Edgecombe County, NC - Edgecombe County Deed Book 16 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/nc/ncfiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Tommy Colbert clycolbert@aol.com Edge. Co. Db 16, page 3, date of deed 5 Jun 1817, date recorded Aug Ct. 1817, Penelope Garrett, Edge. Co. to Dempsey Jenkins, Edge. Co. for $700, three Negro slaves; (Volley), age 23, Gilbert and (Olive), age 2 years, signed Penelope Garrett (X), wit. John Rhoads, John Garrett. Abstracted from NCA film C.037.90014, CTC 4-22-03. Edge. Co. Db 16, page 12, deed date 21 Mar 1817, recorded Aug Ct. 1817, David Barnes, Edge. Co. to William Taylor, Edge. Co. for $1000, a tract of land on the north side of Tar River containing 100 acres beginning at a cypress Exum Little's corner on the bank of Tar River then north 20 east along said Little's line 140 poles to a white oak then north (14) west 98 poles to a pine Noah Little's corner then north 70 west 5 (or 57) poles to a maple then south 28 west to said river ( ) a pine then down said river to beginning, signed David Barnes, wit. Ben M. Jackson, Thos. Bell. Abstracted 8-6-03 from NCA film C.037.40014, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 16, page 22, deed date 20 Apr 1817, recorded Nov Ct. 1817, Epenetus Guion, Edge. Co. to Bennett Barron, Edge. Co. for $5200 note held by said Barron with John Guion of New York as suritor, a half acre lot in the Town of Tarboro, signed Epenetus P. Guion, wit. Ben M. Jackson, John H. Parker. Abstracted 8-6-03 from NCA film C.037.40014, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 16, page 30, deed date 20 Oct 1817, recorded Nov Ct 1817, division of land of Thomas Deaver to heirs, Mary Brown, late Mary Deaver and James Deaver, 3 shares; two tracts containing 1294 acres as follows: #1 to Mary Brown on the south side of Tar River containing 202 ½ acres valued at $607.50 beginning at a beach standing on the river bank then running north 84 east 33 poles to a rock on Horns Creek then up the various courses of said creek to a hickory standing on the south prong of said creek near the road then south 83 west 227 poles then (north) 25 east 144 poles then north 17 west 64 poles to said river then down the various courses of said river to the beginning, and to receive from #3 & 4 $460.87 & ½; #2 to James Deaver containing 400 acres valued at $900 beginning at a pine standing at "A" then running south 86 west 234 poles to a white oak standing in Jesse Brake's line then with said Brake's line north 2 ½ west 164 poles to a post oak stump then north 86 east 239 poles to a read oak then north 90 poles to a sweet gum in a pond then east (184) poles to a pine in E. Horn's line then south 138 poles then west 184 poles to the old line then with said old line south to the beginning; #3 to James Deaver containing 345 & 3/4 acres valued at $1555.87 ½ beginning at a pine at "A" corner of #2 then with said line north 116 poles then east 107 poles then south to Cokey Swamp then up the various courses of said swamp to a branch then up the various courses of said branch to a pine near the road then north to the beginning; #4 to James Deaver containing 345 & 3/4 acres valued at $1210.12 ½ beginning in Cokey Swamp at the mouth of a branch at "B" then up the various courses of said branch to the old line at "C" then north 211 poles to a corner of #2 then west 77 poles to a corner of #3 then south to Cokey Swamp then down the various courses of said swamp to the first station, and the last 3 numbers, 2, 3, & 4 to pay #1 $460.87 ½, signed Weeks Parker, (Sr), Moses Price, Moses Spicer, Joel Battle. NOTE: FILM HARD TO READ. Abstracted 8-22-05, NCA film C.037.40014, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 16, page 44, deed date 2 Jun 1817, recorded Nov Ct. 1817, Jordan Joyner, Nash Co to William Dixon, Edge. Co. for $874, a tract of land on Tyan Cokey Swamp beginning at a water oak in Tyan Cokey Swamp at the mouth of a small branch then up said branch to the head thereof then south 10 west to a water oak & gum standing in the Meadow Branch then down the various courses of said branch to a white oak and holly then north 2 west 140 poles to a pine then north 89 east 39 poles to a pine then north 2 west 144 ½ poles to an oak and ash standing in the said Cokey Swamp then up the various courses of said swamp to the beginning, being the same tract bought by said Dixon of Edward Tisdale and by said Dixon to Jordan Joyner to secure said Joyner in the sum of $874, Db 15, page 302 and Joyner hereby releases said trust, signed Jordan Joyner (X), wit. Wright W. Joyner, Drewry Joyner. Abstracted 8-6-03 from NCA film C.037.40014, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 16, page 65, date of deed 17 Dec 1815, date recorded Feb Ct. 1817, Thomas Newsom and Sampson Newsom of Edge. Co. to Sampson Newsom, Edge. Co. for $200, a tract of land beginning at a lightwood stake Joseph Pitts corner in Armstrong's line then south along said line (178) poles to a pine John Dillard's corner then along said line to Dillard's other corner a red oak then south along a line of marked trees to Jacob Braswell's line then west across the branch to Armstrong's corner a white oak then along his line to a post oak Pitt's corner then north along Joseph Pitt's line 12 ½ poles to his corner a red oak then along his other line 25 poles to the first station, containing 112 acres, signed Thos. Newsom, wit. Jno. L. Stray, H. Austin. FHC film 0018892, 1-11-00. NOTE: THOMAS AND SAMPSON NEWSOM WERE BOTH LISTED AS GRANTEES, THIS WAS PROBABLY MISTAKE, BUT COULD POSSIBLY BE TWO SAMPSON NEWSOM. Edge. Co. Db 16, page 65, date of deed 2 Mar 1813, date recorded Feb Ct. 1817, Hartwell Moore, Baldwin Co., GA to Lovet Killebrew, Edge. Co. for $32.50 a tract of land on Tyan Cokey Swamp, part of a tract of land that my father, Moses Moore, died seized and possessed of, being part of lot # 3, which was allotted to John Moore, dec'd, orphan of said Moses Moore, beginning at an oak in Cokey Swamp then up the various courses of Cokey Swamp to a corner an ash on said swamp then along a line of marked trees south 53 west 455 poles to a pine then west 56 poles to a lightwood stake then north nine poles to a lightwood stake then north 53 east 488 poles to said Tyan Cokey Swamp the beginning to an ash, signed Hartwell Moore, by Jethro Barnes, att., wit. Dempsey Jenkins, ( ) P. Jenkins. FHC film 0018892, 1- 11-00. Edge. Co. Db 16, page 68, deed date 22 Jan 1818, recorded Feb Ct 1818, William R. Long, Edge. Co. to Theo. W. Cockburn, Edge. Co. for $1000, Negro woman, Nan, boy Starling and girl Hager, signed Wm. R. Long, wit. Samuel Hatton. Abstracted 1-7-04, NCA film C.037.40011, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 16, page 79, deed date 13 Dec 1817, recorded Feb Ct 1818, John Wilkinson, Sen, Edge. Co to John Peal (Jr) for $700, a tract of land on the south side of Tyan Cokey Swamp beginning at a stake in John Hyman's line then east (160) poles to a stake at the fence then down the fence to said swamp then up the swamp to a maple Bullocks corner then west 160 poles to said Hyman's corner in Bullock's line then south along Hyman's line to the beginning, containing 100 acres, signed John Wilkinson, wit. Joab P. Pitt, ( ) Ellis. Abstracted 8-11-03 from NCA film C.037.40014, CTC. NOTE: EITHER BOOKS OR PAGE NUMBERS ARE INCORRECT FOR SOME OF THESE DEEDS. Edge. Co. Db 16, page 80, deed date 10 Jun 1817, recorded Feb Ct 1818, Samuel Vines, Hyde Co, NC to Thomas Barrow, Esq, Northampton Co, NC for $500, one Negro woman named Grace and her three children, viz two boys and one girl, signed Saml. Vines, wit. L.D. Wilson. Abstracted 8-11-03 from NCA film C.037.40014, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 16, page 79 (77?), date of deed 21 Apr. 1801, date recorded Aug. Ct. 1811, Jacob Nolly, Edge. Co. to Permenter Braswell, Edge. Co. for 55 silver dollars, a tract of land on the south side of Tyan Cokey Swamp containing 27 acres, beginning at a maple then running up said (haugh) Branch to a ash water oak a corner in the mouth of a small branch then running up said small branch along an agreed line to corner pine in the old paton line then east along the old line to a corner pine then north 210 poles to the first station, signed Jacob Nolly, wit. John Bunn, Henry Gay (X). Abstracted 8-28-01 from copy from deed book. Edge. Co. Db 16, page 80, date of deed not stated, date recorded Aug. Ct. 1811, Samuel Crisp to my son in law, Purci Whitley and my daughter, Sarah for natural love and affection, a Negro girl called Charloty and her increase and at the death of my daughter and son in law, girl and her increase to the children of my daughter, signed Samuel Crisp, wit. William Crisp, Isaac Nelson, Wellda Whitehurst. Abstracted 8-28-01 from copy from deed book. Edge. Co. Db 16, page 80, date of deed 21 Jun 1817, date recorded Feb Ct. 1818, William Dixon, Edge. Co. to Simeon Griffin, Edge. Co. for $306.75, a tract of land on Meadow Branch beginning at a corner in said William Dixon's old line standing in a small branch then running south 95 poles to a white oak and holly a corner of said Dixon Hardy Flowers and others standing in said Meadow Branch then up the various courses of said branch to a water oak a corner in said Dixon's line between said Dixon and (Garry) Dorman formerly William Taylor's line then north 60 east to the beginning containing 102 1/4 acres, signed William Dixon (W), wit. E. Bullock, H. Dixon. FHC film 0018892, 1-19-00. Edge. Co. Db 16, page 81, date of deed 24 Oct 1817, date recorded Feb Ct. 1818, William Dixon, Edge. Co. to Redmon Curl, Edge. Co. for $801, a tract of land beginning at a water oak in Tyan Cokey Swamp at the mouth of a small branch then up said branch to the head thereof then south 10 west to a water oak and gum standing in the Meadow Branch then down the various courses of said branch to a willow oak Simeon Griffin's corner then along said Griffin's line of new marked trees to a maple in said Dillon's old line and Hardy Flowers' line then nearly north along said Flowers' line to a pine then north 89 east 39 poles to a pine then north 2 west 144 ½ poles to an ash and oak standing in the aforesaid Tyan Cokey Swamp then up the various courses of said swamp to the beginning containing 296 3/4 acres, signed William Dixon (W), wit. Jacob Proctor, E. Bullock. FHC film 0018892, 1-19-00. Edge. Co. Db 16, page 82, deed date 24 Nov 1817, recorded Feb Ct 1818, John Dillard, Edge. Co. to Vincent Vaughn, Edge. Co. for $258, a tract of land on the south side of Tar River containing 79 ½ acres, beginning at the center of a red oak and Spanish Oak then north 4 poles to a corner water oak on a branch of Horn's Creek then east 80 poles to a stake Thomas' line then south 117 poles to another stake Thomas' corner then west to the beginning, signed John Dillard, wit. Henry Ricks, Nancy Atkinson. Abstracted 8-11-03 from NCA film C.037.40014, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 16, page 84, deed date 6 Nov 1816, recorded Feb Ct 1818, Lewis Lodge, Edge. Co. to Joshua Sarsnett, Edge. Co. for $435, a tract of land on the south side of Beaver Dam or Mill Branch beginning at a lightwood stake standing on the north side of Tyan Cokey Rhoad, it being said Sarsnett corner then running along the said Rhoad to said Lodge's corner a black jack then along Lodge's line north (10 west) 56 poles to a pine then standing in the head of a small branch then down the various courses of said branch to a gum standing at the ( ) of the said Beaver Dam or Mill Branch then down the various courses of the said branch to said Joshua Sarsnett's corner standing at the run of the branch then along said line to the beginning containing 77 acres, signed Lewis Lodge (X), wit. Starling Waller, Margaret Waller. Abstracted 8-11-03 from NCA film C.037.40014, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 16, page 86, deed date 5 Jul 1817, recorded Feb Ct 1818, George Brownrigg, Sen, Edge. Co. to my wife, Obedience Brownrigg for natural love and affection, a parcel of Negroes, namely Ellick, Cloe, Joe, Lemon, Mary, Abraham, Venus, John & Jemison, also her dower left by Elnathan Tartt, dec'd and the crop now growing on it, also one third of my hogs, cattle and sheep, my gray horse & mule, all my household & kitchen furniture except my desk & three beds, George Brownrigg, wit. Bryan Barnes. Abstracted 8-13-03 from NCA film C.037.40014, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 16, page 86, deed date (entered) 30 Mar 1812, recorded Feb Ct 1818, NC State grant #2024 to Henry Lancaster for 50 shillings per hundred acres, a tract of land containing ten acres beginning at a dead pine Henry Griffin's corner standing in Mrs. Bullock's line then east 13 1/3 poles to a stake Thomas Williams' corner then north with said Williams line 120 poles to a black gum said Williams other corner then west 13 1/3 poles to Mrs. Bullock's line then with her line south 120 poles to beginning. Abstracted 8-13-03 from NCA film C.037.40014, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 16, page 92, deed date 25 Dec 1816, recorded Feb Ct 1818, (Howel) Downs, Edge. Co. to Jesse Shrivers, Jr, Edge. Co. for $700, a tract of land beginning at a Spanish oak then south 11 west with Hopkins line 72 poles to a white oak then south 45 west 60 poles to an old hickory then south 9 west 96 poles to a poplar then south 58 east 24 poles to a white oak then south 20 west 15 poles to a white oak then south 85 west 155 poles to a pine then north 10 east to a corner pine in the edge of the (Fox) Pond then west 51 poles to a pine in Silas Everitts line then with said Everett's line 68 poles to a corner oak said Everitt's then north 20 east 62 poles to a sweet gum then north 50 east 50 poles to a pine then north 39 east 87 poles to a pine and oak then a straight line 115 poles to the beginning containing 272 acres, signed (Howel) Downs, wit. Elisha Taylor (X). Abstracted 8-13-03 from NCA film C.037.40014, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 16, page 94, deed date (??), recorded Feb Ct 1818, James Peel and John Peel to Geraldus Killebrew for $152, a tract of land on the waters of Killebrew Mill Branch, on the east side thereof, containing 66 acres which land the said James Peel gave to his son, John Peel, beginning at a pine Robert Lodge's and Cofield's corner then running nearly north with Cofield's line 157 poles to a stake Archibald Pitt's corner then with said Pitt's line north 82 west 31 poles to a pine standing in said Killebrew's Mill Branch then down the various courses of said branch to a maple then across the plantation south 27 east 127 poles to a pine standing in the aforesaid Robert Lodge's line then with said line to the beginning, said James Peel to hold said land during his lifetime, signed James Peel (X), John Peel (X), wit. Dempsey Jenkins, Lovett Killebrew. NOTE: MISSING FIRST PAGE, KILLEBREW MAY BE TRUSTEE. Abstracted 8-13-03 from NCA film C.037.40014, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 16, page 87, date of deed 17 Jan 1817, date recorded Feb Ct. 1818, Elizabeth Horn, Edge. Co. to (Cophel) Dixon, Edge. Co. for $25, a tract of land being 1/5 part of a tract beginning at a pine and black oak Jeremiah Winstead's corner then east 192 poles along said Winstead and (Ashel) Farmer's line to a pine in said Farmer's line then north 124 poles to a black oak standing in Henry Dixon's line then west 192 poles to a pine then south to the beginning, containing 150 acres, being a tract that fell to said Elizabeth by the death of William Dixon, Sen. dec'd, signed Elizabeth Horn (X), wit. E. Bullock, Joseph Winstead (Sen). FHC film 0018892, 1-19-00. Edge. Co. Db 16, page 89, date of deed 17 Nov 1804, date recorded Feb Ct. 1818, John Dillard, Edge Co. to Sampson Newsom, Edge. Co. for 300 pounds, a tract of land on Hatcher's Swamp containing 50 acres, beginning in the center of three pines at a stake in Stephen Haywood's line then along a line of marked trees east 78 poles to a stake and red oak in said Dickson and Hart's line then along said line south 98 poles to a stake in Hart's line then westwardly along his other line to a red oak then west along said line to a pine Hart's and Dickson's corner then along Stephen Haywood's line to beginning, signed John Dillard, wit. Willie Causey, William W. Armstrong proved by Armstrong. FHC film 0018892, 1-19-00. Edge. Co. Db 16, page 90, date of deed 24 Nov 1813, date recorded Feb Ct. 1818, Wells (Draughorn), and his wife, Elizabeth Draughorn, Edge. Co. to Lovet Killebrew, Edge. Co. for $25, a tract of land on Tian Cokey Swamp which fell to Elizabeth by the death of her brother, John More, her part being lot # 3, containing 14 ½ acres, signed Wells Draughorn, Elizabeth Draughorn (X), wit. G.J. Killebrew, (Cornelius Jordan). FHC film 0018892, 1-19-00. Edge. Co. Db 16, page 97, date of deed ??????????, date recorded Feb Ct. 1818, We, Alfred Battle, Joseph S. Battle, Lewis Fort, guardian of (Garry) Fort, his son, and James S. Battle, guardian of James M. Battle, his son of Edge. Co. and Elizabeth Fort, Orren D. Battle for himself and as guardian of Jethro B. Fort of Tenn. for good will, love and affection toward the children of Elizabeth Andrews, wife of John Andrews of Edge. Co. and for five cents to them give and sell all our rights to the following Negroes: woman Cherry about 30 years old and her four children, (Anna), Bess, Davy and Sander, life estate to Elizabeth and then to her children after her death, to be divided equally among any children she may have at the time of her death. Edge. Co. Db 16, page 98, date of deed 8 Dec 1817, date recorded Feb Ct. 1817, Jinny Williams and James Williams, Edge. Co. to Thomas Dickinson, Edge. Co. for $1000, a tract of land on the north side of Tyan Cokey Swamp beginning at a white oak at the run of said swamp and running north 8 west to the back line (corner) in (branch) Hart's corner then up the road along said Hart's line south 88 west 168 poles to a hickory (Deavers) line south 14 east 213 poles to a water oak on Cokey Swamp then down the various courses of said Cokey Swamp to the beginning, containing 206 acres, signed Jinny Williams (X), James Williams, wit. Reuben Johnson, (L.L. Hart). FHC film 0018892, 1-28-00. Edge. Co. Db 16, page 108, date of deed 18 Mar 1816, date recorded Feb Ct. 1818, Amos Johnston gives to his son-in-law, Joel Battle and his daughter Mary Battle a Negro man, Isaac, about 30 and a Negro girl, Nelly about 8. FHC film 0018892, 1-28-00. Edge. Co. Db 16, page 104, date of deed 24 Nov 1817, date recorded Feb Ct. 1818, Mark Moore and John M. Windom, Edge. Co. to Lovett Killebrew, Edge. Co. for $30, all our right, title and claim in a tract of land on the south side of Tyan Cokey Swamp beginning at an ash in said swamp then south 53 west 488 poles to a lightwood stake then south 9 poles to a lightwood stake then east 56 poles to a pine then north 53 east 455 poles to said swamp to an ash then up the various courses of swamp to beginning, containing 126 acres being lot # 3 (apparently lot 3 was allotted to John Moore, dec'd "minor orphan and legatee of Moses Moore, dec'd" ) signed Mark Moore, John M. Windom, wit. G.J. Killebrew, Joab (Pitt) (middle initial here could be mark). FHC film 0018892, 1- 28-00. Edge. Co. Db 16, page 106, date of deed ??????????, date recorded Feb Ct. 1818, Thomas Taylor, Edge. Co. to "my son" Thomas Taylor, Edge. Co. for 100 pounds a tract beginning at a pine Thos. Batts line running along a (chopped) line to a branch then south to John Taylor's line along John Taylor's line to a pine a corner then a "strait line to along John Taylor's line to the old corner" then along Thos. Batts line to the first station, containing 100 acres (Thos. Batts could be Thos. Best), signed Thos. Taylor (X), wit. John Lewelling, Theophilus Taylor. FHC film 0018892, 1-28-00. Edge. Co. Db 16, page 108, date of deed 1 Mar 1817, date recorded Feb Ct. 1818, John M. Windom, Edge. Co. to Lovett Killebrew, Edge. Co. for $500, a tract of 126 acres of land which John May Windom purchased from Mark Moore, beginning at an ash in said Tyan Cokey Swamp and running south 53 west 455 poles to a pine then east 45 poles to a lightwood stake then north 50 east 402 poles to aforesaid swamp then up the various courses of said swamp to beginning, signed J.M. Windom, wit. G.J. Killebrew, Jonathan Bullock. FHC film 0018892, 1-28-00. Edge. Co. Db 16, page 109, date of deed 20 Sep 1817, date recorded Feb Ct. 1818, Ann Hopkins gives to her daughter, Louisana Downs for her life and then to her daughter Louisa Downs a Negro girl named Bethana, wit. Daniel Hopkins, Elizabeth Hopkins. FHC film 0018892, 1-28-00. Edge. Co. Db 16, page 113, deed date 26 Mar 1818, recorded May Ct 1818, "I Joel Battle by virtue of a right from a written conveyance of certain estate both real & personal by James S. Battle to me as trustee to Eliza Cullen Battle bearing date the 1st day of January eighteen hundred & seventeen, do hereby make over and confirm with Cullen Battle the surviving father & only proper heir & representative of the deceased Eliza Cullen, having died the 15th day of July 1817" all the personal property specified in said instrument of January 1st 1817 consisting of 48 Negroes, to wit, Daniel, Toney, Samson, (Y) Toney, Silas, Harry, Jason, Ben, Little Sam, Ned, Winny, Jesse, (Cinda), Spencer, Hilliard, Mariah, Reuben, (Mily), Henry, Prissy, (Siller), Linsy, Olive, Starling, Aggy, Louiza, Matilda, Vinus, Willie, Sandy, (Merinas Emmy), L Cate, Mary, Juley, David, Willis, Raney, Phillis, (T????), Rachel, Exum, Roda, Haley, Serina, Beck, Old Nansey, Old Cate & their increase, 2 horses & 4 colts, 80 cattle, 30 sheep, 80 hogs, walnut buffet & furniture, 3 walnut table, 3 chests, 2 trunks, 3 feather beds, 4 ( ) dogs & one dozen sitting chairs, all appearing in a schedule affixed to said instrument, I Joel Battle hereby do quit claim to said conveyed property, Joel Battle, wit William E. Dancy, Joseph T. Battle, acknowledged. Abstracted 23 Dec 07, NCA film C.037.40014, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 16, page 123, deed date 24 Nov 1817, recorded May Ct 1818, Samuel Cutchin, Edge. Co to Charles Wilkinson, county aforesaid for $300, a tract of 76 acres beginning at a hickory & pine in Solomon Ward's line then along said line south 31 east 130 poles to a pine in Samuel Cutchin's line (west) along said line to a branch Wrightson Davis' line then up the various courses of said branch to Solomon Ward's corner standing at the beginning of the dividing line then along said dividing line north 62 east 115 poles to the beginning, signed Samuel Cutchin, wit (? Simmons), Jno. Wilkinson (proved). Abstracted 26 Mar 07, NCA film C.037.40014, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 16, page 124, date of deed 12 July 1814, date recorded May Ct. 1818, Figures Philips, Nash Co. to John Ward, Edge. Co. for $500, Figures is legatee and heir at law of Eaton Philips dec'd, plantation and land on the south side of Swift Creek containing 447 acres of land which had been devised to Eaton by his father Etheldred Philips in his will and testament, signed Figures Philips, wit. M.A. Philips, Exum Lewis. FHC film 0018892, 1-28-00. Edge. Co. Db 16, page 128, deed date 8 Dec 1815, recorded May Ct 1818, Brittain Jones, Edge. Co to (Joshua Laurance), said county for $400, a Negro boy named Jim, signed Britain Jones, wit John Jones, Allen Jones. Abstracted 26 Mar 07, NCA film C.037.40014, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 16, page 128, deed date 4 Feb 1817, recorded May Ct 1818, Robert Foxhall, Edge. Co to (Joshua Laurance), for $300, a Negro woman named Sarah, signed Robert Foxhall, wit Stephen Harper. Abstracted 26 Mar 07, NCA film C.037.40014, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 16, page 128, deed date 15 Sep 1817, recorded May Ct 1818, Willie Horn, county aforesaid to Jesse c. Knight, county aforesaid for 275 pds, a tract of 57 acres on the north side of Cokey Swamp bounded by the lands of Benjn Ruffin, dec'd, Peggy Haywood, Jesse C. Knight, and the run of said swamp, signed Willie Horn, wit John York (proved), Edward York. Abstracted 26 Mar 07, NCA film C.037.40014, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 16, page 129, deed date 3 Apr 1818, proved May Ct 1818, William Williams, Jones Co, Ga to Jesse C. Knight, Edge. Co for $720, a tract beginning at a cypress on the north side of Cokey Swamp then along the dividing line north 2 west 140 poles to a water oak then (south) 88 west to a red oak then north 2 west 75 poles to a pine then south 88 west 10 poles to the dividing corner then along the dividing line south 8 east to a white oak in the swamp then down the various courses of the swamp to the beginning, containing 180 acres, signed William Williams, wit Elijah Horn (proved), Catharine Scott (X). Abstracted 26 Mar 07, NCA film C.037.40014, CTC Edge. Co. Db 16, page 132, deed date 8 Jan 1817, recorded May Ct 1818, Permenter Braswell, Edge. Co to Benjamin Braswell, county aforesaid for $500, a tract on both sides of Mercers Mill Branch beginning at a pine a corner of said Permenter Braswell and William Mercer then north along said Mercer's line to the mill creek course continued along Whitehead's line to a pine a corner in Thomas Williams' line then west along said Williams' line to a center of three hickories Zadock Braswell's corner then along a new line of marked trees an agreed between Zadock Braswell and said Permenter Braswell to a marked corner at the run of said creek then up the various courses of said creek to a water oak a corner of Zadock Braswell and Permenter Braswell then nearly south along an agreed line between Permenter Braswell and Zadoc Braswell to a lightwood stake said Braswell's corner then east along said Braswell's old line to the first station, containing 155 acres, signed Permenter Braswell, wit E. Bullock (proved), Solom Sorey. Abstracted 26 Mar 07, NCA film C.037.40014, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 16, page 136, deed date 2 May 1818, recorded May Ct 1818, Jonas Dunn, Edge. Co to John Wilkinson, Sr, county aforesaid for $340 a tract on the south side of Town Creek beginning at a pine at the mill pond of said Wilkinson own corner then ( ) along the road to a lightwood stump Wilkinson's other corner then west to a lightwood stake another of Wilkinson's corners then south along said Wilkinson's line to a small branch then down the various courses of said branch to a white oak a corner then up the various courses to the beginning, containing 34 acres, signed Jonas Dunn (X), wit Moses Baker (proved), William Mercer. Abstracted 22 Dec 07, NCA film C.037.40014, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 16, page 140, deed date 24 Mr 1817, recorded May Ct 1818, Samuel Cutchin, Edge. Co to Charles Wilkinson, county aforesaid for $800, a tract of 142 acres on the south side of Tyan Cokey Swamp beginning at a dogwood at the fork of the road leading from Tyan Cokey Swamp outwards in the line of marked trees that divides Stephen Ruffin & the land whereon (Mrs Elizabeth Hanberry) now lives then along the said line of marked to a pine on the Great Branch (cauld) Davis's Branch then up & with the various courses of said branch to a lightwood stake John Ruffin Sr's corner then along said Ruffin line to Davis Bullock corner pine then along Bullock's line to the road then down said road to the first station, containing 142 acres, signed Samuel Cutchin, wit (Joho Simmons), Jno Wilkinson (proved). Abstracted 22 Dec 07, NCA film C.037.40014, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 16, page 142, date of deed 15 Jan 1818, date recorded May Ct. 1818, Hardy Flowers, Edge. Co. to John W. Barnes, Edge. Co. for $100, a tract of land beginning at a gum in the run of Town Creek in Benjamin (Weaver's) old line then north along Weaver's old line to a large pine a corner then east along said Weaver's line to an oak and pine a corner then south along ( ) and Jacob Robbins' line to a maple in a branch a corner then down the branch to the run of Town Creek then up the various courses of said creek to the first station, containing 150 acres, it being the land that Zadoc Staton died seized and possessed of, 1/5 part of said land I convey to John W. Barnes, signed Hardy Flowers, wit. Burrel Barnes, Jesse ( ). FHC film 0018892, 1-28-00. Edge. Co. Db 16, page 144, date of deed 16 Mar 1818, date recorded May Ct. 1818, Andrew (Sory), Edge. Co. to Josiah (Sory), Edge. Co. for $25, a tract of land on both sides of Mercers Mill Branch beginning at a pine in Tempy Bullock's line then west to Jacob ( ) line then south to a willow oak in Hardy Flowers' line then east along said Flowers' line to a pine and along said Tempy Bullock's line to the first station, containing 100 acres, signed Andrew (Sory), wit. Daniel Land, Teagle Taylor. FHC film 0018892, 1-28-00. Edge. Co. Db 16, page 145, date of deed 30 Dec 1817, date recorded May Ct. 1817, John Peal, Edge. Co. to John Wilkinson, Edge. Co. for $875, a tract of land on the south side of Tyan Cokey Swamp beginning at a maple in a large branch so along a line of marked trees to a dividing line a pine a corner so down said line to a (drive or dune) then down said (drive or dune) with John Peals Sen. line to Tyan Cokey Swamp then down the various courses of said swamp to Porter's Branch then up the various courses of said branch to beginning, containing 97 acres, signed John Peele, Jun., wit. L. Ellis, Joab Pitt. FHC film 0018892, 2-4-00. Edge. Co. Db 16, page 149, date of deed 25 Feb 1815, date recorded May Ct. 1818, Elizabeth Cohoun, Edge. Co. to "my son, Hardy Flowers", Edge. Co. (NOTE: DEED APPEARS TO BE DIVIDING ELIZABETH'S ESTATE) to Polly Cohoon- one horse named Silver and other personal items; to Nancy Joyner- personal items; to Hardy Flowers, all the rest of my property including un-described land, signed Elizabeth Cohoon, wit. E. Bullock, Elijah Robbins (X). FHC film 0018892, 2-4-00. Edge. Co. Db 16, page 151, date of deed ????????, date recorded May Ct. 1818, Thomas Dickerson, Edge. Co. to John Dilliard and Polly, his wife of Edge. Co. for five shillings and moving, lend to them for their natural life and at their death to their son, Thomas James R. Dilliard full and absolute title, a tract of land on the north side of Coca Swamp beginning at a hickory in Deavers line and running east 60 poles to a hickory then south 12 east 133 2/3 poles to a stake then west 60 poles to a pine in aforesaid Deaver's line then with said line to the first station, containing 50 acres, signed Thomas Dickerson (P), wit. James Williams, William Walker (mark). FHC film 0018892, 2-4-00. Edge. Co. Db 16, page 155, date of deed 29 Nov 1817, date recorded May Ct. 1818, Starling Waller, Edge. Co. to William Clark, Edge. Co. for $404, a tract of land on both sides of the road leading from Tarborough to Town Creek Bridge, beginning at a pine Asa Simmerlin corner then east along his line to the road course continued along Willie Summerlin line to Zachariah Archer's line and along his line to his corner a pine standing on the edge of a small (stream or drain) then south along Archer's other line to a pine in said line then east to a pine Perrys on Belfour's corner then along said line north to a stake in Perry's on Belfour's other line then west along Abraham Rhodes line to an oak standing on the road then along said road to Mills Peelles corner standing on said road at the head of a small branch then down the various courses of said branch to said Mills Peelles corner in said branch standing in the old line of said tract of land then along the line of heirs of David Garrett dec'd to beginning containing 101 acres, signed Starling Waller, wit. James Bilbery, Warren Waller. FHC film 0018892, 2-4-00. Edge. Co. Db 16, page 156, deed date 11 May 1818, recorded May Ct 1818, William Ruffin, Edge. Co to Lewis Griffin, said county for $60, all the right that Jason Mathews had in a tract of land adjoining Lamon Ruffin and others, it being the dower that fell to (Kitty Williams) now the wife of said Mathews, during the natural life of Kitsey Mathews but in no other manner whatsoever, signed William Ruffin (mark), wit J.C. Knight. Abstracted 12-18-06, NCA film C.037.400014, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 16, page 158, date of deed 23 Feb 1818, date recorded May Ct. 1818, Starling Waller, Edge. Co. to Josiah Freeman, Edge. Co. for $970, a tract of land "in the for of said Wallers Mill Streams" beginning at a poplar standing in the middle prong of said mill stream at or near the mouth of a small branch then up the various courses of said branch to a pine in said branch in said Waller's and Freeman's line then along said Freeman's line south 34 west 148 poles to a black jack in said Waller's line then along said line south 72 west to the corner a pine corner continued to a stake in Freeman's line then south along Perry's or Belfour's line 28 poles to a pine then along their other line east 28 poles to a pine then along the line of Waller's old patent south 17 ½ east 52 poles to or near Philip Causey's corner in the millpond then down the edge of said mill pond the following courses (viz) north 68 east 8 poles south 70 east 16 poles to a pine north 63 east 44 poles to a pine in the edge of the middle prong of said pond then up the said prong north 6 west 9 poles to a pine then north 68 east 13 poles to a pine then north 17 west 22 poles then north 29 east 10 poles north 11 west 6 poles north 25 west 16 poles north 43 east 14 poles to a bay tree at the run of said stream then up the various courses of said stream to the beginning, containing 97 acres, signed Starling Waller, wit. J. Garrett, (I.L. Stray). FHC film 0018892, 2-8- 00. Edge. Co. Db 16, page 182, date of deed 24 Aug 1818, date recorded May Ct. 1818, John Sharpe and Celia, his wife of Edge. Co. to Moses Baker, Edge. Co. for $240, a tract of land on the north side of Town Creek being the land allotted to Celia Hollomon now Celia Sharpe the wife of John Sharpe which she possessed by the death of her father, Isham Hollomon beginning at a lightwood stake in Moses Baker's line running west 36 poles to a branch then down the various courses of said branch to aforesaid creek then down the various courses of said creek to a black gum corner then north to beginning, containing 40 acres, signed John Sharpe, Celia Sharpe (X), wit. (B.T. Pitt), Jacob Nettles. FHC film 0018892, 2-4-00. Edge. Co. Db 16, page 188, date of deed 17 Aug 18183, date recorded May Ct. 1818, Wells Draughon, Edge. Co. to Matthew Whitehead, Edge. Co. for $500, a tract beginning at a water oak in a prong of Williamson's Branch then south along a line between Jesse Gray's fence line (142) poles to a turkey oak then west 82 poles to the south prong of Williams (sic) Branch then down the water courses of the branch to the fork then up the main branch (2 words) Draughon's land and up the various courses of said branch to the first station, containing 184 acres, signed Wells Draughon, wit. E. Bullock, Robert Draughon. FHC film 0018892 2-4-00. Edge. Co. Db 16, page 191, deed date 31 Dec 1817, recorded Aug Ct 1818, William Barden, Wayne Co to Polly Ruffin, Edge. Co for $400, a Negro woman known by the name of Channy, signed William Barden, wit James D. Stanton (proved), Samuel Dberry. Abstracted 26 Mar 07, NCA film C.037.40014, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 16, page 191, deed date 7 Oct 1813, recorded Sep Ct 1818, William Askew to Polley White, both of Edge. Co for 65 pds, a tract on the north side of Town Creek containing 80 acres, beginning in the said creake at a white oak William Bridgers then north along said Bridgers' line to the corner standing in said Bridgers' line a Spanish oak then west to William White corner a post oak then alone a line of marked trees to said creek then down the various courses of said creek tot he first station to the said Polley White and her heirs forever "or the lifetime of Jerisa Windom and John Windom," signed William Askew, wit John Thomas Fedrick Ruffin (X). Abstracted 26 Mar 07, NCA film C.037.40014, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 16, page 195, date of deed 20 Jan 1817, date recorded Aug Ct. 1818, Elisha Battle, Jun. of Edge. Co. for $1650 to Charles Barnes of Edge. Co. one Negro slave named Bess about 36 and five of her children Vilet (b. Mar. 1809), Sabrina (b. Jan. 2 1811), Isham (b. Dec 1812), Charlotte (b. Nov. 1814), Charity (b spring of 1816). FHC film 0018892, 2-4-00. Edge. Co. Db 16, page 197, deed date 28 May 1818, recorded May Ct 1818, Mary Gregory, Town of Tarboro to Nancy Coffield for $150, a Negro woman named Mary age about 50 years old, signed Mary Gregory, wit (Thos Telfair), acknowledged. Abstracted 22 Dec 07, NCA film C.037.40014, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 16, page 197, date of deed 14 Feb 1818, date recorded Aug Ct. 1818, James Perry, Edge. Co. to John Taylor, Edge. Co. for $925, a tract of land on the north side of White Swamp beginning at (Wilmouth Copedge) corner a black gum in said swamp then along her line northward to a white oak her corner then (a few paces) west to a corner pine formerly John Edwards corner then along the old line to a red oak the old corner called John Margins corner then west along said old line to a pine sapplin and red oak sapplin a corner of the land called (Human) land then along agreed line of marked trees to said swamp to Amos Johnston's line then down said swamp to the first station, signed James Perry (X), wit. Jno. W. Barnes, Hardy Flowers. FHC film 0018892, 2-4-00. Edge. Co. Db 16 page 198, deed date 24 Feb 1818, recorded Aug Ct 1818, Charlotte Powell, (Sean Bullock), Geraldus Daughtrey & wife, Elizabeth to Benjamin Wilkinson, all of Edge. Co for 20 pds, a tract of land containing 10 acres on the west side of Raccoon Branch beginning at a maple in the said branch then west to a stake then to a water oak near (Sunders) line near the mouth of the mill swamp then up the mill swamp and the Raccoon Branch to the first station, signed Charlotte Powell (X), (Sean Bullock) (his mark), Garrey Daughtrey, Elizabeth Daughtrey (X), wit Joshua K. Bullock (proved), J.W. Cherry. Abstracted 28 Sep 07, NCA film C.037.40014, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 16, page 200, date of deed Jul 1818, date recorded Aug Ct. 1818, Richard Gay, Edge. Co. to Redding Thigpen, Edge. Co. for $640, a tract of land on the east side of a swamp called Ward's Run beginning in Ward's Run at a gum a corner tree of Burell Gay then running with said Gay's line of marked trees 70 ½ east (sic) 359 poles to a corner tree a pine then west 60 poles (then with 22 east) {sic} 43 poles then west 26 poles then south 40 poles then west with (Gillease) Thigpen's line of marked trees (212 or 242) poles to said swamp called Ward's Run to a corner tree a gum then down the various courses of said swamp to the first station, containing 118 ½ acres, signed Richard Gay (X), wit. Gillead Thigpen, Burrel Gay. FHC film 0018892, 2-4-00. Edge. Co. Db 16, page 210, date of deed 1 Jun 1762, date recorded Nov Ct. 1818, Lord Earl Granville to Jacob Broke, Edge. Co. for 10 shillings per hundred acres, a tract of land beginning at David Hart's corner then along Hart's west 160 poles to a pine his corner then north 94 poles along Proctor's line to Tyancoca Swamp at a white oak his corner then by his other line north 30 west 80 poles to the Little Swamp Charles Jones line (along) said swamp and line north 20 east 20 poles then north 35 west 74 poles then north 80 west 46 poles then north 35 west 70 poles to a holly tree then north 40 poles to a pine then east 280 poles to a pine then south 80 poles to Volentine's corner then by said line to first station, containing 436 acres, signed Tho. Child. NOTE: ORIGINAL GRANT APPEARS TO HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO WM. COHOON AND NOW ASSIGNED TO JACOB BROKE (BRAKE). FHC film 0018892, 2-4-00. Edge. Co. Db 16, page 214, date of deed 19 Mar 1814, date recorded Nov Ct. 1818, Bryand Gay, Edge. Co. to Burwell Gay, Edge. Co. for 183 pounds, six shillings, 3d, a tract of land on Ward's Run containing 104 3/4 acres joining Benjamin Gay, William Gay, Burwell Gay, Ward's Run, signed Bryand Gay (+), wit. Benjamin Gay, William Gay. FHC film 0018892, 2-4-00. Edge. Co. Db 16, page 215, date of deed ????????, date recorded Nov Ct. 1818, Christopher Ing, Edge. Co. to Kindred C. Pope, residence not stated, for love and affection a tract of land on the south side of Swift Creek beginning at a hickory on the road then north along Nancy Ing's line to the center of two oaks her corner then north along Elizabeth Pope's line to the bank of Swift Creek to a corner red oak then up the various courses of said creek to a live oak (Hardy) Pope's corner tree then south along said Pope's line to a black jack his corner then east to a corner pine then south to a corner pine then west along said Pope's line to the road then down the road to beginning containing 520 ½ acres, signed Christopher Ing, wit. Allen Taylor, John Pope. FHC film 0018892, 2-4-00. Edge. Co. Db 16, page 216, date of deed 25 Sep 1818, date recorded Nov Ct. 1818, Christopher Ing to Kindred C. Pope, for $500 a slave. FHC film 0018892, 2-4-00. Edge. Co. Db 16, page 222, date of deed 6 Oct 1818, date recorded Nov Ct. 1818, Dempsey Jenkins, Edge. Co. to John Wilkinson, Jun, Edge. Co. for $450, a tract of land on the north side of Town Creek beginning at a corner in said Jenkins line then along Bullock's line to Powell's line then along Powell's line to a pine stump in the edge of Hardy Proctor's old field in George Moor's line & Stringer's orphans line then along said orphans line to a (blank ) a corner in David Bullock's line then along Bullock's line to the beginning, containing 80 acres, signed Dempsey Jenkins, wit. Jno. Bones. Abstracted 1-22-03 from NCA film C.037.40015, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 16, page 223, date of deed 26 Oct 1818, date recorded Nov. Ct. 1818, Dempsey Jenkins, Edge. Co. to John Wilkinson, Sen, Edge. Co. for $5360, a tract of land on the north side of Town Creek and on the south side of Tyan Cokey Swamp beginning at a pine stump and hickory Bullock's & Jenkins' corner then north 3 ½ west 164 poles to Porters Branch then down said branch to Tyan Cokey Swamp then down the various courses of said swamp to Town Creek then up the various courses of said creek to a beech Lamon Dunn's corner then along said Dunn's line to a post oak another corner in the field then along his line to Town Creek then up the various courses of said creek to the mill then up the mill pond to the mouth of the lane to a corner gum in the edge of the mill pond then along Bullock's line, nearly with the road to a small oak in the old line purchased of Peter V. Pelt then along said line to the beginning, containing 501 acres, signed Dempsey Jenkins, wit. Benja. Sharpe, Jno. W. Barnes. Abstracted 1-22-03 from NCA film C.037.40015, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 16, page 224, date of deed 8 Aug 1818, date recorded Nov Ct. 1818, Jonathan Thomas, Edge. Co. to Stephen Robbins, Edge. Co. for $749 a tract of land on the south side of Town Creek beginning at Stephen Robbins own corner in the run of Gay's Branch at a sweet gum and pine then running east 58 poles to a pine stump then north 2 west 208 poles to a pine in John Robbins line then running along said line north 84 west 121 poles to said Gay's Branch then up the various courses of said branch to the beginning, containing 126 acres, signed Jonathan Thomas, wit. John Robbins, Bryant Little. FHC film 0018892, 2- 4-00. Edge. Co. Db 16, page 225 date of deed 17 Nov 1818, date recorded Nov Ct. 1818, Josiah Perry, Bertie Co. to John Griffin, Edge. Co. for $1500, a tract of 10 ½ acres of land on the south east side of William Dancy's Mill Branch beginning at a lightwood post a dividing line between William Dancy or William Deloatch's and William Griffin's corner running then north 45 west 42 poles to a sowerwood on the side of said Dancy's Mill Branch formerly the said Deloatches (here was a symbol X with horizontal line through center) over then down the said branch west 32 poles to a dogwood then south 25 east 12 poles to a lightwood stake then south some degrees east 18 poles to a poplar then south 26 east to a pine in the dividing line between said Dancy and Griffin then along the said line to the first station, also another tract of 179 ½ acres on the south east side of said mill branch beginning at a sowerwood on said mill branch then running south 45 east along said Dancy's and Griffin's line to Francis Griffin corner a pine in the said line 251 poles to Francis Griffin's line north 45 west 64 poles to John Wilson's corner a pine than along said line (north 2 west) 180 poles to a hickory in Armstrong's line then by said line west 88 poles to his corner a pine then along said line north 136 poles to a red oak in said mill branch then down said branch to the beginning, except a small tract of land lying in said mill branch which Solomon Saunders sold to Joseph Armstrong supposed to be two acres beginning at a pine stump an agreed corner between said Saunders and said Armstrong then down a small branch to said mill branch then down said mill branch to said Saunders corner a red oak then up said Saunders line to beginning, also one other tract of 60 acres on the north side of Tyan Cokey Swamp beginning at a pine in said Griffin's and Saunders corner then along said Griffin's line south 42 east 100 poles to a pine is said line then along a line of marked trees north 45 east 114 poles to Jackson's line then along said line north 64 west 114 poles to the corner being part of a larger tract given to said Griffin by his deceased father, also one other tract beginning at a pine on the mill branch then along a line of marked trees to a red oak in Saunder's old line to the mill branch then down said branch to the beginning , containing (one) acre, signed Josiah Perry, wit. Jesse Garrett, Wm. Jones (Sr). FHC film 0018892, 2-16-00. Edge. Co. Db 16, page 226, date of deed 4 Nov 1818, date recorded Nov Ct. 1818, Ethelred Ruffin, Edge. Co. to Edward York, Edge. Co. for $500, a tract of land containing 248 acres, one rod, and 22 poles on the south side of Tyan Cokey Swamp beginning at a persimmon tree in the Little Branch then along a line of marked trees south 1 ½ east 197 ½ poles to a lightwood stake and white oak standing in Weeks Parker's line then south 88 1.2 west 170 poles to a red oak and pine tree then a line of marked trees north 17 west 44 poles then north 12 west 123 poles to a pine on a small hill John Hills corner then along another line north 52 east 42 poles to said Little Branch then down the various courses of said branch to the beginning, it being the tract Ethelred purchased of Anderson Sturdivant and wife, signed Ethelred Ruffin, wit. Permenter Braswell. FHC film 0018892, 2-16-00. Edge. Co. Db 16, page 233, date of deed 25 Nov 1818, date recorded Nov Ct. 1818, John Griffin, Edge. Co. to Zachariah Griffin, Edge. Co. for 150 pounds, a tract of 57 acres of land beginning at a lightwood stake and then along a line of marked trees to 2 ashes and a live oak in a branch then down the various courses of said branch to an ash then along an agreed line Zachariah Griffin to a lane then along said lane and Nathaniel Bilbrey's line to the first station, a lightwood, signed John Griffin (X), wit. Francis Armstrong, (A?) Pitt. FHC film 0018892, 2-16-00. Edge. Co. Db 16, page 245, date of deed ??, date recorded Nov Ct. 1818, Micajah Mayo, gift to son-in-law, Winfield D. Staton, "me hereunto moving", one Negro woman, Else and one girl, Cate. FHC film 0018892, 2-16-00. Edge. Co. Db 16, page 247, date of deed 23 Nov 1818, date recorded Nov Ct. 1818, Peoples Hill and wife Nancy Peoples, Edge. Co. to Henry Whitehead, Edge. Co. for 45 pounds, 11 shillings, 1/3 part of a tract of land on the south side of Watery Branch beginning at an ash in the watery branch running then east to a stake in A. Whitehead's line then north to a pine in said Whitehead's line then east to a pine it being A. Whitehead's own corner then north along a line of marked trees to a pine in the crane meadow branch then down the said branch to the watery branch then down the Watery Branch to the first station, containing 100 acres, signed Peoples Hill (X), Nancy Hill (X), wit. William Wilkins, acknowledged by Peoples Hill. Dower release of Nancy Hill taken by Exum Lewis. (NOTE: DB 247 APPEARS TO BE SAME LAND, MORTGAGED 17 JAN 1817, BY PEOPLES HILL TO HENRY WHITEHEAD, FOR SOME REASON, WAS SIGNED BY ELIZABETH BRASWELL. FHC film 0018892, 2-16-00. Edge. Co. Db 16, page 248, date of deed 22 Nov 1818, date recorded Nov Ct. 1818, Redman Curl, Edge. Co. to Jacob Proctor, Edge. Co. for $600, a tract of land beginning at a live oak and a hickory in Lucy Bulluck's old line then west to a pine in Hardy Flowers' line also a corner of Tempy Bulluck then north along said Flowers line to a pine corner of Wm. Cohoon, des, and Simon Cohoon, decd., then east along said Simeon Cohoon decd. to a corner white oak standing in a small branch a corner of said Redman Curl then down the various courses of said branch to a gum in or near the run of said branch a corner of said Simeon Cohoon dec'd then east along said Cohoons line to a pine a corner in Samuel Moore's line then south along an old line to a lightwood stake a corner of Lucy Bullucks and my own corner then west along Lucy Bullucks line to a lightwood stake formerly a post oak and black jack then south along Lucy Bullucks line to beginning, signed Redman Curl, wit. Simeon Griffin, E. Bulluck. FHC film 0018892, 2-16- 00. Edge. Co. Db 16, page 266, deed date 2 Mar 1816, recorded (Apr Ct 1819), Spencer L. Hart, sheriff of Edge. Co to Henry Ricks said county, a bill was filed in Edge. Co by Joseph Arrington and Mourning, his wife and Henry Ricks complainants against the heirs at law of Robert Ricks and the heirs at law of Josiah Ricks stating that the complainants were tenants in common to a tract of land on the south side of Tar River beginning at a dogwood on said river and (running) Deavers line of marked trees first south 15 west 36 poles then south 2 east 34 poles then south 26 west 137 poles to a corner pine then with (Horn's) line south 87 3/4 west 120 poles to a pine then (north 15 east 65 poles to a post oak Eli Ricks corner then north (76 ½ west 5 poles to a dogwood then north 7 east 30 poles to a sweet gum in Ricks Branch then down the said branch to a gum then north 46 east 34 poles to a sycamore in Tar River then down the meanders thereof to the first station, containing 190 acres, it being lot #1 allotted to the heirs of Josiah Ricks as will appear in the division of the lands of James Ricks, dec'd. NOTE: FILM WAS BLURRED. IT APPEARS THAT COMPLAINT WAS ASKING TO SALE LAND, WHICH WAS DONE AT PUBLIC AUCTION AND HENRY RICKS WAS HIGHEST BIDDER. Abstracted 10-23-04, NCA film C.037.40016, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 16, page 273, date of deed 27 Apr 1818, date recorded Feb Ct. 1819, John Gatling, Edge. Co. to Jesse Jackson, Edge. Co. for $350, a lot of one half acre in the Town of Tarborough, known in the plan of said town as lot # 117, signed John Gate (name was blurred), wit. Jim Southerlend, Ben Jackson. Abstracted 1-22-03 from NCA film C.037.40015, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 16, page 277, date of deed 23 Mar 1814, date recorded Feb Ct. 1819, Aaron Maner, Edge. Co. to Jesse Brake, Edge. Co for $800, a tract of land on both sides of Buck Swamp beginning at a pine in Benjamin Breaks line over the piney pond then along said line north 277 poles to a red oak then to and along Daniel Rosse line east 233 poles to a pine then south 277 poles to a red oak then west 233 poles to (4 words scratched out - Lucy Breakes by a ) to first station, containing 400 acres, signed Aaron Maner, wit. two wit., could not read names. FHC film 0018892, 2-16-00. Edge. Co. Db 16, page 282, date of deed 14 Sept. 1818, date recorded Feb Ct. 1819, John Wiggins, planter, Edge. Co. to Thomas Wiggins, Edge. Co. for love, good will and affection to my loving son, a tract of 418 acres on the north side of Swift Creek, signed John Wiggins. FHC film 0018892, 2-16-00. Edge. Co. Db 16, page 285, deed date 28 Dec, 1818, recorded Feb Ct 1819, Robert Ruffin and (Rachel Ruffin), his wife, George Moore and Elizabeth, his wife and John Peele, all heirs & legatees of John Peele, SR, (dec'd), Edge. Co, to Joshua K. Bullock, county aforesaid for $325.50, our interest to that tract of land John Peele, Sr gave to us after the death of our mother, Lucy Peele, lying on the west side of Cokey Swamp adjoining the lands of David Bullock, John Hymond and others, signed Robert Ruffin, Rachel Ruffin (X), George Moore, Elizabeth Moore (X), John Peele (X), wit J.P. Pitt, John Wilkinson, Rachel Ruffin and Elizabeth Moore acknowledged their free consent before Wm. Balfour. Abstracted 26 Mar 07, NCA film C.037.40014, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 16, page 286, date of deed 1 Jan 1816, date recorded Feb Ct. 1819, Micajah Mayo, Edge. Co. for love and affection for my son in law, Joseph J. Pippin, two Negro girls, Silvey, age 17 and (Eay) age 7 years. FHC film 0018892, 2-16-00. Edge. Co. Db 16, page 293, date of deed 16 June 1818, date recorded Feb Ct. 1819, James W. Clark, Edge. Co. to James S. Battle, Edge. Co. for $3000, a tract of land on the south side of Tar River and in the branch of Walnut Creek, beginning at a pine Henry Anderson's corner then along the said Anderson's containing 500 acres, line west 137 poles to a hickory Judge Haywood corner tree then north 290 poles to a hickory the said Haywood other corner then west 208 poles along said Haywood's other line to the center of two pines then north 204 poles to a pine standing on the road then down the road to an oak then south along a line of marked trees to a withe oak standing on (Elvington) Branch then up said branch the various courses to two water oaks standing near the mouth of a smaller branch then south 228 poles to the beginning, containing 500 acres, signed James W. Clark, wit. Marmaduke Bell, Robert Sorey. FHC film 0018892, 2-16-00. Edge. Co. Db 16, page 296, deed date 7 Feb 1819, recorded Feb Ct 1819, John Wilkinson, Edge. Co to Joshua K. Bullock, county aforesaid for $1000, a tract on the south side of Cokey Swamp and on the west side of (Parkers Branch) beginning at a maple in said branch then along a line of marked trees to a (pine) in the dividing line then along said line to a small branch then down said branch to Cokey Swamp then down said swamp to the mouth of (Porters Branch) then up said branch to the beginning, containing 97 acres, signed John Wilkinson, Sr, wit John Mercer, Dempsey Jenkins, acknowledged in court. NOTE: FAINT AND VERY HARD TO READ. Abstracted 22 Dec 07, NCA film C.037.40014, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 16, page 298, deed date 9 Nov 1818, recorded Feb Ct 1819, William Haywood Ruffin, Edge. Co to Eli Amason, same county for $3366, a tract on the south side of White Oak Swamp adjoining the lands of (John Thomas), John Amason, the heirs of (Willie Barnes), dec'd and others, it being the land it being the land left by the will of Theophilus Thomas, dec'd to said John Thomas and by deed conveyed by said John Thomas to his brother, Micajah Thomas and by deed conveyed by Micajah Thomas to me, beginning in the run of White Oak Swamp at a white oak & maple which stands at the old (fording place) made by the said Theophilus Thomas dec'd through White Oak Swamp to (Barnes' Mill) and running south ( ) east 122 poles along a line of newly marked trees & through the field to an old marked pine tree which stands near the fence from there south 10 east (252) poles along another line of newly marked trees to the old (Wolf Pitt) on the side of the road leading from Raleigh to Greenville then along the said road as it now goes (95) poles to another old marked pine a corner tree standing on the side of the road then north 15 west 11 poles to the head of a little branch then along the said little branch with its various courses to a gum & water oak at the run of a large branch commonly called Wiggins Branch then down the various courses of Wiggins Branch to the run of White Oak Swamp and then down White Oak Swamp with its various courses to the beginning, containing 306 acres, signed W.H. Ruffin, wit David Jones (proved), Nathan Amason. Abstracted 26 Mar 07, NCA film C.037.40014, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 16, page 311, date of deed 23 Feb 1819,date recorded Feb Ct. 1819, Ethelred Ruffin, Edge. Co. power of attorney to my brother in law James Draughon, Jun, to sue Gray Armstrong, signed Ethelred Ruffin, wit. ? Norfleet. FHC film 0018892, 2-16-00. Edge. Co. Db 16, page 314, date of deed 4 Jan 1819, date recorded Feb Ct. 1819, Edward York, Edge. Co. to Gray Armstrong, Edge. Co. for the sum of 500, a tract of land on the south side of Tyan Cokey Swamp containing 248 acres, one rood & 22 poles more or less, beginning at a persimmon in the Little Branch then along a line of marked trees south 17 east 197 ½ poles to a lightwood stake and white oak standing in Weeks Parker's line then south 88 ½ west 170 poles to a red oak and pine then along a line of marked trees north 17 west 44 poles then north 12 west 123 poles to a pine on a small hill John Hill's corner then along another line north 52 east 42 poles to said Little Branch then down the various courses of said branch to beginning, it being the land that Ethelred Ruffin purchased of Anderson Sturdivant (and Ginivina), his wife, signed Edward York, wit. Moses Spicer, Ethelred Ruffin. Abstracted 4-18-03 from DB copy, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 16, page 315, date of deed 28 Jan 1818, date recorded Feb Ct. 1819, William Dickin and William Savadge, both of Edge. Co. to natural love and affections which we have and bear unto our beloved grandchildren and children, William R and Elizabeth (annie) Savadge of Edge. Co. three Negroes, one Negro man Cage, one Negro boy Sam and one Negro girl Julia, signed William Dicken, William Savage, wit. Thomas Lyon, Ben Dicken. Abstracted 1-22-03 from NCA film C.037.40015, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 16, page 315, date of deed July 1814, date recorded Feb Ct. 1819, John Wiggins, Edge. Co. for love and affection for my daughter Maria (Barnby) of Edge. Co. four Negroes ( ), Dinah, Hasty and Richard. FHC film 0018892, 2-16-00. Edge. Co. Db 16, page 319, deed date 10 Sep 1813, recorded Feb Ct 1819, John Hill, Edge. Co GIVE to Peoples Hill (SCRATCHED OUT) Burrell Hill, county aforesaid, a tract of land containing 18 acres on the south side of Tyan Cokey Swamp beginning in a branch at Etheldred Ruffin's and Malichi Barnes corner then north 6 west 24 poles to said Barnes' and Gray Armstrong's corner pine and Burrell Hill's corner in said Hill's line then south 86 west 74 poles to a stake Peoples Hill's corner then south 16 ½ east (48) poles to a pine in a branch in E. Ruffin's line a pine and John Hill's line then down said branch to the first station, containing 15 acres, signed John Hill (X), wit W.W. Hill, Peoples Hill (X) (proved). Abstracted 1-25-05, NCA film C.037.40014, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 16, page 320, deed date 20 Sep 1818, recorded Feb Ct 1819, Charlottey Murphrey, Edge. Co to Permenter Braswell, county aforesaid for $150 silver, a tract of land on the (south side of the Little Swamp) containing 100 acres, signed Charlotte Morfrey (X), wit Abraham Sharpe, Thomas Sharpe. (NOTE: COULDN'T READ METES AND BOUNDS, CHECK COURTHOUSE). Abstracted 1-25-05, NCA film C.037.40014, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 16, page 321, deed date 18 Aug 1810, recorded Feb Ct 1819, William H. Hill and Rhoda Hill, Edge. Co to Burrell Hill, Edge. Co for 25 pounds, a tract of land on the south side of Tyan Cokey Swamp containing 54 acres, beginning at a white oak in the said swamp at the mouth of the School House Branch in Gray Armstrong's line then south along said Armstrong's line to a corner pine in John Hill's line then west along said Hill's line to Peoples Hill's line to a water oak in a pond then north (7) west to the swamp to an ash in said swamp then down the various courses of said swamp to the first station, containing 55 acres, signed William H. Hill, Rhoda Hill (X), wit John Hill (X). Abstracted 1-25-05, NCA film C.037.40008, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 16, page 321, deed date (3 Nov 1810), recorded Feb Ct 1809, Permenter Braswell and Peggy Braswell his wife Edge. Co to William W. Hill and (Lurany Hill) his wife, county aforesaid for 150 pds certain tracts of land on the south side of Low Branch in John Gay's line beginning at a maple in said branch then up the various courses of said branch to an ash in Jacob Nolly's line then east along a ( ) a corner pine in Aaron Proctor's line then east along said Proctor's line to William Spicer's corner to a pine then north along said Spicer's line to a red oak in John Gay's line then along said Gay's to the first station, by estimation 145 acres, signed Permenter Braswell, Margret Braswell, wit Burrel Hill (X), John Hill (X)(proved). Abstracted 10-6-06 NCA film C.037.40, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 16, page 322, deed date (ILLEGIBLE), recorded Feb Ct 1809, John Ethridge, Edge. Co to Caleb Ethridge, county aforesaid for $200, a tract on the north side of Griffins Swamp containing 88 ½ acres beginning at a gum in Griffins Swamp and running east along said Caleb Ethridge's line of marked trees to his corner a red oak then along said Ethridge's line of marked trees to his other corner a post oak then east to a gum in the said swamp then down the various courses thereof to the first station, signed John Etheridge, wit (Aaron Linch), Alanson Powell (proved). NOTE: FAINT AND HARD TO READ. Abstracted 10-6-06 NCA film C.037.40, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 16, page 326, deed date 18 Jun 1805, recorded May Ct 1819, Henry White and William White, Edge. Co to Gregory Reilley, Town of Tarborough, for 71 pds, a tract on the south side of Tar River containing 50 acres being part of a tract granted to said Henry and William White by Archibald White beginning at Edward Hall's corner courses south 52 west along the said line 110 poles to a pine in said White & Hall's corner then south 32 poles to a pine on the south side of a pond Gatlin's corner then north 24 east (84) poles to a water oak said Gatlin's corner then along a line of marked trees a contracted line between the said Henry & William White and Edward Gatlin to a black jack and pine in (Thomas Guion's) line then along his line to the beginning corner, signed Henry White, William White, wit Thos Wells, Philip Causey (proved). Abstracted 26 Mar 07, NCA film C.037.40014, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 16, page 329, deed date 15 Dec 1817, recorded May Ct 1819, Solomon Braswell, Edge. Co to Henry Austen, county aforesaid for ($800), a tract on Hatchers Swamp beginning at a poplar standing at or near the run of said swamp then running south 85 west 38 poles to a pine then south 43 west 54 poles to a corner of the (end of the land) belonging to the heirs of Garry Ford, dec'd then along said line south to a pine and small oak Henry Morgan's corner is said line then along the said Morgan's line to his other corner a poplar standing on the edge of a hill near the marshy ground then along Morgan's other line to his corner a black gum at the run of the aforesaid swamp then up the various courses of said swamp to the beginning containing 174 acres, signed Solomon Bracewell, wit William W. Armstrong, Joseph Armstrong (proved). Abstracted 26 Mar 07, NCA film C.037.40014, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 16, page 335, date of deed 27 Feb 1819, date recorded May Ct. 1819, Jesse Andrews, Edge. Co. to Josiah Worrell, Edge. Co. for $320, a tract of land on the south side of Tar River adjoining the land of Joel Battle, Richard (Blenten) and others beginning at a pine on Tyan Cokey Swamp and running north along James Lancaster's line to a lightwood post in Grey (Jordan's) line then east 110 poles along said line to Joel Battle's line then south along said Battle's line to a corner pine then east along said Battle's line to a red oak then along said Battle's line to Samuel Daughtreys corner a pine then along said Daughtrey's line west to Richard (Blanten's) line then along said (Blanton's) line to beginning, containing 320 acres, signed Jesse Andrews, wit Spencer D. Cotton. FHC film 0018892, 2-16-00. Edge. Co. Db 16, page 337, date of deed 9 Mar 1816, date recorded May Ct. 1819, Aaron Proctor, Edge. Co. to Absalom Proctor, Edge. Co. for $200, a tract of land on both sides of a branch of the Little Swamp, containing 200 acres beginning at a pine in (Isaac) Ricks line an agreed line then east along said Ricks line to a black oak a corner then south 190 ½ poles to a pine a corner then west to a black jack in said dividing line then north 190 ½ poles along said dividing line to the first station, it being part of a tract of land which Willis Curl bought of William ( ), signed Aaron Proctor (X), wit. Jacob Proctor, E. Bullock. FHC film 0018892, 2-24-00. NEED TO FIND HOW AARON OBTAINED LAND FROM WILLIS CURL. Edge. Co. Db 16, page 338, date of deed 3 Feb 1819, date recorded May Ct. 1819, NC grant # 2049 to David Bullock, entered 16 March 1816, for 192 3/4 acres on Tyancoque Swamp beginning at a white oak in ( ) Mill Branch and then north 5 west 128 poles to Redmunds line then along said line north 65 ½ east 91 poles to a post oak (Lodge's) old corner then along Lodge's line south 55 ½ east 72 poles south 33 east 151 poles to a sweet gum in Sassnett's Mill Branch then south 48 (west) 129 poles to a pine formerly ( ) Hart's corner then south 85 ½ west 96 poles to a pine north 30 west 66 poles west 20 poles north 57 west 50 poles south 77 ½ west 30 poles south 33 ½ east 4 poles then to beginning. FHC film 0018892, 2-24-00. Edge. Co. Db 16, page 341, date of deed 15 May 1817, date recorded May Ct. 1819, William Gay, Sen., Edge. Co. to Kinchen Norville, my son in law, Edge. Co., me hereunto moving, one Negro girl named Charity, abt. age 17, William Gay, Sen., wit. Jonathan Gay. Norville sold this slave to Gray Little recorded in a bill of sale on page 346. FHC film 0018892, 2-24-00. Edge. Co. Db 16, page 347, deed date 29 Mar 1819, recorded May Ct 1819, John Wilkinson, Sr, Edge. Co to John Wilkinson, Jr, county aforesaid for $280, a tract on the north side of Town Creek beginning at a gum in Ruffins Branch then south 10 ½ east ( poles) to a stake a corner then south 84 east to a post oak in Bullock's line then along said line to said creek then up said creek to the mouth of Ruffins Branch then up the said branch to the beginning containing (66) acres that I received by deed from Jesse Johnston dated 20 Aug 1816, signed John Wilkinson, SR, wit Dempsey Jenkins, Mary Jenkins, acknowledged in court. Abstracted 22 Dec 07, NCA film C.037.40014, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 16, page 353, deed date 23 Jan 1819, proved May Ct. 1819, James S. Battle, Edge. Co. to Jesse Andrews , Edge. Co. for $1800, a certain parcel of Negroes, to wit. A Negro man named Ned and his family, Pink, Sabra, (Viney), Martin (Michael) and Hagan, signed James S. Battle, wit. Joseph S. Battle, John Battle. Abstracted 10-24-03, NCA film C.037.40014. Edge. Co. Db 16, page 353, deed date 9 Oct 1818, recorded May Ct. 1819, Absalom Horn to Elisha Watkins, both of Edge. Co. for $60, a tract of land on the south side of Tar River and on Buck Swamp containing 11 acres, beginning at a black jack in (Rosses) line Prices corner then along Price's line and Harts to a gum ( ) corner then west to Jesse Brake's line to a pine then north along Brake's line to a pine then to the beginning, signed Absalom Horn, wit. ( ) Philips, Moses Price, proved. Abstracted 10-24-03, NCA film C.037.40014. Edge. Co. Db 16, page 356, date of deed 9 Oct 1807, date recorded May Ct. 1819, Starling Waller was the son of James Waller. FHC film 0018892, 2-24-00. Edge. Co. Db 16, page 358, deed date 27 Feb 1819, recorded May Ct. 1819, Tarborough, Henry Anderson to Jesse Andrews for $600, a Negro girl named Charlotte, signed Henry Anderson (Z), wit. Josiah Worrell, proved. Abstracted 10-25-03, NCA film C.037.40014. Edge. Co. Db 16, page 369, date of deed 16 Jan 1818, date recorded Aug Ct. 1819, Abner Eason, Edge. Co. to William Gay (Jun.), Pitt Co. for $1200, a tract of land on the south side of Autrey's Creek beginning at a gum in said creek in (Cornelius Autrey's) new line then south 182 poles to a corner pine then east 184 poles to a supposed corner pine then north 310 to a corner pine then west to said creek then up the various courses of said creek to the first station, containing 295 acres, signed Abner Eason, wit. (Richd) Thigpen, Abner Tison. FHC film 0018892, 2-24-00. Edge. Co. Db 16, page 371, deed date 11 Apr 1818, recorded Aug Ct 1819, Elijah Robinson, Edge. Co to William White, county aforesaid for $1000, a tract on the south side of Hominy Swamp beginning at Benjamin Farmer's line in Hominy Swamp then down the various courses of said swamp to Josiah Daniel's line then west with the said line to corner stump then south with said Daniel's line to Cobb's corner a pine and oak then west with said Cobb line to the center of three pines in said line then along agreed line to a corner pine on the public road leading from Goddins Bridge to Horns Bridge then down the road a small space oposit of Benjamin Farmer's corner then to said corner and then along the said Farmer's line to the beginning, it being 200 acres, signed Elijah Robinson, wit Jesse Barnes (proved), (Jams Blabb). Abstracted 26 Mar 07, NCA film C.037.40014, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 16, page 374, date of deed 1 Jun 1819, date recorded Aug Ct. 1819, Josiah Perry, Bertie Co. John Griffin, Edge. Co. for $25, a tract of land on the east side of Bilbry's Mill Branch beginning in the mouth of the (M_____y Branch then up the said branch to Griffin's line then along said line to the mill pond then down the mill pone to the first station, containing 2 acres, signed Josiah Perry, wit. Wm. Balfour. FHC film 0018892, 2-24-00. Edge. Co. Db 16, page 376, deed date 14 Aug 1819, recorded Aug Ct 1819, Willis Pitt, Edge. Co to Joseph Lackey, same county for $800, all his right title and claim to a tract containing (73) acres which said tract descended to the said Willis Pitt as one of the heirs of the late Joseph Pitt dec'd, bounded by the lands of Archibald Pitt, John Griffin, the orphans of James Perry and