other corner then west to the first station, containing 100 acres, being all of the same tract Hugh Cravy conveyed to the said Reuben Ellis by indenture dated 4 Nov 1794, recorded in Bk 8, page 224, signed Rueben Ellis, wit Amos Johnston, Thomas Shepard. Abstracted 6-25-04, RD copy, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 11, page 78, deed date 23 Sep 1802, recorded Nov Ct 1803, NC grant #718 to Edward Kelly (apparently sold to John Van Pelt) a tract of land containing ? Acres beginning at a red oak in Drury Williams line then along Taylor's line north 28 poles to a maple in a branch Jesse Braswell's corner then along Braswell's line west (142) poles to a pine Braswell's corner then north 78 poles along Braswell's line to the center of three pines in said (Pelt's) line then west 54 poles along said line to a gum then south 106 poles to a lightwood stake then east to the beginning, signed B. Williams, wit Will White, Secretary. Abstracted 6-25-04, RD copy, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 11, page 84, deed date 29 Mar 1797, recorded Nov Ct 1803, Jacob White, Edge. Co to Augustine Whitehead, county aforesaid for 76 silver dollars, a tract beginning at a post oak and turkey oak then south along agreed line of marked trees to Zadock Braswell's corner a post oak then east along Braswell's line and my own line to a pine corner near (Charls Land's) corner then north to a pine a corner then west along agreed line to the first station, being 40 acres being the same granted to Jacob White dated 1797, signed Jacob White (X), wit Charles Land, David Adkins. Abstracted 10-29-06, NCA film C.037.400010, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 11, page 93, deed date 6 Feb 1804, recorded Feb Ct 1804, James Ruffin, Edge. Co to James McCone, Hertford Co, NC, Jesse Heat and his wife, (Prissey), Bertie Co, Thomas Cone, of said county and Wm McCone, Pitt Co, and Abraham McCone, Edge. Co for $250 paid by James Ruffin, a tract on the north side of Town Creek containing 150 acres, beginning at a pine (Samuel ??) and Jesse Ruffin's corner so along the said Ruffin's line to (Dempsey Jenkins) line so along said Jenkins line to (P???? Hymaan's) corner so on (Hofman's) line to Solomon Ward's line to said ( ) line to the first station, it being all the land that was ( ) by the death of our late deceased father, Wm. McCone, signed Wm McCone (X), James McCone (X), (Jesse Heat)(X), (Prisey Heat))X), Thomas Cone, wit Robert Ruffin (proved). MPTE" VERY HARD TO READ. Abstracted 18 Feb 07, NCA film C.037.40009, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 11, deed date 104, deed date 17 Dec 1803, recorded Feb Ct 1804, Elisha Cromwell, Edge. Co to Richard Harrison, said county for $325, a tract on the north side of Tar River and on Averits Creek containing 100 acres beginning at a gum standing on Averits Creek then along the old line south 240 poles to a corner in Averits Creek then north 30 west 108 poles along the old patent line to a gum then the other line of the patent line to Gray Little's corner then along the line of the other old line then by Oliver Cromwell's line to a ( ) corner in his line then a ( ) line to the beginning, being land taken up by John Thigpen and granted by a patent dated Mar 16 1761, signed Elisha Cromwell, wit Vincent Smith (proved), Daniel Stephens. Abstracted 10-29-06, NCA film C.037.400010, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 11, page 105, deed date 16 Feb 1804, recorded Feb Ct 1804, John Peel, Edge. Co to James Peel, Pitt Co, NC for $300, a tract on the north side of Tyan Cokey Swamp beginning at a white oak and pine in Thomas Cofield line then north along the said line to Killebrew Mill Branch then down the various courses of said branch to a pine in Joseph Perry's line then along said line to a red oak then east along John Lodge's line to a corner pine standing in Telfairs line then along Telefair's line to Cofield's line then along said line to the first station, containing 100 acres, signed John Peel (X), wit John Hyman, Rhoda Hyman (X). Abstracted 10-29-06, NCA film C.037.400010, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 11, page 112, deed date 22 Feb 1804, recorded Feb Ct 1804, commissioners divide the land of Nancy Philips, dec'd by order of Nov Ct 1803, among the legal claimants, Benjamin Philips, William, Solomon, David, Anderson, Elizabeth Wiggins, wife of (Thos Wiggins), Peggy Garner, wife of Jonathan Garner, Jr, and Hardy Philips, 200 acres divided as follows: #1 beginning at a red oak a corner of John Skinner and Peggy Garner's land in Aaron Johnston's line running north 80 west 45 poles to a pine and post oak then north 9545 poles to a corner pine in the other old line then north 85 east 47 poles to a black jack in said Johnston's line then south to the beginning, containing 25 acres, valued at L12.10, drawn for William Philips; lot #2 beginning at a pine and post oak a corner of #1 and running north 80 west (42) poles to a corner post oak then north 95 poles to a corner live oak and pine then north 85 east 49 poles to the corner of #1 then with said line south to the beginning, containing 25 acres valued at L12.10 drawn for Solomon Philips; #3 beginning at two pines a former corner running south 29 west 90 poles to a corner in two small oaks in the back line with said line south 80 east to a post oak & pine the corner of #2 then north 95 poles to the other line then north 82 east to the beginning, containing 25 acres valued at L12.10 and drawn for Elizabeth Wiggins, wife of Thos Wiggins; #4 beginning at two pines the first corner of #3 and running south (58) west 105 poles to a corner stake & pine in a branch the biddle line the with said line south 4 ½ east to a sassafras ( ) then with Peggy Garner's line south 80 east to two small oaks the ( ) of #3 then north 29 west to the beginning, containing 25 acres, valued at ( ) drawn for Benjamin Philips; #5 beginning at a stake & pine running north 4 ½ west 57 poles to a black jack then north (87 ½) east 101 poles to Amos Johnston's line then with said line to the corner of #4 then south 68 west to the beginning containing 25 acres valued at L14.10 who pays to #4 the sum of (2.0) the said lot drawn for David Philips; #6 beginning at a black jack the corner of #5 and running north 4 ½ 40 poles to a (litewood) stake then north 88 east 101 poles to Amos Johnston's line then with said line 40 poles to another corner of #5 then south 88 ½ west to the beginning containing 25 acres valued at L12.10 drawn for Hardy Philips; #7 beginning at a litewood stake a corner of # 6 and running north 4 ½ west 140 poles to a pine then north 88 ½ east 101 poles to the back line then with the said line to the other corner of #6 then south 88 ½ west to the beginning, containing 25 acres valued to L12.10 drawn for Andrew Philips; #8 beginning at a pine a corner of #7 at a pine a corner of #7 then north 4 ½ west 40 poles to a gum and white oak then north 88 ½ east 101 poles to a red oak Jonathan Garner's corner then nearly south with said Garner's line 40 poles to another corner of #7 then south 88 ½ west to the beginning, containing 25 acres valued to L12.10 drawn for Peggy Garner, wife of Thos Garner, Jr, signed Amos Johnston, Saml Ruffin, (Elisha Ellis). Abstracted 18 Feb 07, NCA film C.037.40009, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 11, page 117, deed date 7 May 1800, recorded Feb Ct 1804, John Hill, Edge. Co to Reuben Hinton, Bertie Co, NC, for 106 pds, 5 shillings, a tract beginning at a black jack William Proctor's corner tree then south along a line of marked trees to a pine corner tree in said line then west to a stake on the Warry Branch then up said branch to the mouth of the Crane Meadow then up said meadow to a stake then north up the slash to a stake on the line between Charles Land and the said land then east to the first station, being 135 acres, signed being part of a larger tract granted William Proctor dated 1778, signed John Hill (X), wit Sampson Proctor, Anderson Sturdivant, Etheldred Cohoon, acknowledged in court. Abstracted 10-29-06, NCA film C.037.400010, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 11, page 118, deed date 28 Jan 1802, recorded Feb Ct 1804, William Cherry, Edge. Co to Joshua Wilkinson, county aforesaid for 50 pds, a tract beginning at a lightwood stump on the north side of Juniper Pocoson said Wilkinson's own corner the beginning corner of the land he now lives upon running nearly a south course then up one part of the said pocoson to the east end of a ( ) ridge then across said ridge to a corner a pine on the north side of(eastern) part of the pososon a (contract line) then continuing nearly west a center ash to (Hearn) line then old county line then north along said county line with (Hearn's) line so with Wilkinsons own line then along said Wilkinson's and east to the first station, containing 40 acres, signed Wm. Cherry, wit Thomas Ross, John Wilkinson, Daniel Bunten. Abstracted 10-29-06, NCA film C.037.400010, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 11, page 124, deed date 2 Jun 1799, recorded Feb Ct 1804, NC grant #685 to Theophilus Thomas for 30 shillings for every 100 acres, a tract of 159 acres on the north side of Toisnot Swamp beginning at a white oak said Thomas old patent corner then along his old patent line north 48 east 238 poles to a pine said Thomas' line then along a line of marked trees to a white oak & gum said Thomas corner in (Fort Branch) then south 36 east 22 poles to a red oak in William Amason's line then along said Amason's line south 72 west 70 poles to a dogwood in said Amason's line then north 50 west 58 poles to Toisnot Swamp to a water oak in said swamp then up the various courses of said swamp to a black gum in said swamp then to the first station, signed (Wm. ? Davis), by command Will White, Secretary. Abstracted 4 Jul 07, RD copy, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 11, page 126, deed date 21 Feb 1804, recorded Feb Ct 1804, John Williams, Edge. Co to Edward Summerell, county aforesaid for 100 pds specie, a tract of 104 acres in the fork of Town Creek on the north side of Great Swamp joining William Batts land beginning at a large white oak standing in the Great Swamp running north 191 poles to a small black jack and post oak standing near the new road then west 91 ½ poles to a small black gum standing the head of the east prongs of the Wolf Branch then down the various of the said branch to ash its junction with the Great Swamp then down the various courses of the said swamp to the first station, signed John Williams, wit Jeremiah Batts, (Patsey ??). NOTE: COULD NOT PAGE #. # FROM INDEX. Abstracted 10-29-06, NCA film C.037.400010, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 11, page 129, date of deed (?), date recorded Feb Ct. 1804, John Gay, Sen. of Edge. Co. to Winniford Corbet and her husband John Corbitt, Edge Co. for love and affection for my daughter Winniford Corbet, stock and household furnishings, signed John Gay (I), wit. Samuel Harrell, William Corbitt (W). FHC film 0018889. Edge. Co. Db 11, page 130, date of deed 29 Jun 1803, date recorded Feb Ct. 1804, John Hines, Edge Co. to Joseph Armstrong, Edge. Co. for 300 silver dollars, a tract of land beginning at a white oak in Killebrew's Mill Branch then down the various courses of said branch to a gum in Joel Stokes line then along his line to John Griffin's line where it strikes the said line then along said Griffin's line to a red oak the said Armstrong's corner then on said Armstrong's other line north 64 poles to a black jack in or near said line on a line of marked trees north 85 east to the first station, containing 120 acres, signed John Hale, wit. Joel Stokes, Elizabeth Hales. FHC film 0018889. Edge. Co. Db 11, page 130, deed date 7 Oct 1803, recorded Feb Ct 1804, Simon Williams, Edge. Co to Burrell Williams, county aforesaid for 75 pds specie beginning at a (pine in ?? Warkers) line then along said line north (133) poles to a black jack on the side of the road then east 180 poles to a sassafras then south (133) poles to a pine then west 180 poles to the first station containing 150 acres, it being a tract given to him by will, signed Simon Williams (X), wit William W. Hill (proved), Elisha Williams (X). Abstracted 10-29-06, NCA film C.037.400010, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 11, page 132, date of deed 18 Aug. 1802, date recorded Feb Ct. 1804, William Taylor of Edge. Co. to Britain Deloach of Edge. Co. for 325 Spanish milled dollars, a tract of land in Edge. Co. on the south side of Town Creek beginning at Benjamin (Vickers') corner pine then south to a pine then west to a gum in Gay's branch then down the runs of said branch to said (Vicker's) corner a gum then running the course of said Vicker's line to the first station, signed William Taylor (X), wit. John Williams, Pharaba Williams (X her mark). FHC film 0018889. Edge. Co. Db 11, page (133), deed date 25 Mar 1794, recorded Feb Ct 1804, Samuel Deloach and his wife, Jerusha, Johnston Co, NC to James Barnes, Edge. Co for 500 silver dollars, a tract of 355 acres on the south side of Toisnot Swamp beginning at a red oak at the mouth of a branch above the plantation on said tract of land on south side of said swamp then south 302 poles to a red oak then east 300 poles to a white oak on the said swamp then up the swamp the various courses thereof it being north 50 west 450 poles to the first station, it being a tract granted to William Godwin by Earl Granville 6 May 1756 and conveyed by said William Godwin to David Godwin and by a certain David Godwin to Alexander Godwin and by said Alexander to said Samuel Deloach, signed Samuel Deloach, wit Jesse Barnes, John Barnes (proved). Abstracted 10- 29-06, NCA film C.037.400010, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 11, page 139, deed date 25 Jan 1804, recorded Feb Ct 1804, James Watkings & John Mercer, executor of the will of William Routh, dec'd to William Wilkins, Sr, for 520 pds which was the highest bid, a tract with the exception of the widow's dower or thirds, a tract on the north side of Town Creek beginning at a gum on the north side of Town Creek said William Routh's dec'd corner then along the line of said William Routh north 60 west 240 poles to a corner pine in John Mercer's line then north 81 ½ west along said Mercer's line 32 poles to a large red oak then south 88 west along said line (94 or 97) poles to a corner the center of three pines then north 46 poles to a post oak in a branch in said line being a corner of said Routh dec'd land called the ( ) then along said line west 53 poles to a small hickory and lightwood stake James Lupers corner then along said Luper's line an agreed line of marked trees south (4) east 26 poles then south 10 east 24 poles then south 3 east 44 poles then south 13 east 28 poles to a corner the center of two small pines then along said Luper's line south (can not read last few lines of metes and bounds) signed James Wilkins, John Mercer, wit Starling Waller, Nathaniel Bilbery, Robt. Williams. Abstracted 10-29-06, NCA film C.037.400010, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 11, page 141, date of deed 26 Jan. 1803, date recorded Feb Ct. 1804, Richard Clark of Hancock Co Ga. to Solomon Ward of Edge. Co. for 75 pounds, a tract of land beginning at a hickory and pine in said Solomon Ward's line then south 62 west 114 poles to a corner in a branch in a branch in (Wrighton Davis') line then up the various courses of said branch to a pine Davis' corner then south 73 ½ west 11 poles to a post oak then north 41 ½ west 18 poles to a pine on the road then along road the following courses to wit: north 20 east (34 or 311) poles north 24 east 54 poles north 35 ½ east 52 poles to Ward's corner pine on the road then along his line south 31 east 140 poles to the beginning, signed Richard Clark, wit. W. Balfour, (?) Killebrew. FHC film 0018889. Edge. Co. Db 11, page 143, date of deed 18 Nov 1813 (???), date recorded Feb Ct. 1804, Mills Robbins of Edgecombe County to Jacob Robbins of Edgecombe County for 143 pounds, 15 shillings a tract of land containing 250 acres beginning at a red oak in Edward Cobb's line and runs north 203 poles to a red oak then east 23 poles to a small red oak then south 137 poles to a large pine then west 40 poles to a dead pine then south 65 poles to a lightwood stake Jacob Robbins Sen.'s old corner then west to the beginning, signed Mills Robbins (X), wit. William Draughon (proved), Littleberry Land. Edge. Co. Db 11, page 145, date of deed 10 Jan, 1795, date recorded Feb Ct 1804, Francis Griffin of Edge Co. to (Ogburn Narsworthy) of Edge Co for 7 pds, 10 shillings, a 10 acre tract on the west side of Raccoon Branch beginning at a maple in said branch then west to a stake then south to a water oak near (Sanders) line near the Mill swamp then up the mill swamp and Raccoon Branch to the first station, signed Francis Griffin, wit. Nancy Taylor (X), Jno. Wilson. FHC film 0018889. Edge. Co. Db 11, page 152, deed date 23 Dec 1803, recorded Feb Ct 1804, Andrew Philips, Edge. Co to William Philips, county aforesaid for 123 pds, 15 shillings, a tract on the south side of Beaver Dam Swamp beginning at a pine in the said Beaver Dam swamp running south 28 east 232 poles to a stake and small hickory then east 57 poles to (Briery Branch) then the various courses of said branch to the Beaver Dam Swamp then up the swamp the various courses thereof to the first station, containing 99 acres signed Andrew Philips (X), wit Sam Ruffin, Mary Ruffin. Abstracted 19 Feb 07 NCA film C.037.40009, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 11, page 160, deed date 18 Feb 1804, recorded Feb Ct 1804, John Ruffin, Jr, Edge. Co to Isaac Hill Ward, county aforesaid for $10 silver, a tract on the north side of Town Creek beginning at a red oak in Tynes' line a corner of the land laid off for the dower of the widow of Peter Stephenson, dec'd then up the said Tynes' line to a pine the corner of the land belonging to the orphans of William Bloodworth, dec'd then along said Bloodworth's line to a corner white oak in the Reedy Branch then down the Redy Branch to a little branch then up the said little branch to a red oak a corner of the land laid off for the widow's dower then along the line of the said dower to the first station in Tynes' line containing (80 & ½) acres, signed John Ruffin, JR (X), wit W. Balfour, Jas Pitt (proved) (possibly Jas Pitt). Abstracted 19 Feb 07 NCA film C.037.40009, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 11, page 167, deed date 11 Aug 1803, recorded May Ct 1804, NC grant # 727 to Charles Gray, for 50 shillings for every 100 acres, a tract of 36 acres on the south side of Tar River beginning at a pine and gum in a pond then along a line north 55 west 74 poles to a Spanish oak then along Joel Battle's line to a white oak on Tar River then along Judge Haywood's line south 1 ½ east 194 poles to the beginning, entered 26 aug 1802, signed (J. Turner), wit (W.L. White) Sec. Abstracted 10-29-06, NCA film C.037.400010, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 11, page 169, deed date 19 Dec (1803), recorded May Ct 1804, Nancy Bell, Edge. Co to Charlotte Bell, same county for 195 pds, two country (bornd) Negro slaves named Vine and Sopha, signed Nancy Bell (X), wit William Bell, Matthew Philips. Abstracted 10-29-06, NCA film C.037.400010, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 11, page 170, deed date 3 Aug 1802, recorded May Ct 1804, Josiah Horn, Edge. Co to William Horn, county aforesaid for 571 & ½ dollars, a tract on the north side of Buck Swamp beginning at a red oak on Buck swamp then north 85 poles along a line of marked trees to a black oak standing on the road then north 10 ½ east 87 poles to a Spanish oak in the old line then west 138 poles along said line to Elisha Battle's line then along his line south 158 poles to a corner pine then west (185) poles to a black oak then south 146 poles to a red oak then east 38 ½ poles to a corner on Abisha Horn's (dec'd) old line then north 15 poles to the corner of Horn's old line then along the said line north 67 east 299 poles to the first station, containing 285 & 4/5 acres, signed Josiah Horn, wit Wm Sumner, Edwin Sumner. Abstracted 10-29-06, NCA film C.037.400010, CTC. Edge Co. Db 11, page 171, date of deed 29 Dec. 1803, date recorded May Ct. 1804, Mils Robbins, Edge. co. to Elijah Moore, Edge. Co. for $185, a tract of (162) acres beginning at a red oak and running north (?) west 93 poles to a white oak then east 249 poles to a small post oak a red oak then south 158 poles to a small hickory then west 37 poles to a pine then (?) 65 poles to a small red oak then west 212 to beginning, Signed Mils Robbins (X), wit. Littleberry Land, James Long (X). FHC film 0018889. Edge. Co. Db 11, page 174, deed date 9 Sep 1803, recorded May Ct 1804, (Elizabeth Lunday), Edge. Co to John Dilliard, county aforesaid for $60, a tract of land on the south side of Tar River containing 30 acres and (three) poles beginning at a small pine standing in Charles Gray's line on the path that leads by Wm. Anderson's house then along the said path south 67 east 90 poles to a red and white oak sapling in said Gray's other line near Walnut Creek then along said line south 80 east 12 poles to a water oak in said creek said Gray's corner then up the creek along Stephen Haywood's line 54 poles to a pine and small white oak then south 70 east 83 poles to a red oak in George Anderson's line then along said line 49 poles to the beginning, signed Elizabeth Lundy, wit Frederick Phillips, Jno. H. Phillips. Abstracted 11-29-04, NCA film C.037.40007, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 11, page 174, deed date 28 Jan 1804, recorded May Ct 1804, Abraham Rhoads, Edge. Co to James Garrett for ($675), a tract of land on the (west) side of Hatchers Swamp and on the west (Tariver) being part of a tract of land purchased by the said Abhram Rhoads of John Hudson containing 243 acres beginning at a corner pine in the line of land Henry Lee now lives on then on that line to a pine or corner then along a line of marked trees to a red oak in (Rasner's) line then along (Rasner's) line to pine in the old line of William Braswell dec'd then along his line to a sweet gum in a branch Thomas Webb's line then up the branch on his line to a pine a corner then nearly east on his line to a pine a corner in the side of Hatchers Swamp then along the side of said swamp to the beginning, signed Abram Rhoades, wit (illegible), Will B. Hill. Abstracted 11-29-04, NCA film C.037.40010, CTC. Edge Co. Db 11, page 176, date of deed 15 Mar. 1803, date recorded May Ct. 1804, William Batts, Sen. Edge. Co. to Britain Barnes Edge. Co. for 100 pounds specie, a tract of land on the south side of Great Swamp of Town Creek beginning at a dead white oak on a swamp a prong of Town Creek and run south 160 poles to a large pine then west 106 poles to a small turkey oak then north 104 poles to a small pine then north west 22 poles to a small shortleaf pine then north west (1 eighteen (sic) poles to a pine in a small branch then the mianders of said branch to a white oak in the swamp then down the swamp the various courses of said swamp to beginning, containing 95 ½ acres, it being a tract of land I bought of Joseph (Farmer), signed William Batts, wit. John Barnes, Britain Barnes. FHC film 0018889. Edge Co. Db 11, page 176, date of deed 8 July 1803, date recorded Feb Ct. 1804, Bythal Bell, sheriff of Edge. Co. to Richard Braswell Edge. Co. whereas Thomas Draughon hat recovered a judgement against William Bracewell for the sum off 3 pounds, 5 shillings and a writ of fieri fascias , sale a tract of land , late the property of Winny Bracewell dec'd, to make aforesaid sum plus 2 pds. 17 shillings and 9 pence, court costs, at auction to Richard Bracewell, five acres. signed Bythal Bell, wit. George Fort. William Bracewell had received land by the death of Winny Bracewell, no relationship given. FHC film 0018889. Edge. Co. Db 11, page 177, deed date 18 Feb 1804, recorded May Ct 1804, Charles Gray, Edge. Co to Joel Battle, same county for $900, a tract on the south side of Tar River containing 452 & 3/4 acres beginning on Tar River at the mouth of Buck Swamp then up the various courses said swamp to the road then along the road to a pine Joseph Price's corner then along Price's line of marked trees to a red oak standing near Jesse Clark's house then south 85 east 86 poles along Clark's line to a dead oak Clark's corner then along his other line south 2 east 170 poles to a small pine Clark's other corner then south 37 east 190 poles to a red oak standing at the (lower) edge of Griffins Pocoson then north 2 west 128 poles to a pine on the south edge of a small pond John Haywood's corner then along Haywood's line north 88 east 76 poles to a red oak then north 90 poles to a gum and pine in a pond then north 1 ½ west 194 poles to a white oak on the river then up the various courses of the river to the first station, signed Chas Gray, wit Jacob Battle, John Hudson. Abstracted 10-31-06, NCA film C.037.400010, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 11, page 178, deed date 8 Jul 1802, recorded May Ct 1804, Bythel Bell, sheriff Edge. Co to Richard Braswell, county aforesaid; whereas Thomas Draughon hath received judgement against William Braswell for the sum of 3 pds 5 shillings at Feb Ct last against the proportional part of a tract of land late the property of (Winney Bracewell) dec'd, sheriff sold land at public auction where Richard Braswell bid 4 pds 1 shilling and 6 pence, signed Bythal Bell, Sheriff, wit George Fort. Abstracted 11-1-06, NCA film C.037.400010, CTC. Edge Co. Db 11, page 179, date of grant(1804), date recorded May Ct. 1804, State of NC, grant # 709, to Joel Cahoon, for 50 shillings per 100 acres, 148 ½ acres on the south side of Tyancokey Swamp beginning at a red oak in said Cahoon's own line then east 185 poles to a sweet gum in Jesse Proctor's line then north 55 west 101 poles to two pines Noah Williams' corner then north 113 poles to a water oak standing in a small pond then south 88 ½ west 125 poles to a pine said Cahoon's own corner then south south (sic) 9 east 189 poles to the first station. FHC film 0018889. Edge. Co. Db 11, page 180, deed date 9 Nov 1797, recorded May Ct 1804, Zachariah Hart, Edge. Co to Asael Farmer, county aforesaid for 50 pds, a tract on the Little Swamp, a prong of Town Creek beginning at a white oak on Moses Hart's line then south 110 poles then west 172 poles to a pine then north 208 poles then a pine in said swamp then down the various courses of said swamp to the beginning, being 100 acres, signed Zach Hart, wit Joseph Jordan, Moses Hart, John Robbins, John Barney. Abstracted 11-1-06, NCA film C.037.400010, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 11, page 181, deed date 8 Jan 1794, recorded May Ct 1804, John Morris, Edge. Co to Rightson Davis, county aforesaid for 20 pds, a tract beginning at a pine John Braswell's line then south along an agreed line of marked trees to the west prong of the Pine Pole Branch then down the various courses of said branch to a gum a corner in Williamsons Branch then running up said Williamsons Branch Lupers line and my own to a short straw pine on a little branch a corner then north to a pine a corner then east along John Braswell's line and my own to a red oak a corner in ( ) line then a southwest course along an agreed line of marked trees to the first station for the complement of 120 acres, signed John Morris, wit Permenter Braswell, Solomon Ward (X). Abstracted 11-1-06, NCA film C.037.40, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 11, page 186, deed date 6 Dec 1803, recorded May Ct 1804, NC grant # 729 to Benjamin Batts, for 50 shillings per 100 acres a tract containing 22 ½ acres on the south side of Tar River beginning at a large sweet gum on the bank of Tar River then south 34 east 114 poles to a black gum and horn beam on the bank of the River then up the various courses Tar River to the beginning, signed (P. Turner) by command (Will White). NOTE: DOES NOT PLAT. Abstracted 11-2-06, NCA film C.037.400010, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 11, page 186, deed date 16 Dec 1804, recorded May Ct 1804, NC grant #731 to Absalom Savage, a tract containing 34 acres on the south side of ( ) Swamp beginning at a pine in said Savage's line then north 2 west 226 poles to a gum in the said swamp then south (58) west 28 poles to (Isham Oneal's) corner pine then running the said (Neal's) and James Anderson's line (west) 108 poles then south (4) east (12) poles ( ) to a pine then south 10 east 26 poles to Burwell Bradley's corner pine then running the said Bradley's line to the beginning, signed (? Turner), by command Will White. Abstracted 11-2- 06, NCA film C.037.400010, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 11, page 189, deed date 30 Aug 1804, recorded May Ct 1804, Jesse Parker and his wife, Polly Parker, Edge. Co to Josiah Freeman, county aforesaid for 25 pds a tract on the south side of Tar River containing 20 acres beginning at a maple Starling Waller's corner then along said Freeman's line west to a black jack in said Freeman's old line then with the said line north to a pine in said line then east along his other line to a pine Waller's corner then along said Waller's line south west to the beginning, signed Jesse Parker (X), Polly Parker (X), wit Benjamin Hart, Ben M. Jackson. Abstracted 11-2-06, NCA film C.037.400010, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 11, page 190, deed date 15 Jun 1803, recorded May Ct 1804, NC grant #722 to (Joseph Cox) for 50 shillings for every 100 acres, a tract containing 3 acres 2 roods & 28 poles, on the north side of the Bear Branch beginning at a pine said Cox's own corner and runs south 89 west 15 poles to a stake where formerly stood a red oak a corner then south 1 east 35 poles to a small hickory a corner then south 8 ½ east 19 poles to a large pine (Elizabeth ) corner then to the beginning, signed (? Turner) by command Will White. Abstracted 11-2-06, NCA film C.037.400010, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 11, page (191), deed date 7 Mar 1804, recorded May ct 1804, Thomas Sparkman, Edge. Co to David Daniel, Martin Co for $450, a Negro man called (Elisha), signed Thomas Sparkman (X), wit Eli Amason, Jesse Rogers (X). Abstracted 11-2-06, NCA film C.037.400010, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 11, page (192), deed date 25 May 1804, recorded May Ct 1804, Michael Hines, Nathan Mathewson and Margaret his wife, James M. Cook and Sabra his wife of Edge. Co to Edward Hall, county aforesaid for $300, a tract of land on the south side of Tar River and south side of Hendricks Creek beginning at a white oak standing on the creek then along a line of marked trees to Archibald White's line then along the said line to the old deeded line then along that line to James Bracewell's line then along his line to the creek then down the meanders of the said creek to the first station, containing 154 acres, signed (Michael Hines), N. Mathewson, Peggy Mathewson, James M. Clark, Sabra S. Clark, wit David W. Marsh, Spencer D. Cotton. Abstracted 11-2- 06, NCA film C.037.400010, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 11, page (193), deed date 11 May 1804, recorded May Ct 1804, Edward Hall, Edge. Co to Amos Johnson, said county for 180 pds, a Negro boy named (Linsey) about 15 years, signed Edward Hall, wit Francis L. Dancy, (R.H. Johnston). Abstracted 11-2-06, NCA film C.037.400010, CTC. Edge Co. Db 11, page 196, date of deed 24 May. 1804, date recorded May Ct. 1804, Joel Cahoon, Edge Co. to Henry Griffin, for $115, a tract of 148 ½ acres on the south side of Tyancokey Swamp beginning at a red oak in said Cahoon's own line then east 180 poles to a sweet gum in Jesse Proctor's line then north 53 west 101 poles to two pines Noah Williams' corner then north 133 poles to a water oak standing in a small pond then south 88 ½ west 125 poles to a pine said Cahoon's own corner then south 9 east 189 poles to the first station. signed Joel Cahoon, wit. Lamon Ruffin. Abstracted 11-2-06, NCA film C.037.400010, CTC. Edge Co. Db 11, page 197, date of deed 22 May. 1804, date recorded May Ct. 1804, John Van Pelt of Edge. Co. to Elijah Moore of Edge. Co. for $26, a tract on the north side of Town Creek beginning at Teagal Taylor's corner a red oak then north to a maple standing in a swamp a corner then west to a pine a corner tree of Isaac Bracewell from thence running west to a corner pine in my own line then south to the center of a lightwood stump and a pine tree then east along Elijah Moore's line to the first station, signed John Van Pelt (mark), wit. Francis )Winstead), Theophilus Moore. FHC film 0018889. Edge. Co. Db 11, page 199, deed date (12) Mar 1803, recorded May Ct 1804, James Braswell, Edge. Co to Shadrack Collins, Halifax, Co, NC for $2400, a tract beginning at an ash on the bank of Tar River the said James Bracewell's and (John G.L. Scheack's) corner then south 10 west 90 poles to a white oak then south 87 1/4 west 26 poles to the center of a hickory and two red oaks then south 74 poles to a pine then south 87 1/4 west 105 poles to a pine then south 15 east 93 poles to a black jack in the line of John Southerland dec'd south 87 west 78 poles to a pine in said Southerland's line then north 49 west along said John Southerland's line 53 poles to a live oak said Southerland's and said Bracewell's corner then south 45 west 78 poles to a live oak in Hendricks Creek then up the various courses of said creek to a ( ) poplar said James Bracewell's and (Abner Bracewell's) corner then (south 32 east 228 poles to a sweet gum in the said Abner Bracewell's other corner then down said (river) the various courses thereof to the first station, containing 461 acres, signed James Bracewell, wit Thos Blount, Joshua Williamson, John Andrews. Abstracted 11-3-06, NCA film C.037.400010, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 11, page 201, deed date 10 Jul 1804, recorded Aug Ct 1804, John Lawrence, Edge. Co to Joseph Batts, county aforesaid for $375 silver, a tract on Deep Creek beginning at the mouth of Gum Swamp then up the various courses of the said swamp west 120 poles to a pine at the mouth of Hackneys Branch then along the said branch to William Hackney's line then south 40 west 150 poles to a red oak in the old patent deeded line then along said line south 40 east 76 poles to the corner pine in a branch ten running down the said branch to the edge of the low grounds of the creek then down the creek on the edge of the low grounds to Cutchens line then along Cutchens line to Deep Creek corner a water oak then up the various courses of the creek to the first station, containing 313 acres, signed John Lawrence, wit Isaac Batts, Joseph Knight. Abstracted 11-3-06, NCA film C.037.400010, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 11, page 202, deed date 24 Jan 1804, recorded Aug Ct 1804, James Waller, Edge. Co to Jacob Johnston, county aforesaid for 200 pds, a Negro man named Toney about 16 years of age, signed James Waller (X), wit James Garrett, Starling Waller. Abstracted 11-3-06, NCA film C.037.400010, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 11, page 203, deed date 21 Jun 1804, recorded Aug Ct 1804, Henry White, Edge. Co to Edward Gatling, county aforesaid for $120 silver, a tract on the south side of Tar River containing 50 acres beginning at Noah Suggs corner pine standing near the road that leads to Tarborough then along the line of Lemuel Suggs dec'd then to a live oak then along a line of marked trees to Thomas Guion's line then to a corner then along a line of marked trees to the branch then down the branch then along a line of marked trees to the first station, signed Henry White, wit Jas Garrett (proved), Benjamin Gatling (X). Abstracted 11-7-06, NCA film C.037.400010, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 11, page 204, deed date 14 Jun 1804, recorded Aug Ct 1804, Thomas Blount, Edge. Co to (Thomas Watson), Halifax Co, NC for $250, three Negroes, a woman named Alse and her two children, the oldest named Cherry and the other named Anna, signed Thos Blount, wit B. Barrow, Jo Bell. Acknowledged in court. Abstracted 11-7-06, NCA film C.037.40, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 11, page 205, deed date 1 Jan 1804, recorded Aug Ct 1804, James Bracewell, Edge. Co to John Wilson, county aforesaid for agreement stated, all the land on the south side of the creek called Hendrix (Hendricks Creek) beginning at the creek running south east along Topping Bracewell's line Garry Fort's line then east along the said line to Richard Bracewell's line then (with) the said line to the creek then up the creek to the first station, containing 15 acres, to John Wilson and Polly Wilson, his wife, as long as both of them should live, to live on said land unmolested but they can not sell or lease land, signed James Bracewell, wit (Little B. Hines), Wm Pritchett (proved). Abstracted 11-7-06, NCA film C.037.400010, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 11, page 206, deed date 19 Jul 1804, recorded Aug Ct 1804, Edmund D. MacNair, Edge. Co to Bennett Barrow, same place, for $750 silver, the following Negroes, a man named Luke, a woman named (Jean), a girl child named Grace and another girl named Hulda, children of the above named Luke and Jean, signed Edward D. Macnair, wit Robert Joyner (proved). Abstracted 11-7-06, NCA film C.037.400010, CTC. Edge Co. Db 11, page 207, date of deed 9 Jan 1804, date recorded Aug Ct. 1804, John Stringer of Edge co. to David Bullock of Edge. Co. for $1300 silver, a tract of 174 acres on the north side of Town Creek beginning at a corner red oak then along a line of marked trees to a corner white oak standing in the said creek then up the various courses of said creek to a corner black gum then along the patent line to a pine corner then along the back line to the first station, it being a part of a larger tract of land granted to Henry Clark bearing the date of 1 Nov. 1752 and by him conveyed to said Charles Clark (sic), signed John Stringer, wit. Moses Baker, Balaam Bullock. FHC film 0018889. Edge. Co. Db 11, page 208, deed date 2 Apr 1804, recorded Aug Ct 1804, Benjamin Batts, Edge. Co to Thomas Guion, same county for 40 pds, a tract of land containing 39 acres, being John Thompson's write of the land belonging to Archibald Thompson, dec'd, signed Benjamin Batts, wit Thos D. Guion, Isaac Batts (X). Abstracted 11-7-06, NCA film C.037.400010, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 11, page 209, deed date 17 Jun 1804, recorded Aug Ct 1804, David Phillips, Edge. Co to Amos Johnston, county aforesaid for $29 silver, a tract on the north side of Town Creek and the on the head of Miry Branch a prong of said Johnstons Mill Swamp and known as lot #5 in the division of the lands of Nancy Phillips, dec'd, sister of said David Phillips, beginning at a stake & pine standing in said Johnston's line of the land he bought of said Phillips some time past then running along said line north 47 west 57 poles to a black jack the corner of lot #5 then north (28 ½) east 101 poles to said Johnston's line then with his line (to the center of two pines in the little pocoson then south 60 west along the line of #4 to the beginning, containing 25 acres, being all the land drawn by David Phillips in the division of the land of his sister, Nancy Phillips, signed David Phillips, wit Peter Hines, James Wilkins (proved). Abstracted 11-7-06, NCA film C.037.400010, CTC. Edge Co. Db 11, page 212, date of deed 2 Jan. 1804, date recorded Aug Ct. 1804, William Billups, Elisha Cromwell, and Redding Suggs of Edge. Co. to James Coffield of Tarborough, for 250 pds. currency, two lots or ½ acre in the town of Tarborough being lots no. 34 and 35, signed William Billups, Elisha Cromwell, Reading Sugg, wit. D. Coffield, Gregory Reilly, (?). FHC film 0018889. Edge. Co. Db 11, page 213, deed date 2 Jan 1804, recorded Aug Ct 1804, Richard Sessums, Edge. Co to Solomon Sessums, county aforesaid for $750, a Negro fellow named Starling, a blacksmith, say I, Richard Sessums, signed Richd. Sessums, wit Thomas E. Macnair (proved). Abstracted 11-7-06, NCA film C.037.400010, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 11, page 214, deed date 2 Jun 1804, recorded Aug Ct 1804, William Phillips, Edge. Co to Amos Johnston, county aforesaid for $75 silver, a tract on the north side of Town Creek and on the head of the Miry Marsh a prong of said Johnstons Mill Swamp and known as lot #1 in the division of the lands of Nancy Phillips, dec'd, sister of said William Phillips, beginning at a red oak a corner of (John Skinner) and Peggy Garner, wife of Jonathan Garner Jr, land in said Johnston's own line running north 80 west 42 poles along said Garner's line to a pine & post oak then north 95 poles to a corner pine in said Johnston's other line then along said line north (85) east 42 poles to a black jack the corner then along said line south to the beginning, containing 25 acres, signed William Phillips, wit Peter Hines, Benjamin Hines (proved). Abstracted 11-8-06, NCA film C.037.400010, CTC. Edge Co. Db 11, page 215, date of deed 24 July 1804, date recorded Aug Ct. 1804, Andrew Phillips of Sumner Co. Tenn, attorney for Joseph Thomas and Sarah Thomas, his wife, to Jacob Mercer of Edge Co. for (?), a tract of land on the north side of Stirrup Iron Branch beginning at a pine in Silas Walston's line running north 134 poles to a stake then west 85 poles to the center of two black jacks then south 9 east 166 poles to a black gum in the Stirrup Iron Branch then down the various courses of said branch to the beginning containing 77 ½ acres, being lot # 7 which was drawn for said Joseph Thomas and Sarah his wife from the estate of Henry Gay, dec'd their father, signed Andrew Phillips (X) attorney, wit. Sam. Ruffin, William Bell. Edge. Co (b 11, page 218), deed date 28 Apr 1804, recorded Aug Ct 1804, Thomas Wiggins and his wife, Elizabeth Wiggins, Edge. Co to Amos Johnston, county aforesaid for $25 silver, a tract of land on the head of Miry Branch a prong of Johnstons Mill Swamp containing 25 acres, known as lot #5 in the division of Nancy Phillips, one of the representatives of the said Nancy and bounded by the lands allotted to Peggy Phillips, now Peggy Garner in the division of lands of Solomon Phillips, dec'd and said Johnston's own line of the land he bought of Solomon Phillips, it being all that dividend allotted to said Thomas and Elizabeth, his wife out of the lands of said Nancy Phillips, dec'd, signed Thomas Wiggins (W), Elisabeth Wiggins (X), wit (Jas O. Watson), Jacob Johnston. NOTE: JAS O WATSON COULD BE JOS O. WATSON. Abstracted 11-8-06, NCA film C.037.400010, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 11, page 219, deed date 7 Jun 1804, recorded Aug Ct 1804, James Williford, Edge Co to Jane Hardaway aforesaid county for $164 pds, one Negro woman named (Sallie) and her child, named (Iabas), about eight months old, signed James Williford, wit Thomas Dickenson (mark). Abstracted 11-8-06, NCA film C.037.400010, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 11, page 221, deed date 30 Dec 1802, recorded Aug Ct 1804, Lewis Fort, Edge. Co to James West Clark, Bertie Co for 625 pds a tract on the south side of Tar River and on branches of Walnut Creek containing 500 acres beginning at a pine standing near a dead red oak George Anderson's corner then along the said Anderson's line west 157 poles to a hickory Judge Haywood's corner tree then north 290 poles to a hickory the said Haywood's other corner then west (208) poles along said Haywood's other line to the center of two pines then north 204 poles to a pine standing on the road then down the road to an oak then south along a line of marked trees to a white oak standing on (Elvingtons Branch) then up said branch the various windings to two water oaks standing near the mouth of a small branch then south 228 poles to the beginning, signed Lewis Fort, wit Jos Jno Sumner, John Hudson (proved). Abstracted 11-8-06, NCA film C.037.400010, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 11, page 222, deed date 7 Jun 1804, recorded Aug Ct 1804, James Williford, Edge. Co to Martha Hardaway, said county for 205 pds, a Negro man named Dick, aged about 20 years, signed James Williford, wit Thomas Dickinson (P). Abstracted 11-8-06, NCA film C.037.400010, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 11, page 225, deed date 12 Dec 1803, recorded Aug Ct 1804, Richard Braswell, and Charlotte Bracewell, Edge. Co to Dempsey Bryan, county aforesaid, a tract on the north side of Swift Creek and near the mouth of the said creek on the north side of Tar River beginning at a white oak on the creek (Dancy's) corner then north 27 east along Dancy's dividing line to a hickory and white oak then south 70 west 20 poles to a red oak Thomas Hodges' corner then north 19 west 16 poles to a gum in a branch then along the branch south 74 west 20 poles then south (85) west 26 poles then north 72 west 44 poles to a pine then south 60 west 42 ½ poles to a gum then south 16 east 20 poles to a pine on a branch then south 71 east 115 poles to a red oak then 29 west (129) poles to the creek then down the creek to the beginning, including 64 1nd 1/3 acres, signed Richard Bracewell, Charlotte Bracewell (mark), wit James Bracewell, (Archelous Bracewell. Lamon Ruffin examined Mrs. Charlotte Bracewell for her free consent to deed. NOTE: CHARLOTTE WAS NOT CALLED WIFE OF RICHARD BRACEWELL BUT WAS CALLED MRS. BRACEWELL. Abstracted 11-8-06, NCA film C.037.400010, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 11, page 226, deed date 20 Sep 1803, recorded Aug Ct 1804, Elizabeth Lundy, Edge. Co to Lott Stallings, county aforesaid for $125, a tract on the south side of Tar River and on the head of Walnut Creek containing 74 acres, beginning at a pine and rad oak Wm Dancy's corner then south (80) west 56 poles to a pine in Phillips corner pine then along the dividing line south 7 east 192 poles to a pine in John Dilliard's line then easterly 52 poles to a pine Dilliard's corner near the head of Walnutt Creek then along the dividing line between Stephen Haywood and the line of Jno Haywood(Dec'd) south 7 west 200 poles to the beginning, signed Elizabeth Lundy, wit Frederick Phillips, Mason Hearn (X). Abstracted 11-8-06, NCA film C.037.400010, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 11, page 228, deed date 5 Jan 1804, recorded Aug Ct 1804, Mary Tyner, Franklin Co, NC to David Bullock, Edge. Co for 91 pds, a tract on the north side of Town Creek it being one ninth part of the land belonging to the estate of Nathaniel Tynes, it being her proportional part of said tract supposed to be 41 acres, beginning at a maple on a branch formerly called the Horse Pen Branch a corner then west along the patent line to a turkey oak a corner then south 10 west 240 poles to a pine the corner in the swamp then down the swamp to the mouth of the said branch then up the branch to the first station, containing 150 acres, being part of a larger tract granted to John Hatcher by patent dated 1745, also the other tract on the north side of town Creek beginning at a pine at the head of Ruffins Branch then west along the principle line ( ) corner then south to Moses Baker's line then by his line to a corner then east to the said Richard Ruffin's line then by his line north 10 east to his corner then by his other line to a corner on the (B??? ) a maple then up the Branch to the first station, containing 221 acres, , it being part of a larger tract patented to (John Bond) by deed dated 1 Aug 1762 and by (John Bond) conveyed to said Richard Ruffin by deed, signed Mary Tyner (X), wit E. Bowden (proved), Balaam Bullock. Abstracted 11-8-06, NCA film C.037.400010, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 11, page 229, deed date 15 Jun 1804, recorded Aug Ct 1804, Jesse Farmer to Starling Waller; by virtue of an execution against Noah Sugg and his wife Mary by Richard Harrison Sheriff Jesse Farmer sells at public auction a tract of 223 acres on the south side of Tar River and on the north side of Bakers Mill Creek bounded by the land of Blake Baker, William Whitehurst, & Nathaniel Bilbery, and conveyed "no more than the right & title of Noah Sugg and Mary Sugg, signed Jesse Farmer, Sheriff, wit. Jo. Farmer. Abstracted 11-8-06, NCA film C.037.40, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 11, page 230, deed date 26 Nov 1789, recorded Aug Ct 1804, NC grant #575 to Samuel Davis for 10 pds for every 100 acres, a tract of 550 acres beginning in his own line a pine Fereby Vick's corner then running south 275 poles along Fereby Vick's line to a pine in Isaac Eason's line then west along the said Eason's line 260 poles to a pine in (Co??? Eason's) corner then west 104 poles to a pine the north 159 poles to a pine in the said Davis' own line then east along his own line to the beginning, signed Sam Johnston, wit J. Glasgow, Secretary. Abstracted 11-8-06, NCA film C.037.400010, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 11, page 231, deed date June 1804, recorded Aug Ct 1804, Joseph Thomas and Sarah, his wife, Wilson Co, TN, to Andrew Philips, Sumner Co, TN power of attorney, she being the daughter of Henry Gay, dec'd who, to sell land which fall to her from her father's estate, (77 ½) acres on Stirrup Iron Branch, signed Joseph Thomas (X) and Sary Thomas (X), wit. Davis Pitt, Lancelot Viverett, Bridger Pitt, recorded Aug. Ct. 1804. Abstracted 1-20-07, NCA film C.037.40010, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 11, page 235, deed date 3 Jul 1804, recorded Aug Ct 1804, West Tynes, Southampton, VA to David Bullock, Edge. Co for 82 pds 10 shillings, a tract on the north side of Town Creek it being one ninth part of the lands belonging to the estate of Nathaniel Tynes, it being one proportional part of said land supposed to be 41 acres, beginning at a maple on a branch formerly called the Horsepen Branch a corner then west along the patent line to a turkey oak a corner then south 10 west 240 poles to a pine the corner in the said swamp then down the swamp to the mouth of said branch then up the branch to the first station, containing 150 acres, it being part of a larger tract granted to John Hatcher by patent dated (174?), and one other tract of land on the north side of Town Creek beginning at a pine at the head of Ruffins Branch then west along the principle line the corner then south to Moses Baker's line then by his line to his corner a white oak then by his other line north 10 east to his corner then by the other line to a corner in the branch a maple then up the branch to the first station, containing 221 acres, it being part of a larger tract granted to John Bond by deed dated 1 Aug 1762 and by the said Bond conveyed to the said Richard Ruffin, signed West Tynes, wit (H. Balfour), Balaam Bullock. Abstracted 11-8-06, NCA film C.037.400010, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 11, page 238, deed date 5 Jan 1804, recorded Aug Ct 1804, Elias Bowden and Celia, his wife, Franklin Co, NC to David Bullock, Edge. Co for 55 pds 10 shillings currency, a tract of land on the north side of Town Creek it being one 18th part of the land belonging to the estate of Nathaniel Tynes, it being the proportional part of said land supposed to be 20 ½ acres, beginning at a maple in a branch formerly called the Horsepen Branch a corner then west along the patent line to a turkey oak a corner then south 10 west 240 poles to a pine the corner on the said swamp then down the swamp to the mouth of the said branch then up the branch to the first station, containing 150 acres being part of a larger tract granted to John Hatcher by patent dated 1746 also one other tract on the north side of Town Creek beginning at a pine at the head of Ruffins Branch then west along the principle line to the corner then south to Moses Baker's line then by his line to his corner a white oak then by his other line to a corner then east to the said Richard Ruffin's line the by his line north 10 east to his corner then by his other line to a corner in the branch a maple then up the branch to the first station, containing 221 acres being part of a larger tract of land granted to John Bond dated 1 Aug 1762, and by John Bond conveyed to the said Richard Ruffin, signed E. Bowden, Celia Bowden (X), wit Balaam Bullock, West Tynes. Abstracted 11-8-06, NCA film C.037.400010, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 11, page 239, deed date 1 Dec 1803, recorded Aug Ct 1804, NC grant #720 to William Robbins, a tract of land containing 151 acres, two roods & 31 poles on both sides of the Great Branch beginning at a pine Tisdale's corner in Hillyard's line then along the said Hilliard's line west 150 poles to Hilliard's corner pine then along his other line south 94 poles to Stephen Robbins' corner pine in said Hilliard's line then west 50 poles along said Robbins' line to his other corner pine in Dotheridges line then along Dotheridges line north 160 poles to Dotheridges other corner pine in Parker's line then along Parker's line east 18 poles to the said Parker's corner pine then north 46 poles to Parker's other corner pine then east 106 poles to a corner pine then south 26 poles to Curls corner pine then east 71 poles to Tisdale's corner pine in said Curles line then along said Tisdale's line south to the first station, signed ( ) Turner, wit Will White, Secy. Abstracted 6-25-04, RD copy, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 11, page 240, deed date 19 Jun 1762, recorded Aug Ct 1804, Granville grant #??? to William Mizell, Tyrell Co, planter, a tract "in the parrish of in the county of Tyrell" (sic) beginning at a pine Mizell's corner running then north 57 east 140 poles to a gum on Coneto Creek then north along the said creek (320 or 520) poles to a pine then (west 10 south) 160 poles to a pine in Manning's line then south along his line (50 poles) to a pine his corner in Worsley's line then east 110 poles on his line to Mizzell's corner then south 15 west 320 poles to the first station, containing 223 acres, Thos. Child, wit W. Churton, J. Montfort. Abstracted 6-25-04, RD copy, CTC.