Edgecombe County, NC - Edgecombe County Deed Book 26 Part 2 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/nc/ncfiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Tommy Colbert clycolbert@aol.com Edge. Co. Db 26, page 315, date of deed 14 Dec 1853, date recorded Feb Ct. 1854, John Garrett estate to Elizabeth Garret, her dower land beginning at a small sweet gum near the run of Cokey Swamp then north 82 east 168 poles to a ditch then up the various courses of said ditch to a pine in the back line then along said line to a (blank) then north 87 ½ west to a small birch on Cokey Swamp then down said swamp to beginning , signed (commissioners) R.E. Macnair, Robert A. Johnson, John W. Davis, Wm. Lodge (X), Redmond R. Dupree, D.W. Bullock, Josh Killebrew, Martin Gardner, James Edge, W.S. Dunn, John Walston, Wright Wiggins (X), Jas. F. Jenkins, sheriff. Abstracted 30 Jan 01 FHC film 0370240, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 26, page 321, date of deed 17 Oct 1853, date recorded Spring Term of Superior Court, 1854, division of the real estate of Kinchen Edwards, dec'd among his heirs at law, in one tract in Edge. Co. containing 709 acres and in one other tract which is known as the old Joyner tract that lies in Nash Co. 293 acres and in the other tract which lies on the north side of Tar River 582 acres, courses of the Edgecombe Co. tract beginning at a pine Hines Cobb's corner then along his line north 9 west 83 poles to a black gum said Cobb's corner north 78 3/4 west 91 poles to a pine the old Beland corner then south 79 east 56 poles to a stake William Adams corner north 8 east 78 poles to a gum in the run of Town Creek said Adams corner then down the run of the creek to an ash north 1 east 192 poles to a pine Mrs. Wins corner south 89 ½ east 342 poles to a litewood stump Elzy Taylor and Isaac Braswell corner then along said Braswell line south 1 west 156 poles to a hickory Isaac Moore corner north 89 west 43 poles to a pine stump Jacob Robbins corner north 5 east 67 poles to a red oak Jacob Robbins corner north 89 west 207 poles to a oak and dogwood south 121 ½ poles to a stake and a gum said Robbins' corner then west 24 poles to a maple in the run of Town Creek said Robbins corner then down the run of said creek to the fork of the creek then up the run of the south prong to the mouth of Cabbin Branch then up the Cabbin Branch to Benjamin Thornes (could be Thomas) Mill House then north 33 east 10 1/4 poles to a stake B. Thornes corner at the end of the dam north 17 east 33 ½ poles to a stake said (Thornel) corner north 89 ½ east 111 poles to the first station, courses of the old Joyner tract beginning at a poplar (Moses) Joyner corner then with his line east 9 poles to a stake said Joyner corner north 36 east 100 poles to a pine on the side of the county road that leads to Nolly's Crossroad said Joyner's corner then along the various courses of said road to a black jack Eaton Gay's corner then with Gay line north 3 ½ east 130 poles to a post oak and pine said Gay corner in Johnathan Joyner line them with Joyner line north 89 west 194 poles to a pine said Joyner corner south 49 ½ west 50 poles to a white oak said Joyner's corner north 10 west (13) poles to a dead oak north 22 east 15 poles to a dead oak said Joyner other corner north 57 west 17 poles back to the old line north 15 west 205 ½ poles stake said Joyner's corner north 62 ½ west 20 poles to a spring gut near the river north 11 ½ west 7 ½ poles to a hickory on the banks of the Tar River Johnathan Joyner corner then up the various courses of the river to a burch at the mouth of Dorman's branch then up the said branch to a burch near the mill house north 75 east 8 poles to a rock M Joyner's corner north 16 ½ east 120 poles to the first station; courses of the third tract on the north side of Tar River beginning at a pine Levi Edwards' corner then with his line north 69 west 78 poles then south 18 ½ west 11 ½ poles to a pine stump Levi Edwards corner south 76 west 120 poles north 48 poles to a white oak north 77 ½ west 115 poles to a gum at the fork of the road then south 129 poles to a stake Alfred Joyner's corner then east 28 poles to a small black gum A. Joyner's corner ( ) south 1 east 130 poles to a hickory A. Joyner's corner south 64 east 5 3/4 poles to a post oak said Joyner corner north 3 west 56 poles to a white oak on the bank of Tar River A. Joyner's corner then down the river to a hickory Andrew Joyner's corner north 59 west 149 poles to the first station; lot # 1 drawn by Hilliard Daws, Redding Daws, Sion Daws, Margaret Daws and Catherine Daws containing 360 acres beginning at a pine Hines Cobb's corner then north 9 west 83 poles to a black gum said Cobb corner then north 78 3/4 west 18 poles north 13 west 91 poles to a pine the old Beland corner south 79 east 56 poles to a stake William Adams corner north 8 east 78 poles to a gum in Town Creek said Adams corner then down the run of the creek to an ash then north 1 east 91 poles too a stake corner of lot # 2 then with the line of # 2 east 92 poles to a dogwood corner of lot #2 and Jacob Robbins south 212 ½ poles to a stake and gum Jacob Robbins corner west 24 poles to a maple in the run of Town Creek then down the run to an ash a little below the horse ford corner of lot # 2 then north 55 ½ west 49 poles then north 24 (west) 19 poles north 701/2 west 40 poles to a pine on the side of the path corner of lot # 2 then with the line of lot # 2south 15 3/4 west 255 poles to an ash at the mouth of the Cabbin Branch corner of lot # 2 then up the various courses of the Cabbin Branch to Benjamin Thornel Mill House then north 33 east 10 1/4 poles to a stake B. Thornel corner at the end of the mill dam north 17 east 33 ½ poles to a stake B. Thornel corner north 88 ½ east 111 poles to the first station and is valued to $1710 and to receive from lot # 3 which is drawn by Levi Edwards as trustee to Moses Edwards $248.50; lot # 2 drawn by Kinchen Edwards containing in one tract 220 acres and in the other tract 129 acres courses of the first piece on the east side of the creek beginning at a stake corner of lot # 1 in Mrs. Wins line then with her line north 1 east 101 poles to a pine Mrs. Wins corner south 88 ½ east 342 poles to a litewood stump Elzy Taylor and Isaac Braswell's corner then south 156 ½ poles to a hickory Isaac Moore corner then north 89 west 42 ½ poles to a pine stump in Jacob Robbins line north 5 east 67 poles to a red oak Jacob Robbins corner then west 299 poles to the first station, courses of the tract on the west side (or in) the fork of the creek beginning at a ash in the run of Town Creek corner of lot # 1 then north 55 ½ west 49 poles along the path north 24 west 19 poles north 70 ½ west 40 poles to a pine on side of the path corner of lot # 1 then south 15 3/4 west 255 poles to an ash at the mouth of the Cabbin Branch then down the creek to the fork then up the north prong to the first station and is valued to $1745 and is to receive from lot # 3 which was drawn by Levi Edwards as trustee to Moses Edwards $172 and to receive from lot # 4 which was drawn by Randol Edwards $41.50; lot # 3 drawn by Levi Edwards as trustee for Moses Edwards containing in one tract which is the old Joyner tract 293 acres and in the other on the north side of Tar River 82 acres, courses of the old Joyner tract beginning at a poplar Moses Joyner corner east 9 poles to a stake said Joyner corner north 36 east 100 poles to a pine on the side of the county road that leads to Nolly Cross Road then along that road to a black jack E. Gay corner north 4 ½ east 130 poles to a post oak and pine said Gay corner in Johnathan Joyner line then along Joyner line west 194 poles to a pine Johnathan Joyner's corner south 49 ½ west 50 poles to a white oak said Joyner corner north 10 west 13 poles to a dead oak north 22 east 15 poles to oak north 57 west 17 poles north 15 west 205 ½ poles to a stake said Joyner corner north 62 ½ west 20 poles to the spring gut north 11 ½ west 7 ½ poles to a hickory on the banks of Tar River said Joyner corner then up the various courses of the river to a burch at the mouth of Dormans branch Moses Joyner corner then up the branch to a burch near M Joyner Mill House north 75 east 8 poles to a rock then north 16 ½ east 120 poles to the first station, courses of tract on the north side of the river beginning at a (horne beam) near the spring corner of lot # 4 then with the line of # 4 east 149 poles to a (horne beam) on the bank of the Tar River corner o lot # 4 then up the river to the first station and is valued to $2379 and pays to lot # 2 $248.50 and is to pay lot # 2 $172; lot # 4 drawn by Randol Edwards containing 500 acres beginning at a hickory on the banks of Tar River Andrew Joyner corner then along his line north 59 west 149 poles to a pine Levi Edwards corner north 69 west 78 poles to south 18 ½ west 11 ½ poles to a pine stump Levi Edwards corner south 76 west 120 poles north 48 poles to a white oak north 77 ½ west 115 poles to a gum at the fork of the road south 129 poles to a stake Alfred Joyner corner east 28 poles to a small black gum said Joyner corner south 1 east 130 poles to a hickory said Joyner corner south 64 east 5 3/4 poles to a post oak said Joyner corner north 3 west 56 poles to a white oak on the bank of Tar River A. Joyner corner then down the river to the (horne beam) near the spring corner of lot # 3 then east 149 poles to a bunch of horne beam on the banks of Tar River corner of lot # 3 then down the various courses of the river to the first station and is valued to $2000 and to pay lot # 2 which was drawn by Kinchen Edwards $41.50, commissioners W.J. Armstrong, Jas. H. Armstrong, Jno. J. Bunn, Alfred Joiner. Abstracted 30 Jan 01 FHC film 0370240, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 26, page 324, date of deed 1 Mar 1854, date recorded James R. Walker and his wife, Martha, of Virginia, to William L. Hart, Edge. Co. for $600 the real estate which descended to the said Martha from her father, the late Spencer L. Hart or devised to her by her father by his last will and testament except that part specifically devised to her by the said will and designated as the old place and any other lands she may be entitled under said will shall be excepted, signed James R. Walker, Martha A. Walker, wit. R.H. Pender. James and Martha came into court March 2, 1854 and acknowledged deed. Abstracted 30 Jan 01 FHC film 0370240, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 26, page 325, date of deed 10 Sept 1852, date recorded Feb. Ct. 1854, Richard Harrison, Edge. Co. to Gray Armstrong, Edge. Co. for $4652, two tracts of land, tract one bought by Richard Harrison of James Ricks beginning at a stake on the north side of the avenue Eli Ricks dec'd corner then along said Ricks line north 71 west 127 ½ poles to the center of three pines Ricks other corner then north 4 1/3 west 93 poles to a white oak Ricks other corner then north 42 east 107 to a stake in the center of three pines in the edge of an old field an agreed corner of Robert Ricks then along his line north 50 west 134 poles to a cypress on the banks of Tar River above the Goodson Falls then up the banks of said river to the mouth of Poplar Spring Branch Bennett Bunn's corner then along Bunn's line south 15 poles to his corner then along his other line south 56 poles to a pine Bunn's other corner then south 38 west 116 poles to a post oak Bunn's other corner then north 88 west 179 poles to the banks of Tar River at the mouth of a small branch then up the banks of said river to the mouth of a small branch Bennett Bunn's corner then up said branch to a walnut tree formerly a gum Bunn's other corner then along Bunn's line north 69 east 209 poles to a pine at the crook of the fence then north 74 1/3 east 79 ½ poles to a corner pine Bunn's other corner then south 171 poles to two maples in a branch Battle and Brother's corner then along said line south 88 east 72 poles to a pine B.H. (Ritties) corner on the south side of the Tarboro and Raleigh Road then north 18 east 179 poles to first station, containing 451 acres; the other tract bought from Bennett Bunn beginning at the mouth of the Poplar Spring Branch on the banks of the Tar River James Ricks corner then south 15 poles to James Ricks corner then along a line of marked trees south 565 east 127 poles to a pine Ricks other corner then south 38 west 116 poles to a post oak Ricks other corner then north 88 west 179 poles to the mouth of a small branch Ricks other corner on the banks of Tar River then down the banks of said river to the first containing 214 acres, the said tract adjoins the former tract, signed R. Harrison ® is fancy writing, possibly a middle initial), wit. Kenelm H. Lewis. Abstracted 30 Jan 01 FHC film 0370240, CTC Edge. Co. Db 26, page 332, date of deed 24 Jan 1854, date recorded Feb Ct. 1854, Moses Baker, Edge. Co. to Zadock R. Braswell, Edge. Co. for $375, a tract of land known as the Jacob Proctor land adjoining the lands of Jacob Proctor, Theophilus Moore and others containing 57 acres reference a deed from Jacob Proctor to John Calhoun book 24, page 480, signed Moses Baker, wit. Jesse Baker. Abstracted 30 Jan 01 FHC film 0370240, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 26, page 340, date of deed 17 Dec 1850, date recorded Feb Ct. 1854, Benjamin F. Weaver, Edge. Co. to Henry Crumpley, Edge. Co. for $561 a tract of land on the north west prong of Town Creek beginning at a red oak R.J.B. Weaver dec'd land then south 6 west 237 ½ poles to a stake Belands corner then north 77 west 70 poles to a hickory Hansel Wells' corner then north 5 east 39 ½ poles to a pine then north 87 west 150 poles to a lightwood stump Dawson Cobb's corner then north 10 east 70 ½ poles to a pine stump William Adams corner then south 87 ½ east 62 poles to Town Creek then down said creek crossing the rail road to a gum William Adams corner then north 10 east 127 poles to a stake then south 85 east 76 poles to the first station, also 107 ½ acres which fell to me by the death of my brother R.J.B. Weaver, it being my half of said land beginning at a small pine Nathan Pitt's corner then west 229 poles to a stake Merrit Joyner's line then along said line south 40 poles to a pine then west 72 poles to a hickory then south 76 poles to a stake William Adams corner then along said line east 152 poles to a stake then south 85 east 76 poles to a hickory then south 83 east 70 poles to a pine then north 132 poles to the first station, signed Benj. F.W. Weaver, wit. Thos. L. Maner, R.W. Clayton. Abstracted 30 Jan 01 FHC film 0370240, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 26, page 344, date of deed 28 Feb 1854, date recorded Feb Ct. 1854, James J. Taylor, and wife, Sarah Taylor to John L. Bridgers for $1700, a tract of land known as lot # 5 in the division of the lands of the late Willie Rountree beginning at a small sweet gum in a branch near Elizabeth Amason then up said branch to a corner stump on the mill path near the school house then east 98 ½ poles to a pine at "K" in the division plot then south 70 west 51 poles at "L" then north 55 west 178 poles at "M" then north 87 west 130 poles to a corner pine J.D. Barnes then with J.D. Barnes line 37 poles to a corner stake at "H" a corner of lot # 4 with the line of lot # 4 to beginning containing 170 acres, signed James J. Taylor, Sarah Taylor, wit. William Woodard. Abstracted 30 Jan 01 FHC film 0370240, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 26, page 345, date of deed 28 Oct 1849, date recorded Feb Ct. 1854, James J. Taylor and wife, Sarah, Edge. Co. to John Farmer, Edge. Co. for $300, all our right, title and claim to a tract of land that fell to my wife, Sarah as a dowery from Jesse Barnes, dec'd beginning at the mouth of Middle Branch James W. Barnes corner on Tosnot Swamp then up the various courses of said branch being James W. Barnes line to the mouth of the second drain at the first main (bend) in said branch then south 22 ½ west 148 poles to a stake and pine then south 70 east 108 poles to a hickory then north 24 ½ east 210 poles to a sweet gum in Tosnot Swamp then up the various courses of said swamp to beginning containing 144 acres including the dwelling house and orchard, signed Jas. J. Taylor, Sarah Taylor, wit. ???. Abstracted 30 Jan 01 FHC film 0370240, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 26, page 347, deed date 7 Jun 1853, recorded Feb Ct 1854, John T. Daniels to Henry W. Boon, both of Edge. Co for $10, a tract in the Town of Wilson beginning at a post oak corner of Jas. D. Barnes line and runs with H. Williford's line to the Plank Road then with the Plank Road 15 yds then to the beginning, signed John T. Daniel, wit Jas R. Daniel, W.B. Myers (proved). Abstracted 6 Sep 07, RD copy CTC. Edge. Co. Db 26, page 347, deed date 3 Jan 1854, recorded 14 Mar 1854, Isaac B. Farmer, Edge. Co to Redmon Batts, county aforesaid for $223.23, a tract on the north side of Toisnot Swamp lying on the west side of the new road adjoining the lands of Elizabeth Amason, Arthur Barden and others, said land was drawn by Blount Bulluck and wife, Polly in the division of the lands of the late John Farmer, dec'd, being all the land on the west side of the new road containing 34 & 1/4 acres, signed Isaac B. Farmer, wit William Batts, Matthew Trevathan (proved). Abstracted 6 Sep 07, RD copy CTC. Edge. Co. Db 26, page 348, date of deed 30 May 1853, date recorded Feb Ct. 1854, Robert Braswell, Edge. Co to Theophilus Moore, Edge. Co. for $147, a tract of land on Mercers Mill Swamp adjoining the lands of Moses Baker and others beginning at a stake in Moses Baker's line then south to a (elum) in the swamp then east the various courses of the run of the swamp to a (haw tree) a corner then north to a pine a corner then west to beginning, known as Berry Lancaster tract containing 49 acres, signed Robert Braswell, wit. Henry Williams, Martha Braswell (possibly mark, but probably middle initial possibly F). Abstracted 30 Jan 01 FHC film 0370240, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 26, page 350, date of deed 29 Dec 1853, date recorded Feb Ct. 1854, Jacob Byrum, Edge. Co. to John L. Bridgers, Edge. Co. for $600, a tract of land on the waters of Cokey Swamp adjoining the lands of the late Peoples Hill, Gray Armstrong, and others reference a deed by Meedy Williford to Burrell Hill containing 120 acres, signed Jacob Byrum, wit. R.H. Austin. Abstracted 30 Jan 01 FHC film 0370240, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 26, page 357, date of deed 3 Jan 1854, date recorded Feb. CT. 1854, Willie Rountree, decd, to James J. Taylor in right of his wife, Sarah, John W. Farmer in right of his wife, Obedience, William Woodard in right of his wife, Delphia, Nancy Rountree and Mary A. Rountree tenants in common and heirs at law of Willie Rountree, division of land by commissioners; lot # 1 to William Woodard & wife, Delphia in severalty beginning at an oak in a slash at A, John Dews corner then with his line south 85 west to the road at "AB" then along the various courses of the road to James Barnes corner a stake at "C" then with James Barnes line to the beginning, containing 51 acres valued at $561; lot # 2 to Mary A. Rountree in right of her mother in severalty beginning at a stake in the road at "C" a corner of # 1 James Barnes and Seth Ward's corner then along the road 66 ½ poles to a stake at "D" then north 89 west a marked line to the creek and corner on a chestnut oak at "E" then up the various courses as the same to the mouth of a ditch Seth Ward's corner at "F" then along the various courses of the ditch to the beginning corner containing 50 acres valued at $900; lot # 3 to John W. Farmer & wife Obedience in severalty beginning at a stake in the road at "D" a corner of # 2 then along the various courses of said road to John Dews line at "B" a corner of # 1 then with Dew's line south 85 west to the creek at "G" then up the various courses of said creek to a corner oak at "E" a corner of # 2 then with the line of # 2 to the beginning containing 62 ½ acres valued at $932.50; lot # 4 to Nancy Rountree in severalty beginning at a stake in the center of several small oaks in James Barnes line (piny thract) at "H" then along a marked line south 37 ½ east to a corner small sweet gum in a branch the boundary line at "I" then down the various meanders of said branch to where it flows into Homany Swamp then up the various meanders of said swamp to the mouth of another small branch above the road James Barnes line then up the various meanders of said branch and James Barnes line to the beginning containing 158 1/4 acres and valued at $869; lot # 5 to James J. Taylor in right of his wife, Sarah in severalty beginning at a small sweet gum in a branch near Elizabeth Amason's at "I" then up the various courses of said branch to a corner stump on the mill path near the school house a "J" then east 98 ½ poles to a pine at "K" then north 7 west 51 ½ poles at "L" then north 55 west 178 poles at "M" then north "87 west 130 poles to a corner pine at "N" James Barnes corner then with James Barnes line 37 poles to a corner stake at "H" a corner of # 4 then with the line of # 4 to the beginning containing 170 acres valued at $1020; monies to be paid to inferior lots so that division will be of equal value; # 1 (William Woodard & wife, Delphia) receives from # 2 (Mary Rountree) $42.50 and from lot # 3 (John W. Farmer & wife Obedience) $80 and from # 4 (Nancy Rountree) $11.50 and from lot # 5 (James J. Taylor & wife, Sarah) $62.50, signed Elisha Barnes, John Dew, Hardy F. Barnes. Abstracted 6 Feb. 01 FHC film 0370240, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 26, page 360, date of deed 19 Jan 1854, date recorded Feb Ct. 1854, by order of Nov. Ct. 1853, commissioners divide the real estate of Richard Jourdan, dec'd among his heirs at law, containing 75 acres beginning at a red oak stump on Opposum Road then north 89 east 101 poles to a pine then south 128 poles to a litewood stump Orren P. Daniel corner then with said Daniel line south 89 west 82 poles to a pine stump Mrs. Sally Jourdan's heirs corner then with there line north 22 west 22 poles to a pine said Jourdan's corner then north 11 west to and with the said road 90 poles to the first station, which we divide and subdivide as follows and allot to Whitmel Williams lot #1 containing 31 3/4 acres beginning at the red oak stump on the road then north 89 east 101 poles to a pine then south 50 poles to a small pine in James S. Battle's line and corner of lot #2 then south 89 west 100 poles to a stake on side of the road corner of lot #2 then along the said road to the first station, which is one half in value; lot #2 allotted to William D. Long in right of his wife, Tishia Ann E. containing 22 acres beginning at a stake on the said road corner of lot #1 north 89 east 100 poles to a small pine corner of lot #1 in James S. Battle's line then south 36 poles to a post oak corner of lot #3 in James S. Battle's line then south 89 west 94 poles to a stake on the side if the said road corner of lot # 3 then north 11 west 36 poles to the first station, being one fourth in value; lot #3 to William A. Jourdan containing 22 acres beginning at a stake on side of the road corner of lot #2 then north 89 east 94 poles to a post oak corner of lot # 2 in Jas. S. Battle's line then with his line south 42 poles to a litewood stump Orren P. Daniel corner then with Daniel line south 89 west 82 poles to a pine stump Jourdan's heirs corner north 22 west 22 poles to a pine said Jourdan's heirs other corner then north 11 west to and with the road 22 poles to the first station, and is one fourth in value, signed Orren P. Daniel, Elisha Thomas, S. H. Hargrove, Theo. Thomas, JP. Abstracted 6-27-02, FHC film C.037.40019, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 26, page 362, date of deed 25 May 1854, date recorded May Ct. 1854, John L. Bridgers to James J. Taylor, for $1500, a tract of land known as lot # 5 in the division of the lands of the late Willie Rountree containing 170 acres, for description reference deed from James J. Taylor and wife, Sarah to John L. Bridgers book 26, page 344, signed J.L. Bridgers, wit. David Pender. Abstracted 30 Jan 01 FHC film 0370240, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 26, page 367, date of deed 27 Mar 1854, date recorded May Ct. 1854, Martin Thorn, deed of gift to 1- my son, James R. Thorn, one Negro girl, Adline; 2- my daughter Elizabeth, Negro woman Rose and children Jane, Charles, "Marres"; 3- my daughter Nancy Negro girl Matilda and two acres of land on the east side of mill where house now stands, signed Martin Thorn, wit. Jno. G. Williams. Abstracted 30 Jan 01 FHC film 0370240, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 26, page 378, date of deed 29 Mar 1854, date recorded May Ct. 1854, Powell Beland estate to Polly Beland, dower land beginning at James Lupo corner in Jacob Robbins line then along said line to John Whitehead line then along his line to a stake then north 89 west to Isaac Braswell's line then along his line to Jas. Lupo's line then along said line to beginning containing 100 acres, signed John B. Batts, Hansel Wells, B.J. Lancaster, John Daws, Hines Cobb (X), Cally L. Braswell, Jas. H. Armstrong, Matha Whitehead (X his mark), James Vivrett, Henry Crumpley (X), Jacob D. Robbins, Bartley Williams. James F. Jenkins, sheriff. Abstracted 30 Jan 01 FHC film 0370240, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 26, page 391, deed date 10 Mar 1853, recorded May Ct 1854, Frederick Proctor to Willie G.W. Proctor for love and affection for my son, a tract on the north side of the Opossum Road adjoining the lands of Theophilus Thomas, James L. Battle & Matthew Long beginning at a small post oak at the road then north 131 poles along the dividing line to Battle's line a lightwood stake then north 79 east 55 1/3 poles to three pines, two sweet gums and one sourwood in Battle's line then south 158 poles along the dividing line to a stake then 28 poles south 89 west to a pine then north 58 3/4 west 29 1/3 poles to the beginning, containing 50 acres, signed Fredk. Proctor, wit Bennett Bradley, Jesse Bulluck, acknowledged in court. Abstracted 12 Jul 07, RD copy, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 26, page 392, deed date 10 Mar 1853, recorded May Ct 1854, Alsey Wright Evans Proctor to Willie G.W. Proctor, all of Edge. Co for $158, a tract of land on the north side of the Opossum Road adjoining Theophilus Thomas, Orren Daniel, and James L. Battle beginning at a stake at the road then north along Orren P. Daniel's line to James L. Battle's line then north 79 ½ east along Battle's line to a lightwood stake a corner then south 131 poles to the dividing line to the road a small post oak then along the road to the first station, containing 50 acres, signed A.W.E. Proctor, wit Bennett Bradley, Jesse Bulluck (proved). Abstracted 12 Jul 07, FHC film FHC 0370240, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 26, page 395, date of deed 11 Dec 1848, date recorded May Ct. 1854, Absolom Proctor, Sen., Edge. Co to Absolom Proctor, Jr., Edge. Co. for natural love and affection for my son (said Absolom Proctor, Jun) a tract of land beginning at the center of two sweet gum trees and a black gum tree in a pond south west corner of said lands then north 57 east along a new line of marked trees 158 ½ poles to an ash corner tree then in or near the run of Little Cokey Swamp then up the various courses of said swamp to Elza Taylor's corner in the mouth of a small branch then up the various courses of said branch to said Taylor and Absolem Proctor Jun's corner in said branch the up the same said branch to another of said Absolem Proctor Jun's corner in a pond being the same pond as first corner is situated then to the first, bearing of which is unknown but presumed to be south 54 ½ east, distance not measured, containing 40 acres, signed Absolem Proctor (X), wit. Theo. Thomas. Abstracted 6 Feb. 01 FHC film 0370240, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 26, page 398, date of deed 15 Jul 1853, date recorded Nov. CT. 1853, division of land among William Brake, Willie Brake and William B. Brake, order issued by May Ct. 1853, 318 acres beginning at a pine William S. Battle corner then running along Battle line north 82 west 115 poles to a pine Hartwell Long corner then along said Long line south 16 west 120 poles to a pine said Long corner north 87 west 25 poles to a pine said Long other corner south 22 ½ west 22 poles to a sweet gum at the head of a small branch then down the branch along an old agreed line to a sweet gum and white oak H Long's corner in Tyan Cokey Swamp then down the various courses of said swamp to a holly Sander L. Spicer corner then along his line north 1 west 47 poles to a pine said Spicer's corner north 88 east 57 poles Wm. Worsley Jr's corner then along his line north 298 poles to the first station, which was divided as follows: lot # 1 to Willie Brake & William B. Brake containing 150 acres beginning at a pine Wm. S. Battle corner then north 89 west 76 poles to a pine corner of lot # 2 in Battle line then with the line of # 2 south 359 poles to a black gum in Tyan Cokey Swamp corner of lot # 2 then down the run of said swamp to a holly S.L. Spicer's corner then north 1 west 47 poles to a pine said Spicer's corner north 88 east 57 poles to two pine Wm. Worsley Jr. corner then north 298 poles to the first station and valued to lot # 2 allotted to William Brake containing 168 acres, beginning at a pine corner of lot # 1 then north 89 west 39 poles to a pine Hartwell Long corner then along his line south 16 west 120 poles to a pine said Long corner then north 87 west 25 poles to a pine said Long corner south 22 ½ west 22 poles to a sweet gum at the head of a small branch then along a line of marked trees and an old agreed line to a white oak and sweet gum in Tyan Cokey Swamp Hartwell Long corner then down the various courses of said swamp to a black gum corner of lot # 1 then along the line of lot # 1 north 359 poles to the first station, valued equal, signed Whitmel Williams, William Worsley Jr., Elisha Thomas, Hartwell Long (X), Theo. Thomas J.P. Abstracted 6 Feb. 01 FHC film 0370240, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 26, page 427, date of deed 25 Oct 1854, date recorded 30 Oct 1854, Newsom Long, Edge. Co. to Amos J. Armstrong, Edge. Co., (Henry Shurly of the third part), for $1, Newsom Long is indebted to Henry Shurly for $175, if not paid by 1 Jan. next, Armstrong is to sell land, beginning at Moses Spicer's corner pine then south 40 poles to a pine then east 60 poles to a water oak then south 150 poles to a red oak then east to John Ward's corner then along his line north to his other corner in Charles Barnes line then west to the first station, containing 133 acres, signed Newsom Long, A.J. Armstrong, wit. Eli. W. Moore. Abstracted 6 Feb. 01 FHC film 0370240, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 26, page 441, date of deed 28 Aug 1854, date recorded 2 Sept. 1854, Zadoc R. Braswell to James O'Neal, both of Edge. Co. for $500, a tract of land on the south side of Mercers Mill Branch beginning at an ash on the run of branch, corner of Spencer (S) Braswell's then running along said Spencer's line south to a stake in Cally S. Braswell's line then along said Cally's line to John Braswell's heirs' line then along said line to a small branch Cally S. Braswell's line then down the various courses of said branch to a maple on the run of Mercers Mill Branch then up the various courses of said branch to beginning containing 53 1/5 acres, it being a tract that fell to said Zadoc R. Braswell in the division of the lands of Zadoc Braswell, dec'd, it being lot # 6, signed Zadock R. Braswell, wit. James Wiggins. Abstracted 6 Feb. 01 FHC film 0370240, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 26, page 453, date of deed 23 Nov. 1854, date recorded Nov. 27, 1854, John Miner, Edge. Co. to Elizabeth Jackson, widow of Lemon Jackson, Edge. Co. for $105 a tract of land on the south side of Tyan Cokey Swamp beginning at a stake Gray Armstrong corner in William Thomas' line then along Thomas' line west 127 ½ poles to a stake in said Thomas' line then south 84 poles to a willow oak and pine on the side of the path corner in John Miner's heirs line then east 127 ½ poles to a post oak in Gray Armstrong's line then along Armstrong's line north 88 poles to the first station, containing 70 acres, signed John Miner, wit. Wm. J.J.H. Jackson. Abstracted 6 Feb. 01 FHC film 0370240, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 26, page 456, date of deed 24 Jun 1847, date recorded 28 Nov. 1854, Jesse Mercer, Edge. Co. of the first part and Margaret Mercer, wife of said Jesse Mercer, John Norfleet and Robt. Norfleet, all of Edge. Co.; whereas the said Jesse and his wife, the said Margaret Mercer "have agreed to live separate and apart and to restore each other to their antenuptial rights in regard to their estates and property and to surrender all their respective rights which they have acquired by virtue of their marriage as well those which have vested or those that may hereafter vest or accrue" and said Jesse conveys all rights of property which he has already acquired by his marriage with the said Margaret and said Margaret relinquishes all right and claim to his property after his death, said John and Robt. Norfleet being Margaret's sureties, Jesse Mercer surrenders rights to land that descended from "Isaac Norfleet to his wife Margaret Mercer" and slaves Wright, Milly and her four children, Haywood, Winney, Abram and Charlotte and his right and claim in slaves Rachael, Esther, Ben, Eliza and her children, Abner, Reddick and another slave whose name is not known bequeathed to said Margaret and Sarah Norfleet by their grandfather, the late James Ward together with the monies due to said Jesse Mercer from John Norfleet administrator of the late Isaac Norfleet amounting on the 25th day of Nov. 1846 to $419.45 and one eight of five shares of W&RR Road company, signed Jesse Mercer, Margaret Mercer, Jno. Norfleet, R. Norfleet, wit. Robt. R. Bridgers. Abstracted 10 Feb. 01, FHC film 0370240, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 26, page 469, date of deed 26 Jan 1855, date recorded 31 Jan 1855, Josiah Lawrence, Edge. Co. to his daughter, Ann B. Powell, Edge. Co. gift of ½ part of lot # 92 in Tarboro. Edge. Co. Db 26, page 473, date of deed 15 Apr 1854, date recorded 27 Nov. 1854, Moses James Mitchell and Sarah Ann Mitchell by power of attorney to said Moses James Mitchell of the state of Arkansas, Cahoon Co. to Jesse Price, for $527.60, a tract of land on the waters of Tian Cokey Swamp beginning at a red oak Mary McDade's corner then an agreed line north (three) east to Abraham Price line then said Prices line west to a corner pine the old corner then south along Prices or David Nolley's line to the old Raleigh Road then down said road to the first station, containing 100 ½ acres, signed Moses J. Mitchell, Attorney, Sarah A. Mitchell, wit. Robert Ricks, B. Bradley. Abstracted 10 Feb. 01 FHC film 0370240, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 26, page 474, date of deed 27 Nov. 1854, date recorded John Norfleet, Edge. Co. as trustee of the late Mrs. Margaret Mercer, to Benjamin Norfleet, Edge. Co. (as directed by will of Margaret Mercer) for ($5), the land which descended from the late Isaac Norfleet & the late Sarah E. Norfleet to the said Margaret Mercer, the said Margaret being a daughter of the said Isaac and as such being entitled to an undivided one ninth part of the lands which descended from him and sister of said Sarah E. and as such entitled to an undivided one eight part of the lands descended from her the said Sarah E., said land lying on Tyan Cokey Swamp adjoining the lands of Wright Barnes, Wright Wiggins, and others containing about 50 acres, the other tract lying on both sides of Hatcher's Swamp adjoining the lands of A.J.M. Whitehead, Henry Thorn, Henry Morgan, Baker Staton and many others containing about 1900 acres, signed Jno Norfleet, wit. Josh Killebrew. Abstracted 10 Feb. 01 FHC film 0370240, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 26, page 475, date of deed 26 Sept. 1854, date recorded 27 Nov. 1854, Mary Barnes, Wayne Co., NC to my grandson, Willie Daniel, for one dollar and love and affection, one Negro girl by the name of Phillis, now in the possession of my said grandson, signed Mary Barnes (X), wit. John H. Martin. Abstracted 10 Feb. 01 FHC film 0370240, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 26, page 476, date of deed 28 Nov. 1854, date recorded 28 Nov. 1854, Jesse B. Hyatt and Martha C. Hyatt, Edge. Co. to William M. Gay, Edge. Co. for $305, a tract of land in the town of Wilson adjoining the lands of Wells Fleming and others on the south side of the Greenville and Raleigh Plank Road and west of the Wilmington and Raleigh Rail Road beginning in the corner of Nash and Lodge St. then south with Lodge St. to Willis Fleming's line and then with said Fleming's line east to within 90 ft. of the base of the Wilmington and Raleigh RR then running parallel with the base of said rail road north to Nash St. and then with Nash St. to the beginning, containing ½ acre, , signed J.B. Hyatt, Martha C. Hyatt, wit. Irvin Thigpen. Dower release. Abstracted 10 Feb. 01 FHC film 0370240, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 26, page 476, date of deed 20 Nov. 1854, date recorded 27 Nov. 1854, Alfred Dortridge, Edge. Co. to Epenetus O. Turner, Edge. Co. for $66, a tract of land on the east side of the W & R Rail Road beginning at a corner rock on said road then east 91 poles to a corner rock then south 14 poles to a corner pine then east 14 poles to a corner pine then south 21 poles to a corner lightwood stake then west 114 poles to a corner pine said rail road then north 19 east to the first station, containing 22 acres with the exception of the pine timber that is fit to saw, signed Alfred Dortridge (X), wit. John Minor. Abstracted 10 Feb. 01 FHC film 0370240, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 26, page 477, date of deed 18 Aug 1852, date recorded 27 Nov. 1854, John Minor, Edge. Co. to Epenetus O. Turner, Edge. Co. for $59.42, a tract of land on the east side of the rail road on the head waters of Cokey Swamp known as a part of Willis Curl land beginning at a rock on the east side of the W&R rail road in Orren P. Daniel line then along his line east to a rock corner of Orren P. Daniel corner then north 1 east 54 ½ poles to a pine and two maples corner of John Minor then along said Minor's line west 74 ½ poles to a small pine on the rail road then along said rail road south 19 west 55 poles to the first station, containing 27 3/4 acres, signed John Minor, wit. R.S. Petway. Abstracted 10 Feb. 01 FHC film 0370240, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 26, page 480, deed date 15 Dec 1854, recorded Feb 3, 1855, James Whitehurst, Edge. Co to Elizabeth Carney, wife of Wright Carney for love and affection for my daughter, a Negro girl slave named Winney, aged 11 years, signed James Whitehurst, wit W.T. Whitehurst. Abstracted 11-17-05, FHC 0370240, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 26, page 483, date of deed 14 Nov. 1853, date recorded Nov. 1854, Joshua Killebrew and his wife, Sally Killebrew, Edge. Co. to Stephen W. Wooten, Edge. Co. for $25, all our interest which is a dower right in a certain tract of land which said Stephen "bot" of John W. Gay, one of the heirs of Jonathan Gay, dec'd which was subject to the widow's dower now Sally Killebrew, wife of Joshua Killebrew adjoining the lands of Allen Gay and others known as lot # 2, signed J. Killebrew, Sally Killebrew (X), wit. R.T. Eagles, Henry Wooten. Dower released, Abstracted 10 Feb. 01 FHC film 0370240, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 26, page 484, date of deed 14 Nov. 1850, date recorded Nov. Ct. 1854, Joshua Killebrew and his wife, Sally Killebrew, Edge. Co. and Wm. Rufus Gay, Pitt Co. to John Cobb, Edge. Co. for $400, a tract of land on the south side of Autries Creek on each side of road leading from the creek to the meeting house adjoining the land of Stephen W. Wooten, Allen Gay, John Cobb and others "known as a part of the tract of land formerly owned by Jonathan Gay dec'd drawn by the said Rufus Gay one of the heirs of said dec'd" lot # 3 containing 94 acres, signed J. Killebrew, Sally Killebrew (X), Allen R. Gay, wit. R.T. Eagles, Henry Wooten. Dower released. Abstracted 10 Feb. 01 FHC film 0370240, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 26, page 485, date of deed 20 Feb 1854, date recorded 27 Nov. 1854, Robert Braswell, Edge. Co. to James W. Williams, Edge. Co. for $40, a tract of land beginning at a oak a corner in Arter D. Taylor's line then west to a liter stump in Jacob Proctor's line then south to a stake or tree in the Theophilus Moore line then east to a stake or tree in Abisha Williams line then north to the beginning, containing 27 ½ acres, signed Robert Braswell, wit. Zadock R. Braswell, Theophilus Moore, David W. Lancaster. Abstracted 10 Feb. 01 FHC film 0370240, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 26, page 491, date of deed 18Jan 1854, date recorded 27 Nov. 1854, Elizabeth Griffin, Edge. Co. to Robert Braswell, Edge. Co. for $40, a tract of land beginning at a oak corner in Arter D. Taylor's line then west to a liter stump in Jacob Proctor's line then south to a stake or tree in Theophilus Moore's line then east to a stake or tree in Abisha Williams' line then north to the beginning, containing 27 ½ acres, signed Elizabeth Griffin (X), wit. Burrell W. Barnes, Zadock R. Braswell. Abstracted 10 Feb. 01 FHC film 0370240, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 26, page 492, date of deed 29 Nov. 1854, date recorded (Nov. Ct. 1854), Nathan Webb to Thomas A. Braswell for $600, a tract of land containing one acre of land adjoining the lands of Edwin Whitley and Council Applewhite heirs on which the store house stands of which Thomas A. Braswell owns two thirds and one acre on the south side of the above named tract or plank road, signed Nathan Webb, wit. Jas. G. Carraway. Abstracted 10 Feb. 01 FHC film 0370240, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 26, page 495, date of deed 28 Nov. 1854, date recorded Nov. Ct. 1854, commissioners with commissioners from other counties lay off boundary lines between Edge. and adjoining counties, pursuant to an order by Aug. Ct; commencing at a white oak on the banks of Fishing Creek, a little below where the Cool Springs empties into said creek near William H. Knight's then a line of newly marked trees south 21 west 3752 poles to four pines in an old field then south 13 west 248 poles to a sycamore and cypress on the north side of Tar River at Big Falls then south 17 1/4 west 80 poles crossing said river over the falls in Battle & Sons field then south 26 ½ west 3160 poles to a pine in an old field near Winstead's old mill site then south 36 ½ west 3268 poles to a black gum on Contenteny Creek near James Mercer's store and near where the widow Rose formerly lived then down the main run of said creek to the mouth of Toisnot Swamp then a new line of marked trees, it being the Green County line north 48 3/4 east 2330 poles to a large poplar stump the old corner between Green & Pitt Counties then along the Pitt County line it being a new marked line of trees north 53 ½ east 3437 poles to a stake on the road near Charly (Vines) then north 56 east 533 poles to a bunch of Horn Beams on the banks of Tar River opposite the mouth of Suggs Mill Run formerly called Cheeks Run at Penny Hill then north 1 east 1103 poles to a pine near Rebecca Everett's then north 85 east 436 poles to a black gum in Conetoe Creek below John Warrens and in the plantation of the late Frederick Hopkins then up the main run of Conetoe Creek to the mouth of Crisp Creek then up the main run of Crisp Creek to a ( ) gum in said creek then along a new line of marked trees crossing the road leading from Reuben Mayo's to Bethel meeting House south 67 east 760 poles to a stake in Wallis Andrews field the corner of Martin County then along the line of Martin County it being a new line of marked trees north 1072 poles to a lightwood stump on the west side of Crisp Creek near the former residence of the late Thomas Taylor then north 10 east 1016 poles to a pine and maple standing on the west side of the Great Cypress Pond on Williams' thick then north 51 1/4 west 1005 poles to a black gum on the north side of the Wolf Pond then north 16 west 1336 poles to a large pine the corner of Halifax County at or near the head of Indian Creek Branch and on the south side of said branch or pocoson then down the various courses of said Indian Branch it being the dividing line between Halifax and Edgecombe County to Deep Creek then up the various courses of said creek to the mouth of Marsh Swamp then up the various courses of said swamp to the fork thereof then south 88 west 800 poles to a sycamore on the banks of Fishing Creek below Briggs old mill site then up the main run of said creek to the first station, signed L.C. Pender, R.S. Petway. Abstracted 10 Feb. 01 FHC film 0370240, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 26, page 519, date of deed 21 Sep 1853, date recorded Feb. CT. 1855, by order of Edgecombe and Martin Co. courts, commissioners Louis C. Pender and Reddin S. Petway on the part of Edgecombe and Archibald H. Coffield, W.R.W. Sherrod and William E. Hyman on the part of Martin Co. run and mark the dividing line between the two counties beginning at a large pine the corner of Halifax County at or near the head of the Indian Branch and on the south side of said branch or pocoson then running south 16 east 1336 poles to a black gum on the north edge of Wolf Pond then south 50 1/4 east 1005 poles to a pine and maple on the west edge of the Great Cypress Pond on Williams' Thick then south 10 west 1016 ½ poles to a lightwood stump on the west side of Crisp Creek near the original residence of Thomas Taylor deceased then south 1072 poles to a stake in Wallis Andrew field and in the Pitt County line, signed L.C. Pender, R.S. Petway, Wm. R. Hyman, A.H. Coffield. Abstracted 10 Feb. 01 FHC film 0370240, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 26, page 519, date of deed 3 Sep 1853, date recorded Feb. CT. 1855, pursuant to an order from the respective courts of Edgecombe and Nash Co. to run and mark the dividing line between Edgecombe and Nash County, beginning at a white oak on the bank of Fishing Creek a little below where the Cool Spring empties into said creek near William H. Knights then running south 21 west 3752 poles to four pines in an old field then south 13 west 248 poles to a sycamore and cypress on the north side of Tar River at the Big "Fawls" then south 17 1/4 west 80 poles crossing the falls to and elm in Battle & Son's field then south 26 ½ west 3160 poles to an old field near Winstead's old mill site then south 36 ½ west 3268 poles to a black gum on Contenteny Creek near James Mercer's Store near where the Widow Rose formerly lived, signed R.S. Petway, L.C. Pender, Exum L. Curl. Abstracted 10 Feb. 01 FHC film 0370240, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 26, page 520, date of deed 12 Aug 1853, date recorded Feb Ct. 1855, pursuant to orders from the courts of Edgecombe and Pitt Co. courts to run and mark the dividing line between Edgecombe and Pitt County, on the south side of Tar River at the corner in the said line between the counties of Pitt and Green, beginning at a bunch of Horn Beams on the south side of Tar River opposite the mouth of Suggs' Mill Creek (formerly called Cheeks Mill Run) and running from there south 56 west 533 poles to a post oak on the county road near Charles Vines then south 53 ½ west 3437 poles to a large poplar stump in the center of a pine and ash on the north side of Little Contentena Creek known formerly as the Pitt and Greene Corner, signed L.C. Pender, R.S. Petway (for Edgecombe), Richd. Williams, Alfred Moye (for Pitt). Abstracted 10 Feb. 01 FHC film 0370240, CTC. (NOTE TO CLYDE FROM CLYDE: CHECK MAP, LINE DOES NOT SOUND RIGHT. Edge. Co. Db 26, page 521, date of deed 25 Jul 1853, date recorded Feb. Ct. 1855,pursuant to an order from Edgecombe Co. court issued Aug. Ct. 1852 (deed did not state fact, but order was to run and mark dividing line between Edgecombe and Pitt Co.) beginning at a stake in Wallis Andrews field corner of Martin and Edgecombe Co. in the Pitt Co. line then running 67 west 60 poles to a black gum at the run of Crisp Creek then down the main run of said creek to Big Conetor Creek then down the main run of said Conetor Creek to a black gum below John Warren's and in the (plantation) of the heirs of Fredrick Hopkins dec'd then south 83 west 436 poles to a pine near Rebecca Everetts then south 41 west 1103 poles to the mouth of Suggs' Mill Creek formerly called Cheeks at Penny Hill, signed L.C. Pender, R.S. Petway (Edgecombe), Sidney Daniel, Henry Stancill (Pitt). Abstracted 10 Feb. 01 FHC film 0370240, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 26, page 521, date of deed 24 Sep 1853, date recorded Feb. Ct. 1855, pursuant to an order of Halifax and Edgecombe Courts, to run and mark the dividing line between Halifax and Edgecombe County beginning at a large pine the corner of Martin County at or near the head of the Indian Branch and on the south side of the head or (pocoson) thereof then down the meanders of said branch to Deep Creek then up the various courses of said creek to the mouth of Marsh Swamp then up the various courses of said swamp to the fork thereof then running south 88 west 800 poles to a sycamore on Fishing Creek below Biggs Old Mill site, signed L.C. Pender, R.S. Petway (Edge), Lemuel S. Savage, Samuel Hyman (Halifax). Abstracted 10 Feb. 01 FHC film 0370240, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 26, page 521, date of deed 31 Aug 1853, date recorded Feb Ct. 1855, pursuant to an order of the Edgecombe and Greene Co. courts to run and mark the dividing line between Edgecombe and Greene Co., beginning at a poplar stump corner of Pitt and Greene then running south 48 3/4 west 2330 poles to the mouth of Toisnot Swamp on Contentny Creek, signed L.C. Pender, R.S. Petway (Edgecombe), W.S. Darden, R.C.D. Beaman (Greene Co). Abstracted 10 Feb. 01 FHC film 0370240, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 26, page 522, date of deed 26 Feb 1855, date recorded ??, W.W. Parker, guardian of Josiah Vick and Sarah Vick, to Jacob H. Barnes, a tract of land that descended to his wards from their father, containing 234 ½ acres adjoining the lands of Jacob H. Barnes, Elijah Winstead, Harris Winstead, and others. Abstracted 13 Feb. 01 FHC film 0370240, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 26, page 531, date of deed 21 Dec 1854, date recorded Feb. Ct. 1855, Axscom Farmer of Platte Co., Missouri appointed Albert Farmer, Edge. Co. his attorney to receive money from Benjamin Farmer, administrator of the estate of "my father Dew Farmer, and from Larry D. Farmer, administrator of the estates of my grandfather and grandmother, namely Benjamin and Elizabeth Farmer and administrator of my deceased uncle, William Farmer, signed Axsum Farmer. Abstracted 13 Feb. 01 FHC film 0370240, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 26, page 533, date of deed 7 Feb 1855, date recorded Nov. Ct. 1855, Amos B. Marshall, Robertson Co., Tenn. appoints S.D. Farmer, Edge. Co. as his attorney to receive monies from L.D. Farmer, administrator of W.D. Farmer, dec'd late of Edge. Co. and of the said L.D. Farmer, executor of Elizabeth Farmer, dec'd, late of Edge. Co. and of B.E. Farmer, administrator of Dew Farmer, dec'd late of Robertson Co., Tenn.; I am entitled to the said estates as follows: my mother, Eliza Marshall was the daughter of the said Dew Farmer, dec'd and married my father, William Marshall, she has been dead many years and I am her only child; the said Dew Farmer dec'd was the lawful brother of the said W.D. Farmer dec'd and the lawful son of the said Elizabeth Farmer, dec'd all of which is set forth in the power of attorney of Jonathan Farmer to S.D. Farmer and B.E. Farmer which is supposed to be on record in the proper office of the County of Edge. Co., signed A.B. Marshall. Abstracted 13 Feb. 01 FHC film 0370240, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 26, page 548, date of deed 16 Sep 1853, date recorded 27 Feb. 1855, Randolph Dixson, Edge. Co. to Perry Taylor, Edge. Co. for $500, a tract of land on the south side of Batts' Mill Swamp beginning at a water oak in Batts' Mill Run Joseph B. Williams corner in W.D. Petway line then with Petway line south 2 east 107 poles to a pine Mrs. Sally Mares corner then east 14 poles to a hickory said Mares other corner south 86 ½ poles to a stake inn a pond Mrs. Sellares corner in Randolph Dixson line south 88 east 54 poles to a pine John Batts corner north 47 ½ east 71 poles to a pine and small black gum John Batts' corner north 17 east 48 poles to a stake & post oak John Batts' other corner east 127 poles to a large post oak John Batts' corner north 81 poles to a bunch of ash in said Batts Mill Pond and said Batts corner then up the various courses of said creek to the first station containing 180 acres, signed Randolph Dixson (X), wit. R.S. Petway, Jas. J. Taylor. Abstracted 13 Feb. 01 FHC film 0370240, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 26, page 549, date of deed 27 Feb 1855, date recorded 26 Feb. 1855, John J. Proctor, Edge. Co. to John J. Killebrew, Edge. Co. for $255, a tract of land on the east side of Tyan Cokey Swamp beginning at a sweet gum in Permenter Braswell's line then with his line south 8 west 42 poles to a pine said Braswell corner south 89 west 57 3/4 poles to a litewood stump said Braswell corner then south 51 poles to a persimmon tree in a small branch Orren J. Proctor corner then the branch north 77 west 40 poles to a stake said Proctor's corner then north 62 west 14 poles to a pine said Proctor's corner then north 77 west 104 poles to a stake at the end of the mill dam John & Orren J. Proctor's corner then along John Proctor's line north 11 east 37 1/3 poles to a stake John Proctor corner then north 68 west 23 poles to an ash John Proctor's other corner in the mill run then down the run of the swamp to an ash John Killebrew corner or the Gray Armstrong corner then east 210 ½ poles to the first station, containing 86 acres, John J. Proctor, wit. Henry A. Shurley. Abstracted 13 Feb. 01 FHC film 0370240, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 26, page 550, date of deed 27 Feb 1855, date recorded 1 Mar 1855, John J. Proctor, Edge. Co. to Orren J. Proctor, Edge. Co. for $225, a tract of land on the east side of John Proctor Mill Pond beginning at a pine on the south side of the mill pond in Mrs. Joyner dower line then north to the main run of Tyan Cokey Swamp Mrs. Joyner corner then down the run to the mill house then south 66 east 18 poles to a stake at the end of Mill dam John Proctor or J.J. Killebrew corner then along Killebrew line south 77 east 104 poles to a pine said Killebrew corner in a small branch then up the branch south 62 east 14 poles to a stake said Killebrew corner then south 77 east 40 poles to a persimmon in Permenter Braswell line & said Killebrew corner then south 33 poles to a post oak Orren J. Proctor corner then west to a black gum a corner of the four acre piece then south 59 poles to a corner then west 12 ½ poles to a corner then north 59 poles to a stake in the west line then west to the first station, the west line being 202 poles long, containing 71 1/4 acres, signed John J. Proctor, wit. Henry A. Shurley. Abstracted 13 Feb. 01 FHC film 0370240, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 26, page 550, date of deed 23 Oct 1852, date recorded 27 Feb 1855, Thomas J. Braswell, Edge. Co. to Jesse Dixson, Edge. Co. for $170, a tract of land adjoining the lands of Ephriam Daws, Isaac Braswell and others containing 169 acres signed Thomas J. Braswell, wit. R.S. Petway, Joseph B. Williams, proved by Reddin S. Petway. Abstracted 13 Feb. 01 FHC film 0370240, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 26, page 559, deed date 22 Dec. (1854), recorded Feb Ct 1855, Jo. P. Pitt estate to heirs; pursuant to an order from Nov Ct 1854 commissioners divide the land of Jo. P. Pitt called White House Plantation Ellis Tract containing 917 acres, beginning at a corner standing in Town Creek a gum standing in the mouth of a small branch running then up the windings of same to a corner (oak) then south 25 east 65 poles to a stake then south 72 east 152 poles to a pine then south 75 east 20 1/4 poles to a pine standing on the road then along said road south 68 wet 29 poles to a small oak then south 9 3/4 east 164 poles to a stake then south 60 3/4 west 96 poles then south 46 east 40 poles to a pine standing in the edge of a pond then south 34 ½ east 89 poles to an oak then north 45 east 79 poles then south 40 ½ east 10 ½ poles then north 45 east 26 poles then north 40 ½ west 10 ½ poles then north 45 east 15 poles then north 86 east 31 poles to a poplar in a small branch then down the windings of same to the Persimmon Tree Branch then up the windings of same to a pine Jacob Dunn's corner then north 70 poles to an oak then east 152 poles to a pine then north 102 poles to a stake then west 44 poles then north 1 east 87 poles to a stake in the long line at Ralph Pitt's line then south 84 west 398 poles to Town Creek then up the various courses of same to the beginning, valued at $4742.25; lot #1 drawn by Franklin Pitt containing 222 acres valued at $1870 which being greater than his proportional share he pays to lot #2 $148.50 and lot #3 $140.75 which makes them equal to lot #1, which lot begins at a pine standing on the road the corner in the dividing line between lot #1 & lot #2 and runs as follows, north 54 east 61 poles to a pine Dunn's corner then north 70 poles to a post oak then east 152 poles to a pine then north 68 poles to a pine the dividing line between lot #1 & lot #2 then south 89 west to the creek (near) the mouth of a small branch then up the windings of said branch to a corner oak then south 25 east (65) poles to a pine then south 75 east 20 1/4 poles to the beginning; lot #2 drawn by Robert Pitt beginning at a pine in the dividing line between lot #1 and lot #2 and then running north 33 poles to a stake then west 44 poles to a stake then north 1 east 87 poles to a stake then south 89 west 398 poles to Town Creek then up the windings of same to a gum the corner of lot #1 and lot #2 then with the dividing line between said lots to the beginning, containing 337 acres valued at $1432.25 and receives from lot #1 $148.50; lot #3 drawn by Joseph J.T. Pitt beginning a pine standing on the road a corner between lots #1 and lot #3 in said dividing line then with the road south 68 west 29 poles to a small soak then south 9 3/4 east 164 poles to a stake then south 60 3/4 west 96 poles to a small oak then south 46 ½ east 40 poles to a pine then south 34 ½ east 89 poles to an oak then north 45 east 79 poles then south 40 ½ east 10 ½ poles then north 45 east 26 poles then north 40 ½ west 10 ½ poles then north 45 east 15 poles then south 66 east 31 poles to a poplar standing in a small branch then down the windings of same to the Persimmon Tree Branch then up the windings of same to a pine a dividing corner between lot #1 and lot #3 then with the dividing line between said lots to the first station, containing 360 acres valued at $1440 and receives from lot #1 $140.75, signed Thos. Atkinson, Wm. F. Barron, Turner Bynum, A.J. Cotton. Abstracted 7 Dec 07, FHC film 0370240, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 26, page 561, date of deed 26 Dec 1854, date recorded Feb Ct. 1855, division of lands of Winaford Williams, according to her will, among Cooper Williams and Joshua Bullock, said Bullock having purchased Thomas Williams interest, lot # 1 to Cooper Williams in severalty beginning at a black gum Browns corner then west 11.70 chains to the head of a ditch in Moses Baker's line then down the various courses of said ditch to a lightwood stake then south 12 east 30 chains to a cluster of oaks in Jas. Hinton's line then south 87 ½ east 15.8 chains to a dead pine, Hinton's corner then north 1 ½ east 34 chains to the beginning, containing 64 acres, valued at $200, lot # 2 to Joshua Bullock in severalty beginning at a lightwood stake on the ditch then down the various courses of said ditch to Mrs. Mary Lancaster's line then south 87 east 4.7 chains to an oak Lancaster's corner then south 12.38 chains to a dead pine Mrs. Lancaster's other corner then south 87 ½ east 29.3 chains to a cluster of oaks then north 12 west 30 chains to the beginning containing 56 acres valued at $200, signed Wm. F. Mercer, J.P., Moses Baker, James Hinton. Abstracted 13 Feb. 01 FHC film 0370240, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 26, page 562, date of deed 23 Jan 1855, date recorded Feb. CT. 1855, pursuant to an order from Edge. Ct. Nov. 1854, commissioners divided a tract of 150 acres of land between William Brake and William B. Brake, lot # 1 drawn by William Brake containing 95 acres beginning at a pine M.A. Battle corner then with her line west 79 poles to a pine William Brakes corner then along his line south 185 poles to a stake corner of lot # 2 then along the line of lot # 2 east 79 poles to a stake in William Worsley Jr.'s corner then north 185 poles to the first station which is an equal share; lot # 2 drawn by William B. Brake containing 55 acres beginning at a stake in William Worsley Jr's line and corner of lot # 1 the west 79 poles to a stake a corner of lot # 1 and in William Brake's line then with Brake's line south 170 poles to a black gum in Tyan Cokey Swamp William Brake's corner then down the swamp to Holly S.L. Spicer's corner then with Spicer's line north 1 west 47 poles to a pine said Spicer's corner then north 88 east 57 poles to two pines Wm. Worsley Jr's corner then along said Worsley's line north 114 poles to the first station, which is an equal share, signed R.S. Petway, Whitmel Williams, Thos. Thomas, J.P. Abstracted 13 Feb. 01 FHC film 0370240, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 26, page 569, date of deed 30 July 1855, date recorded 31 July 1855, George F. Baily doing business as G.F. Bailey & co. to Henry S. Lloyd for $1000, a writ has been executed against George F. Baily for damages; Lloyd has posted bond so that circus is allowed to leave county after signing deed of trust posting the following property as security: elephant named Romeo, a lion called Pomp, a lioness called (Sic), and four cages of animals containing the South American Tiger, Hyena, Leopard and other animals which they are now exhibiting through the country, sixty nine head of horses and mules, sixteen waggons, the tents, cloth for covering trappings and all articles which they have on hand used for their exhibitions of their circus and menagerie, signed G.F. Baily & co, wit. W.A. Jones. Abstracted 13 Feb. 01 FHC film 0370240, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 26, page 576, date of deed 26 Apr 1855, date recorded May Ct. 1855, Henry D. Farmer, Macoupin Co., Illinois, to Albert Farmer, Edge. Co. appoint Albert Farmer as my attorney to transact all manner of business in NC and to receive from Larry D. Farmer, executor of Elizabeth Farmer and administrator debonis non of William D. Farmer and from Benjamin E. Farmer, administrator of Dew Farmer whatever may be due me as next of kin of the said Elizabeth Farmer, William Farmer and Dew Farmer and to settle with said Larry D. Farmer, executor & administrator and Benjamin E. Farmer administrator, signed H.D. Farmer, wit. Ja Chesnut. Abstracted 13 Feb. 01 FHC film 0370240, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 26, page 577, date of deed 14 May 1852, date recorded (May CT. 1855), William McDade, John McDade, Mary Womble, formerly McDade, William Morris and wife, Drucilla, formerly Drucilla MacDade, Benjamin Womble and wife, Selany, formerly McDade, (Polydina) G. Womble and wife, Nancy, formerly McDade of Carroll Co. Tenn. to Thomas Curl, Edge. Co. for $50, an undivided half of a certain tract of land adjoining the lands of Jesse Price, heirs of Joseph J. Price, William D. Petway, Isaac Braswell, and others containing 100 acres, which tract was devised by one Willis McDade to his two sons Willis McDade and John McDade for life with remainder in fee to their children, one half to the children and heirs of each, which William McDade, John McDade, Mary Womble, Selony Womble, Drucilla Morris and Nancy Womble are the children and heirs at law of the said John McDade(jun???), signed John McDade (X), Mary Womble (X), Selany Womble (X), Nancy Womble (X), Drucilla Morris (X), Benjamin F. Womble, P.G. Womble, William (Moore). Abstracted 13 Feb. 01 FHC film 0370240, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 26, page 594, deed date 15 Aug 1852, recorded May Ct 1855, James F. Jenkins, Sheriff to Thomas Curl for $9.50 a public auction on 23 Feb 1852 by virtue of order from court in favor of Robert Ricks as adm against William McDade tested 4th Monday of Nov. 1851, a tract of land adjoining Thomas Curl, Jesse Price and Moses Price, containing 190 acres, signed Jas F. Jenkins, Sheff, wit. W.A. Jones. Abstracted 8-25-03 from RD copy, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 26, page 595, deed date 3 Apr 1855, recorded 29 May 1855, W.H. Buffalow and wife, Martha, Albriton McDade, Willis R. McDade, Mary McDade, Catherine King, John A. McDade, Ephrim Emery and wife, Margaret to Elizabeth Curle, Martha Curle, Nancy Curle, and Morning Curle for $144, one half of a tract of land beginning at a stake not found at County Road near Jesse Price's house then with Price's line south ½ west 141 poles to a black gum in Tyan Cokey Swamp Jesse Price's corner then down the various courses of the swamp to the county road then along the various courses of the road to the first station, containing 96 acres, signed H.W. Buffaloe, Ephraim Emery, Willis R. McDade (X), John A. McDade (X), Mary Macdade, Margaret MacDade (X), Albrition McDade, Catherine King, wit. John Proctor, J.M. Ferrell. Abstracted 8-25-03 from RD copy, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 26, page 627, deed date 19 Aug 1852, recorded 21 Aug 1852, Bennet Bradley, first part, Jesse C. Knight, executor of Benjamin Wilkinson, second part and John Garrett, trustee, third part, whereas some few years ago, date not recollected, Jesse C. Knight, executor obtained a judgement against the said Bennet for about $112 and judgement is unpaid except the sum of $40, Bradley conveys to John Garrett, in trust, all of his stock of hogs, all his household and kitchen furniture in his possession not previously sold, also all his right title and interest in a tract of land known as the Henry Horne tract being a portion of the lands formerly owned by the late Varnel Hart, dec'd which said tract was drawn by Harriett Hart or Harriett Horne, as the case may be, which said division of said land will more fully show, the said Harriett having intermarried with the said Horne, signed Bennett Bradley, wit. Wm. L. Wiggins, P.G. Foster. Abstracted 7- 31-03 from NCA film C.037.40027, CTC.