FORSYTH COUNTY, NC - MISCELLANEOUS - Dedication of the R.J. Reynolds Home "Merry Acres" to Wake Forest University ----いい---- The Invitation to the Dedication Ceremonies The Board of Trustees and the Administration of Wake Forest College request the honor of your presence at the dedication of The Elizabeth Dillard Reynolds Alumni House at Merry Acres on Saturday,the twelfth of November at eleven o'clock followed by lunch and the Memphis State-Wake Forest football game R.S.V.P. 2800 Robin Hood Road Winston-Salem,North Carolina,27106 ----いい---- Program of Dedication-Merry Acres to Wake Forest College 10:30 A.M., Saturday, November 12, 1966 M. Henry Garrity, Presiding ------------------------------------ Welcome - M. Henry Garrity,Director of Development and Alumni Affairs, Wake Forest College Response-John Dillard Reynolds Presentation of House-Richard J.Reynolds III,John Dillard Reynolds,Zachary Taylor Reynolds,William Neal Reynolds Plaque Unveiling-Miss Lee Reynolds Acceptance of the House-Harold Tribble,President,Wake Forest College Prayer of Dedication-Leon H.Hollingsworth,Chaplain,Wake Forest College Tours of the House-Members of the Alumni and Development Staff Buffet Luncheon Football Game- Wake Forest vs. Memphis State,Bowman Gray Stadium 2.00 P.M. ----いい---- Winston-Salem Sentinel Dedication of the Elizabeth Dillard Reynolds Alumni House of Wake Forest College by Velma Jean Clary Staff Reporter Winston-Salem Sentinel "Saturday morning [November 12, 1966], family and friends of the late Mrs. Elizabeth Dillard Reynolds gathered with officials of Wake Forest College at the former Reynolds home in "Merry Acres" for the dedication of the ship- shaped mansion as the alumni house for Wake Forest College. Mrs Reynolds' son, John Dillard Reynolds, and officials of the college paid tribute to her. John spoke of her abiding interest in people and her wide range of civic interests. The house, which was built by the late R.J. Reynolds Jr., was given to the college in Mrs. Reynolds' memory last December by her four sons. Names of Donors Lee Reynolds, only grand-daughter of Mrs. Reynolds and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Zachary Taylor Reynolds, unveiled a plaque inscibed with the names of her father and three uncles, John, Richard Joshua III and William Neal. "Miss Lee" wore a dress of black velvet with white lace collar and cuffs and a black velvet bow with long streamers in her hair. She wore a locket that had belonged to her great-grand-mother Dillard and her grand-mother, who was being honored. Out of town friends of Mrs. Reynolds who attended were Mrs. O. Max Gardner and Mrs. J.D. Lineberger of Shelby; Mrs James McLeod and Miss Florrie McLeod of Florence, S.C.; Mrs Mae Oliver, Mrs Ruth Tudor and Mrs. Henry Ernest Voges, all of Washington. Dan M. Paul and Dan Paul Jr. of Atlanta, Ga.; Mrs Daniel Jenning Carter, Mrs.James Carter and Mr. and Mr. Thomas Ogburn, all of North Wilkesboro; and Mr and Mrs Harry Joe King of Mount Airy. Allen Sister's Niece Mrs. Voges is the niece of Twin Citians, Miss Ada and Miss Annie Allen, who were also at the dedication ceremonies. Others there were Mr. and Mrs. Smith Bagley. Mrs. Bagley wore a black dress with a bright green double-breasted jacket and black bubble hat. Mrs Zachary Reynolds wore a chincilla hat with her gray dress and black coat. Also at the ceremonies were Dr. and Mrs. C.C. Carpenter, Mr. and Mrs. Joe King, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Egbert Davis; Mr and Mrs. Douglas Dillard and Mrs. Sylvia Marie Weatherall. Mr. and Mrs. William Tise and Bill Tise, Mrs.Zachary Reynolds' parents and brother, attended, as did Dr. and Mrs. Alex Poston, "Miss Lee's" godparents. Twin Citians There Others there were Mr. and Mrs. Strudwick Nash and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Long, relatives of Mrs. Reynolds; William Wright, Mrs.Elizabeth Dyer Bean, Mrs. Vernon Ferrell, Mr. and Mrs. Wade Gallant, Mr. and Mrs. Weston Hatfield, Mr. and Mrs. C.G. Hill III, the William Grahams and Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton Horton Jr. The Bynum Tudors, The Robert Tudors and Miss Paula Wyrick were there, as were Mrs. Ralph Spaugh, Mrs. Ralph Hanes, Mr. and Mrs. Stratton Coyner, Mrs. Howard Porter and her mother, Mrs. William Hanes. Others attending were Mr. and Mrs. Norwood Robinson and the Leon Rices. Dr. Harold Tribble, president, accepted the house for the college. M. Henry Garrity, director of alumni activities and development, presided at the program. Mr. and Mrs. Garrity and family live in the house. Their teen-age daughter handed out the programs. L.H. Hollingsworth, chaplain at the college, gave the dedicatory prayer. Mrs.Hollingsworth also attended the ceremonies. Maurice Hill of Drexel, chairman of the Wake Forest board of trustees, and Russell Brantley, director of communications, attended" ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright. All rights reserved. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Bynum Tudor ----------------------------------------------------------------------