Edgecombe County, NC - Edgecombe County Deed Book 7 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/nc/ncfiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Tommy Colbert clycolbert@aol.com Edge. Co. Db 7, page 6, deed date 27 Mar 1792, recorded Nov Ct 1792, Joshua Killebrew, Edge. Co to William Saunders, county aforesaid for 20 pounds, a tract of land containing about 6 acres on the north side of Tyan Cokey Swamp beginning at a pine my own corner formerly Killebrew's patent line then running along my own as the road runs to the forks of the road to a white oak a corner tree then cornering across the road near a south course to my own line a lightwood post which is set up as a corner post then along my own line to the beginning, signed Jos. Killebrew, wit (James Barron), George Narsworthy. Abstracted 1-25-05, NCA film C.037.40008, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 7, page 10, deed date Dec 1790, recorded Nov Ct 1792, Ruffin Deloach, Edge. Co to Moses Moore, county aforesaid for $400 silver, a tract of land containing 120 acres beginning at a red oak on the south side of Tyan Cokey Swamp then south 10 west 216 poles to a red oak then along the patent line to a gum in Margarets Branch then down the said branch to the Great Branch then down the swamp the said Great Branch to the swamp then up the said swamp to the beginning, also one other tract containing 125 acres on the south side of said swamp beginning at Streater's patent corner red oak and running south 10 west 216 poles to the said Streater's corner red oak then west 100 poles to Streater's other patent corner red oak then north 23 west to the Cabbin Branch then down the various courses of said branch to the beginning, also one other tract containing 160 acres on the south side of said swamp beginning at the Cabbin Branch in Streater's and William Deloach's patent line then south 23 east along the said Streater's & Deloach's patent line to a corner red oak then along the said Streater's and Deloach's other patent line east 14 poles to a hickory the said Deloach's corner then along his the said Deloach's line south 104 poles to a pine in said line then west 156 poles to a corner a stake then north along said Deloach's line to a popular tree in the said Cabbin Branch then down the said branch to the beginning, also one other tract containing 80 acres on the south side of said swamp beginning at Streater's & Hatcher's patent corner red oak then by the said Streater's patent line west 80 poles to a hickory then south along Boykins' patent line to a pine then along a line of marked trees to a pine in the said Hatcher's patent line then along the said line to the first station, signed Ruffin Deloach, wit (L or S) Deloach, Benjamin Deloach. Abstracted 1-25-05, NCA film C.037.40008, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 7, page 16, deed date 27 Dec 1791, recorded Nov Ct 1792, John Grubbs and Sally Grubbs, his mother, Edge. Co to William Saunders, county aforesaid for 24 pounds, a tract of land containing 108 acres on the north side of Tyan Cokey Swamp beginning at a pine running south 70 west 108 poles then south 20 east 11 poles to a white oak then south 67 west 78 poles to a live oak then down the said swamp to Curtises Mill Branch then up the branch to the first station, it being part of a larger tract granted to Newton by deed from the Lords Proprietors, dated 2 Nov 1752, signed Sally Grubbs, John Grubbs (X), wit Geo. Narsworthy, William Cox. Abstracted 1-25-05, NCA film C.037.40008, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 7, page 28, deed date 22 Nov 1791, recorded Nov Ct 1792, Benjamin Ruffin, his wife, Sarah Ruffin & Hannah Ruffin, widow of Nathaniel Ruffin, dec'd, Edge. Co to James Moore, Northampton Co, NC for 75 pounds VA, a tract of land containing 150 acres on the south side of Tyan Cokey Swamp beginning at a pine on the Great Branch called Davis' Branch then along a line of marked trees to a corner red oak on the said Tyan Cokey Swamp then up the said swamp to the mouth of the aforesaid branch then up the various courses of said branch to the beginning, signed Benja Ruffin, Hannah Ruffin (X), wit L. Ruffin, Jno. Wilson, Wm Sanders. Abstracted 1-25-05, NCA film C.037.40008, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 7, page 37, deed date 5 Sep 1792, recorded Nov Ct 1792, Sarah Weeks, Edge. Co to my daughter, Mary Parker for love and affection, Negro woman Jean after my death, signed Sarah Weeks (X), wit Kadah Parker (X), W. Parker. Abstracted 1-10-05, NCA film C.037.40008, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 7, page 38, deed date 21 Apr 1792, recorded Nov Ct 1792, Joseph Howell, Edge. Co to William Fort, county aforesaid for 150 pounds Va, five Negro slaves, to wit man Frank, woman Nancy, girl Nancy's child named (Aery), and one other of her children, boy Frank, signed Joseph Howell, wit Joseph Wimberly, Robert Sherrod, (NOTE: ONLY FOUR SLAVES NAMED). Abstracted 1-10-05, NCA film C.037.40008, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 7, page 39, deed date 16 Nov 1792, recorded Nov Ct 1792, Jacob Horn, Nash Co to Jeremiah Hilliard, Edge. Co for 50 pounds VA, a Negro woman 27 years old named Blender, signed Jacob Horn, wit ( ) Harris, Josiah Horn. Abstracted 1-10-05, NCA film C.037.40008, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 7, page 40, deed date 7 May 1792, recorded Nov Ct 1792, William Miles, Fayetteville, Cumberland Co, NC to Samuel Garner, Tarborough for 100 pounds, a Negro fellow names Washington, signed Wm. Miles, wit ( ), John Campbell. Abstracted 1-10-05, NCA film C.037.40008, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 7, page 41, deed date 10 Mar 1792, recorded Nov Ct 1792, William Clements, Edge. Co to Joseph Howell, Edge. Co for 150 pounds, three Negroes, man Frank, woman Nancy and her child, Arey, signed Wm. Clements, wit S. Haywood. Abstracted 1-10-05, NCA film C.037.40008, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 7, page 42, deed date 13 Sep 1792, recorded Nov Ct 1792, Richard Harrison, Edge. Co to Andrew Hambleton, Edge. Co for $111 silver, Negro girl, Lettice, signed Rd Harrison, wit Benjamin Dicken, Peter (Douge). Abstracted 1-10-05, NCA film C.037.40008, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 7, page 42, deed date Aug 1792, recorded Nov Ct 1792, James Slatter, Halifax Co, NC to James Weeks for 69 pounds, Negro woman Sylvia and one child, Rachel, signed Jas. Slatter, wit Wm. Hackney, Jesse Alsobrook. Abstracted 1-10-05, NCA film C.037.40008, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 7, page 43, deed date 21 Jan 1792, recorded Nov Ct 1792, Grisham Coffield, Edge. Co to Benjamin Batts, Edge. Co for 110 pounds, a Negro girl named Moll, signed Grisham Coffield, wit Alexander Sessums, Jacob Sessums. Abstracted 1-10-05, NCA film C.037.40008, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 7, page 72, deed date 21 Feb 1761, recorded Nov Ct 1793, Lord Granville to Charles Evans, planter, Edge. Co grant for tract of land in Parish of St. Marys on both sides of Beaver Dam Swamp beginning at a white oak in said swamp then up the various courses of said swamp first south 35 west (48) poles then south 55 west (80) poles then south 25 west 72 poles to the Beaver Dam Branch then up said branch north (40) west 140 poles to a poplar in said branch then north 120 poles to a pine then east 220 poles to a pine in (Francis Bettis) line then by said line south 120 poles to a red oak then east (180) poles to a pine then south 320 poles to a pine then west (210) poles to a pine then north by Duggan's line to the first station, containing 622 acres, signed Thos. Child, wit W. Lucas, J. Norfleet. Abstracted 1-25-05, NCA film C.037.40008, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 7, page 89, deed date 8 Feb 1792, recorded Feb Ct 1793, William Fort, attorney for Elias Fort, Davidson Co, Territory south of the Ohio, to (blank) Brazure, Edge. Co for 150 pounds paid by John Brazus, a tract of land on the south side of Tar River on Hatchers Swamp on the road leading from Tarborough to Peacocks Bridge beginning at a pine Noah Suggs corner then south 350 poles to a pine in Lemuel Suggs line then along his line south 204 poles to his corner a pine then along his other line to Matthew Stockdale's corner in said line then along Matthew Stockdale's line to his other corner in Sassnet's line then along Sassnet's other line north 252 poles to his corner a pine in Moses line then along his line east 212 poles to his corner pine near the road then along his other line north 230 poles to a poplar in Hatchers Swamp in said line then east 122 poles to the first station, containing 520 acres, signed William Fort, power of attorney for Elias Fort, wit Aaron Manor, William Fort. Abstracted 1-25-05, NCA film C.037.40008, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 7, page 99, deed date 20 Feb 1793, recorded Feb Ct 1793, Solomon Braswell (Bracewell), Edge. Co to James Braswell, county aforesaid for five pounds, a tract of land beginning at a gum in Hatchers Swamp in the mouth of the Buck Meadow Branch then up the various courses of the east 120 poles to a gum in the said branch then north 160 poles to a pine in Bee Tree Branch then west 120 poles to a white oak in Hatchers Swamp then up the various courses of the said swamp to the first station, containing 120 acres, signed Solomon Bracewell, wit James Bracewell, William Robt Gray. Abstracted 1-25-05, NCA film C.037.40008, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 7, page 100, deed date 31 Jan 1793, recorded Feb Ct 1793, William Braswell (Bracewell), Edge. Co to (John Pender), Edge. Co for 150 pounds, the first tract beginning at two gums and a holly bush in Hatchers Swamp then north (65) poles to a stake by a small branch then east 54 ½ poles to a stake then north 106 poles to a pine in Solomon Braswell's line then west 146 ½ poles to a stake in the said line then south 29 poles to a pine then east 36 poles to Jacob Fort's corner white oak then so along the said Fort's line 196 poles to a gum in the aforesaid Hatchers Swamp then up the various courses of said swamp to the first station, containing 163 acres; the other tract beginning at Hatchers Swamp and running north 3 east 146 poles to a pine then south 87 west 20 poles to a pine then south 25 west 74 poles to a pine then eight five poles to a water oak in the said swamp then down the various courses of the said swamp to the first station, containing 72 acres, signed William Bracewell, wit Giles Randolph, Edward Hall. Abstracted 1-26-05, NCA film C.037.40008, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 7, page 135, deed date 20 Feb 1793, recorded Feb Ct 1793, Solomon Braswell (Bracewell), Edge. Co to James Braswell (Bracewell), county aforesaid for 5 pounds, a tract of land on the east side of Hatchers Swamp beginning at the mouth of the Bee Tree Branch then up the branch to the head then along a line of marked trees to Richard Braswell's up a line (sic) then a north course to Solomon Savage's corner tree a pine then west course along Savage's line to William Fountain's line then along Fountain's line to the Great Branch then down the said branch to the first station, containing 100 acres, signed Solomon Bracewell, wit William Robt Gray, James Bracewell. (NOTE: Solomon called Sr. Abstracted 1-26-05, NCA film C.037.40008, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 7, page 138, deed date 7 Jan 1788, recorded Feb Ct 1793, Demsey Griffin,Shadrack Stevens, Matthew Joiner, Solomon Ward, (Isaac Langston), Edge. Co to James Griffin, county aforesaid for 80 pounds, a tract of land on the (south) side of Tyan Cokey Swamp beginning at a maple in a large branch so along a line of marked trees the dividing line to a pine so down the said line ( ) so down the said branch to Tyan Cokey Swamp at the mouth of said large branch to the first station, containing 97 acres, signed Shadrack Stevens, Matthew Joiner, Solomon Ward (X), Isaac Langston, Demsey Griffis, wit J. Killebrew, Aquilla Mace (X). Abstracted 1-26-05, NCA film C.037.40008, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 7, page 141, deed date ?????, recorded Feb Ct 1793, William Gad, Edge. Co to Benjamin Brake, same county for $140, a tract of land on the north side of Tyan Cokey Swamp containing 200 acres beginning at a white oak in William Bridgers line then by said line east 234 poles to the corner a pine then by Samuel Deloach's line north (hundred) and 37 poles to an oak then west 234 poles to Benjamin Brake's line then by said line to the first station, signed William Gad (X), wit Willis McDade, William Brake. Abstracted 1-26-05, NCA film C.037.40008, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 7, page 143, deed date 5 Feb (1793), recorded Feb Ct 1793, James Adams, Edge. Co to Nicholas Lloyd, otherwise Nicholas Haynes, the son of Roderick Lloyd and Hannah Haynes, for friendship and five shillings, a tract of land on the north side of Tar River beginning at a deep Creek at a white oak then east 100 poles to a red oak then south 60 poles to a red oak then along (Drew's) line to his corner then along Dempsey Carsels line to the creek then up the different courses of said creek to the first station, containing 148 acres, reserving only the (dower) of his mother, the said Hannah, now Hannah Lloyd, signed James Adams, wit Ed. Hall. Abstracted 1-26-05, NCA film C.037.40008, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 7, page 146, deed date 11 Apr 1792, recorded Feb Ct 1793, William Fort, Edge Co as atty for Matthew Williams of Territory south of Ohio, to Etheldred Philips for 60 pounds gold and silver, a Negro man named Nero, about (48) years old being the same Negro that had belonged to James Williams, dec'd, signed Wm. Fort, wit James Pitt (X). Abstracted 1-19-05, NCA film C.037.40008, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 7, page 147, deed date 24 May 1781, recorded Feb Ct 1793, William Sugg to Archibald White for 80 pounds, a Negro girl named (Nan), signed Wm. Sugg, wit D. Sutherland, ( ) Tenneson. Abstracted 1-19-05, NCA film C.037.40008, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 7, page 148, deed date 26 Dec 1792, recorded Feb Ct 1793, Elizabeth Fort, Edge. Co to my son in law, Alanson Powell, county aforesaid, (land, did not abstract), signed Elizabeth Fort, wit George Fort, John Fort. Abstracted 1-19-05, NCA film C.037.40008, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 7, page 154, deed date 7 Dec 1792, recorded Feb Ct 1793, Solomon Cherry, Edge. Co to Abraham Hodge, county aforesaid, for (60 pounds), a Negro woman named Beck, signed Solomon Cherry, wit Sam Wrenn, Benjamin Pippen. Abstracted 1-19-05, NCA film C.037.40008, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 7, page 155, deed date 5 May 1792, recorded Feb Ct 1793, Solomon Bracewell, SR, Edge. Co to my son, Solomon Bracewell (Solomon Braswell) for natural love and affection and ten shillings, two Negro boys, Jacob, about 18 years old and (Jo), about 11 years old, signed Solomon Bracewell, wit James Bracewell. Abstracted 1-19-05, NCA film C.037.40008, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 7, page 155, deed date 16 Nov 1791, recorded Feb Ct 1793, John Wilson, Edge. Co to Richard Bell, same county, for 100 pounds, a Negro man slave named Jacob, about 45 years old, signed John Wilson, wit James Bracewell, Needham Flowers, Elizabeth Flowers (X). Abstracted 1-27-05, NCA film C.037.40008, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 7, page 157, deed date 31 Jan 1793, recorded Feb Ct 1793, John Murray, Edge. Co to John Ingles for 75 pounds VA, a Negro man named Ceasar, signed John Murray, wit Jno. Clements, Jno. Haggerty. Abstracted 1-27-05, NCA film C.037.40008, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 7, page 157, deed date 23 Oct 1792, recorded Feb Ct 1793, Jonathan Gardner, Edge. Co to William Drake for 61 pounds, 10 shillings, VA, a Negro boy named Aaron, about 13 years old, signed Jonathan Gardner, wit John Colwell, Demsey Skinner. Abstracted 1-27-05, NCA film C.037.40008, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 7, page 158, deed date 1 Sep 1792, recorded Feb Ct 1793, John Foort, Halifax Co to Britain Bryan, two Negroes, ( ) and Jack, signed John Foort, wit Smith Bryan, James Bryan. Abstracted 1-27-05, NCA film C.037.40008, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 7, page 161, deed date 4 Jan 1793, recorded Feb Ct 1793, Benjamin Arrington, Edge. Co to Charles Gerrard, county aforesaid for $330 silver, Negro fellow, Ceasar, about 33 years old, signed Benja Arrington, wit (J.W. Hall), John Arrington. Abstracted 1-27-05, NCA film C.037.40008, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 7, page 163, deed date 24 Oct 1786, recorded Feb Ct 1793, NC grant #146 to Archibald Thompson, a ½ acre lot in the Town of Tarboro being lot #3 being the corner lot where St John St crosses Trade St beginning a #3 and running north 62 east 152 ½ ft then south 28 east 152 ½ ft then south 62 west 152 ½ ft then north 28 west 152 ½ ft to the beginning, signed Rd Caswell, wit J. Glasgow, Secretary. Abstracted 1-26-05, NCA film C.037.40008, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 7, page 164, deed date 20 Jul 1786, recorded Oct Ct 1793, NC grant #5?? to Samuel Flanagin, a tract containing 420 acres on the south side of Town Creek and on both sides of Cabbin Branch beginning at a pine on the south side of Cabbin branch at Joseph (W ) line and running east (318) poles to a pine in Joseph Murray's line then north (40) poles to a pine on Cabbin Branch then up said branch along James Dohoryty's line west 11 poles to a corner gum then north 160 poles to a pine then west 318 poles to a small black jack and pine then to the first station, signed Sam Johnston, wit J. Glasgow, Secretary. Abstracted 2-8-05, NCA film C.037.40008, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 7, page 180, deed date (26 May 1792), recorded May Ct 1793, Solomon Bracewell, Sr, Edge. Co to Admoral Bracewell, county aforesaid for natural love and affection for his son, a tract of land on the south side of Tar River containing 150 acres beginning on the said river at a sycamore a corner tree at or near the mouth of a swamp running then up the said various courses of said swamp to an ash a corner tree then the courses of the swamp continued to a sweet gum Gerry Fort's corner then along the said Garry Fort's line to a red oak on the river bank then down the various courses of said river to the first station, reserving all rights to land to said Solomon Bracewell during the natural life of said Solomon, signed Solomon Bracewell, wit Bythal Bell. Abstracted 2-8-05, NCA film C.037.40008, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 7, page 182, deed date 26 May ( ), recorded May Ct 1793, Solomon Bracewell, Sr, Edge. Co to Solomon Bracewell, Jr, county aforesaid for natural love and affection for his son, a tract of land on the south side of Tar River containing 150 acres, beginning on the river bank at a sowerwood (Sampson Bracewell) corner then north 82 west 90 poles to a poplar a corner tree between the said (Sampson Bracewell) and said Solomon Bracewell, Sr then north 22 east 36 poles to an ash standing in a swamp then down the various courses of the swamp to the river to a sycamore corner tree then down the various courses of the river to the first station, reserving right to land to said Solomon Bracewell, Sr for his natural life, signed Solomon Bracewell, wit Bythan Bell. Abstracted 2-8-05, NCA film C.037.40008, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 7, page 189, deed date 1 Mar 1793, recorded May Ct 1793, Benjamin Arrington, planter, Edge. Co to John Arrington, planter, Edge. Co for $300 silver, a tract of land on the south side of Tar River and on the south side of Jerrys Creek beginning at a pine on the west side of the plantation then along a line of marked trees to a gum and poplar in the mouth of the Ready Branch then down the run of a great branch to Jerrys Creek then down the watery courses of the said creek to the ( ) Patent line to a poplar on said creek then along the said other line to the old patent to a red oak on the Mery Branch then west along a line of marked trees to a small branch then up the branch to a maple standing in the head of said branch then along a line of marked trees to a red oak & hickory on Philip Causey's line then along said line to a small branch then down the said branch to the old patent line then along the said line to the beginning, containing 240 acres, signed Benja Arrington, wit Starling Waller, William Flemming (X). Abstracted 2-8-05, NCA film C.037.40008, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 7, page 190, deed date 25 Feb 1790, recorded May Ct 1793, Jordan Thomas, Edge. Co to Samuel Daughtrey, same place for 200 Spanish milled dollars a tract of land beginning at a prong of Tyan Cokey Swamp at a white oak a corner then north 144 poles to a pine in the other corner then east along the line of John Battles to a pine a corner tree then south by a line of marked trees to a pine in Hooks Branch then along the said branch to the said swamp then up the various courses of said swamp to the first station containing 63 acres, signed Jordan Thomas, wit Roger (Reese), Williamson Barnes. Abstracted 6-25-04, RD copy, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 7, page 198, deed date 6 Feb 1793, recorded May Ct 1793, John Brasher, Edge. Co to Mary Fryas, (same county) for ($75 silver), a tract of land beginning in the road in Hatchers Swamp then up the swamp to Lemuel Suggs line then east along Suggs line to a branch then down the said branch to the said swamp then up the said swamp to the first station, containing 100 acres, signed John Brasher, wit (Aqullar Mace), Jesse Fryar. Abstracted 2-8-05, NCA film C.037.40008, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 7, page 203, deed date 1793, recorded May Ct 1793, Reuben Taylor, Edge. Co to Aaron Manor, county aforesaid, for 85 pounds VA, a Negro woman named Easter, about 19 0r 20 years old, signed Reuben Taylor, wit John Brashar. Abstracted 1-27-05, NCA film C.037.40008, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 7, page 204, deed date 26 Apr 1793, recorded May Ct 1793, (Holland Johnston), Pitt Co to Robert Whyte, Edge. Co for $500, Negro man named Ned, woman named Comfort and two children, Matt and (Sean), signed Ho Johnston, wit Charles Gerrard, John Ingles. Abstracted 1-27- 05, NCA film C.037.40008, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 7, page 204, deed date 20 Apr 1793, recorded May Ct 1793, Robert Whyte to Benjamin Battle, a Negro boy named George, signed Robert Whyte, wit Sam Garner. Abstracted 1-27-05, NCA film C.037.40008, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 7, page 213, deed date 8 Jul 1793, recorded Aug Ct 1793, Thomas Jewell, Town of Tarborough to Henry Lyon, town aforesaid for $350 a lot #24 containing ½ acre, signed Thomas Jewell, wit Moses Barrow. Abstracted 6-22-04, RD copy, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 7, page 214, deed date 21 May 1792, recorded Aug Ct 1793, Jordan Thomas to Nathan Brake, Edge. Co. for 15 pounds specie a tract of land on the north side of Tyan Cokey Swamp containing 18 ½ acres beginning at a white oak a corner tree then running up the swamp to the mouth of Hooks Branch to another corner water oak then up the said branch to a corner pine it being agreed line then running a south course along the old line to the first station, signed Jordan Thomas, wit Saml Deloach, John Deloach. Abstracted 6-22-04, RD copy, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 7, page 215, deed date 27 Apr 1793, recorded Aug Ct 1793, Jesse Gray, Edge. Co to John Morris, county aforesaid for ten pounds specie, a tract of land on the south side of Mercers Mill Branch beginning at a pine in said Morris' own line at or near the said Mercers Mill Branch then running west along Thomas Broadribs line to a pine in said Broadribs line then south along Jesse Gray's line to a pine near a pond then east to a pine in said Morris' own line then north to the first station, containing 110 acres, signed Jesse Gray, wit James Lupo (X), Ann Lupo (X). Abstracted 6-22-04, RD copy, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 7, page 216, deed date 27 Apr 1793, recorded Aug Ct 1793, John Morris, Edge. Co to Jesse Gray, county aforesaid for ten pounds specie, a tract of land on the west prong of Williamson Branch beginning at a pine in James Lupo's line then along John Williams' line north to a pine the corner tree in my line then east along the said line to a pine a corner tree in the said Lupo's line then south along a line of marked trees to the corner a turkey oak then west to the first station, containing 110 acres, signed John Morris, wit James Luper (X), Ann Luper (X). Abstracted 6-22-04, RD copy, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 7, page 217, deed date 27 Mar 1793, recorded Aug Ct 1793, Jethro Pitman, Edge. Co to Elisha Horn, Nash Co for $200 Spanish milled, a tract of land on the south side of Tar River beginning at a poplar in the Great Branch Abisha Horn's corner then up the various courses of said branch to a gum a corner then south along the old line to a black jack a corner then along Battles line to a pine a corner then along a line of marked trees to a gum in Abisha Horn's line Williamson Barnes corner then along said Horn's line to a stake a corner then along said Horn's line to the beginning, containing 80 acres, signed Jethro Pitman, wit Elisha Battle, Jr, Jarrel Ross. NOTE: PROVED BY DAVID ROSS. Abstracted 2-10-05, NCA film C.037.40008, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 7, page 229, deed date 30 Apr 1792, recorded May Ct 1793, Matthew Stockdale, Edge. Co to Josiah Sugg, county aforesaid for 150 pounds, a Negro boy, ( ) and girl, Cerry, signed Matthew Stockdale, wit Jos. Howell. Abstracted 1-27-05, NCA film C.037.40008, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 7, page 233, deed date 27 Nov 1792, recorded Aug Ct 1793, NC grant #613 to Jacob White, a tract containing (44) acres on the east side of Hollamans Great Branch beginning at a white oak in Absalom Williams line then along said line north 44 ½ poles to a pine in said Williams corner tree then east (160) poles to a black oak Benjamin Williams corner tree then south 44 ½ poles to a pine said Whites corner then west to the first station, signed Alex Martin, wit J. Glasgow. Abstracted 2-10-05, NCA film C.037.40008, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 7, page 237, deed date 1 Jul 1793, recorded Aug Ct 1793, James Lane, Edge. Co to Solomon Forehand, county aforesaid for $72. ½ silver, all my interest in Negroes (Nell), Jubal, Hanner, Beck, Betty, Silvey, being the Negroes willed by my father, James Lane, signed James Lane (X), wit Drury Forehand, Amos Forehand. Abstracted 2-3-05, NCA film C.037.40008, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 7, page 246, deed date 27 Aug 1793, recorded Aug Ct 1793, Robert Coleman & Robert Sherrod, Edge. Co to Solomon Bracewell, county aforesaid for 20 pounds, one half of a tract of land on the north side of Tar River containing in the whole ( ) acres and includes a fishing place begins at a water oak on the river then along a line of marked trees to a sycamore on the river then up the various courses of the river to the beginning which was purchased by Jacob Fort of William Williams by deed dated 30 Dec 1776 and sold by said Fort to William Sherrod by deed dated 7 Jan 1778, signed Robert Coleman, Robert Sherrod, wit William Bracewell, Willie Britt. Abstracted 2-10-05, NCA film C.037.40008, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 7, page 249, deed date 13 Mar 1793, recorded Aug Ct 1793, Aaron Maner & John Brasher, both of Edge. Co to Jacob Green & (Eanos Green), county aforesaid for 60 pounds, A tract of land beginning at Mathew Stockdale's line in Sasnetts Mill Branch then running north to a pine a corner tree then south to the fork of the road then along that prong of the road which is called Peacocks Road to the said Mathew (Stockdale's) line then along the said Stockdale's line to the first station, containing 20 acres, signed Aaron Maner, John Brasher. Abstracted 2-10-05, NCA film C.037.40008, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 7, page 250, deed date 16 Jul 1793, recorded Aug Ct 1793, Lemuel Sugg, planter, Edge. Co to Joseph Morgan, planter, Edge. Co for $90 silver, a tract of land on the south side of Tar River containing 32 acres, being part of a tract formerly the property of Davis Sugg, dec'd, beginning at a water oak Noah Suggs line standing at the run of Wrights Creek then along said line north 85 west 136 poles to a red oak in the back line then along said line south ( ) west 37 poles to a pine in said line then along a line of marked trees north 85 east to a white oak standing at the run of said Wrights Creek then the watery courses of said creek to the first station, signed Lew Sugg, wit Starling Waller, Elizabeth Waller. Abstracted 2-10-05, NCA film C.037.40008, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 7, page 262, deed date 16 Mar 1793, recorded Aug Ct 1793, Prisilla Cohoon, widow & relict of John Cohoon, dec'd, Edge. Co to my son, (Simon) Cohoon, for 15 shillings and love and affection, a Negro woman age about 60 years also one mare, five head of cattle marked with a swallow falk in an half moon under the left (ear) also all my stock of hoggs, marked as aforesaid, two feather beds and furniture, (various other household items), reserving the use of said items during my natural life, signed Priscilla Cohoon (X), wit L. Ruffin, ( ) Ruffin. Abstracted 2-10-05, NCA film C.037.40008, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 7, page 267, deed date 20 Mar 1793, recorded Aug Ct 1793, John Robbins, Edge. Co to Cullen Andrews, same county for 70 pounds, Negro man slave named Digun, between the ages of 18 and 19 years old, signed John Robbins, wit. John Battle, Elias Horn. Abstracted 2-3-05, NCA film C.037.40008, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 7, page 267, deed date 26 Aug 1793, recorded Aug Ct 1793, Barnaba Barron, Edge. Co to William Routh, Negro boy Terry, signed Barnaba Barron, wit James Barron. Abstracted 2-3-05, NCA film C.037.40008, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 7, page 268, deed date 22 Aug 1793, recorded Aug CT 1793, Hillary Manning, Edge. Co to Etheldred Mayo, Edge. Co for 125 pounds, a Negro man named Sharper, signed Hillary Manning, wit Benjamin Manning, William Duggan. Abstracted 2-3-05, NCA film C.037.40008, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 7, page 276, deed date 26 Oct 1754, recorded Nov Ct 1793, Granville grant to John Colhoon, (Gent), a tract of land on both sides of Tyan Cokey Swamp above the mouth of Meadow Branch beginning at a red oak then west 324 poles to a black oak and pine or a pond then south 226 poles to a red oak then east 324 poles to a red oak then north 226 poles to the first station, containing 457 acres, signed (Fred Corbin), wit Egbert Haywood. Abstracted 2-11-05, NCA film C.037.40008, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 7, page 280, deed date 1 Oct 1793, recorded Nov Ct 1793, Abner Bracewell, Edge. Co to James Southerland, county aforesaid for ( ) pounds, a tract of land containing 69 acres beginning at a pine the Revd James (Moser) line then by a line of marked trees (south 2 west) 170 poles to a pine in William Davis line then along the said Davis line north 45 west to the (Revd James Mercer) line then by his line south to the first station, being part of a tract granted by Lord Granville to Joseph Howell dated 1 Jun 1762, signed Abner Bracewell, wit William Bracewell, John Southerland. Abstracted 2-10-05, NCA film C.037.40008, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 7, page 284, deed date 24 Jul 1793, recorded Aug Ct 1793, John Murray to Lawrence O'Bryan for $42 silver, a Negro girl named ( ) daughter to Pegg which said child was allotted to me in a division ordered by Edge. Ct, signed John Murray, wit Henry Moras, Samuel Owens. Abstracted 2-3-05, NCA film C.037.40008, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 7, page 287, deed date 13 Nov 1786, recorded Aug Ct 1793, William Schoolfield, (Warchester Co, Maryland) to Hezekiah Cartwright, for $150, two Negro boys, Bob and Jim, signed William Schoolfield, wit Peter Hines, S. Colwell, (Joseph Delaslatues), Lewis Spell. Abstracted 2-3-05, NCA film C.037.40008, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 7, page 294, deed date 16 Sep 1793, recorded Nov Ct 1793, John Perry, Edge. Co to Thomas Cromwell, county aforesaid for 42 pounds VA, a Negro boy Charles, signed John Perry (mark), wit James Hicks (X), Sam Wrenn. Abstracted 2-3-05, NCA film C.037.40008, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 7, page 300, deed date 2 Aug (1793), recorded Aug Ct 1793, Joseph Batts, Edge. Co to James Barrow, Burke Co, GA for 100 pounds a Negro man named Giles, signed Joseph Batts, wit Micajah Edwards. Abstracted 2-3-05, NCA film C.037.40008, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 7, page 313, deed date 22 Nov 1793, recorded Nov Ct 1793, Jesse Proctor, Edge. Co to Thomas Williams, county aforesaid for "a sum" a tract of land containing 200 acres on the south side of Tyan Cokey Swamp and on the north side of the Mill Creek beginning at a pine (Daniel Feederals) corner then east 280 poles to a pine in said Thomas Williams line then along said line north 215 ½ poles to a pine then west 280 poles to a pine then south 215 ½ poles to the first station, signed Jesse Proctor, wit Absalom Williams, Jacob Brake. Abstracted 2- 11-05, NCA film C.037.40008, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 7, page 314, deed date 22 Nov 1786, recorded Nov Ct 1793, William Schoolfield, Worcester Co, Maryland, to Hezekiah Cartwright, Edge. Co, NC for 80 pounds, Negro wench and child named (Florah) and Lucy, signed William Schoolfield, wit Henry Holland, Mathew Cartwright, John Hicks, Martha Streighter (X). Abstracted 2-11-05, NCA film C.037.40008, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 7, page 316, deed date 30 Sep 1793, recorded Nov Ct 1793, Benjamin Gray, Edge. Co to Thomas Guion, county aforesaid for 26 pds 10 shillings NC, a tract containing 127 acres on the south side of Tar River beginning at a pine William Hutciings corner in (Redmund Buss) line then along said line west 118 poles to the corner a hickory in Lamon's line then along said line south 240 poles to a pine then east 118 poles to a pine in said Hutchings line then along said line north 240 poles to the first station, signed Benjamin Gray, wit William Balfour, Randolph Cotton (proved). Abstracted 11-07-05, RD copy, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 7, page 318, deed date 7 Mar 1793, recorded Nov Ct 1793, John Permenter, Edge. Co to Richard Webb, county aforesaid, for $122.50 silver, a tract containing 245 acres beginning at a pine (Gethro Barnes) corner Charles Lee's line then along his line east 107 poles to a white oak then in the east prong of White Oak Swamp then north 164 poles to a pine then east 88 poles to a pine in said Permenter's line then by said line south 48 poles to the corner pine then by his other line east 55 poles to a pine in said line then south 230 poles to a pine then west 250 poles to said Barnes' line then along said Barnes' line to the beginning, signed John Permenter, wit Moses Jones (X), Hardy Thorn. Abstracted 11-07-05, RD copy, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 7, page 335, deed date ( ) 15 1791, recorded Feb Ct 1794, Benjamin Bracewell, Edge. Co to Thomas Williams, county aforesaid for "the sum in hand paid" a tract of land containing 25 acres on the south side of Thomas Mercer Mill Branch beginning at a black gum in the Spring Branch agreed corner then west along said Thomas Williams own line to black jack in David Futeral line then south along said Futeral line to his corner a maple in said Mill Branch then down the various courses of said branch to a water oak agreed corner then up the various courses of said Spring Banch to the first station, signed William Bracewell, wit Permenter Bracewell, Lamon Bracewell. Abstracted 2-11- 05, NCA film C.037.40008, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 7, page 346, deed date 14 Jan 1794, recorded Feb Ct 1794, Wm Griffin to George Anderson, each of Edge. Co for 12 pounds, a tract of land containing 44 acres, beginning at a poplar & white oak (Henry Anderson) line then along a line of marked trees to a pine in Wm Griffis line then along the said Griffis line to a corner post oak Henry Anderson's line to the first station, signed William Griffis (M), wit George Narsworthy (proved), Saml Ruffin. Abstracted 2-13-05, NCA film C.037.40008, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 7, page 347, deed date 14 Jan 1794, recorded Feb Ct 1794, Elizabeth Lawrence, Edge. Co to Thomas Cromwell, county aforesaid for 100 pounds VA, a Negro woman, Pleasant and two children, Randal & Judah, signed Elizabeth Lawrence (X), wit Saml Wrenn, Elisha Cromwell. Abstracted 2-13-05, NCA film C.037.40008, CTC. Edge. Co. Db 7, page 358, deed date 29 Nov 1791, recorded Aug Ct 1793, Benjamin Hodge, Claradon Co, SC to Thomas Cromwell, Edge. Co for 100 pounds, a one fifth interest in a parcel of Negroes now in the possession of Elizabeth Spell, willed by John Spell, former husband of said Elizabeth Spell to his two sons and three daughters, Negroes Rachel (Fawn) Benn and Amey and increase that may arise before they are divided, signed Benjamin Hodge, wit John Mitchel, J. Colwell. Abstracted 2-3-05, NCA film C.037.40008, CTC.