FRANKLIN COUNTY, NC - COURT - Extract of Minutes, 1834-1837 ==================================================================== USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or for presentation by other persons or organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than stated above must obtain the written consent of the file contributor. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Mark Murphy ==================================================================== [Extracts of Franklin Co., NC Court Minutes, 1834-1837] [Film/Rolls 744/C.039.30001-7 NC State Archives] [transcribed by Mark A. Murphy, 4 Dec 2001] [] [March 1834] Ordered that P. Hawkins, Archd. U. Davis, & W.D. Webb be appointed committee to audit the accounts of Alfred Perry report tomorrow ----- Ordered that the County Trustee pay to James Murphy Const. of the Court Seven dollars for his attendance at Fall Sup. Co., at Dec Co & at this Term in Seven days- & that &c- ----- Seven Justices being on the bench Richard Jan[or San?] is allowed a Licence to retail Spirits for one year at Hayesville[?]. ----- State vs Alfred A Lancaster} Bastardy. It appearing to the [Jurs?] & alim[?] of the Court that Polly Alford, Single Woman, had been deliverd of a Bastard child and that Alford A Lancaster is the Father, It is therefor ordered that that[sic] the said Alford Lancaster pay dam n quant[?] $15 for the first year and ten dollars for each year six years thereafter and that he enter into Bond in the Sum of $200 with sufficient security that the said child shall not become chargeable to the County [end of page] [Sept 1834] Ordered that the following persons be summoned to serve as Jurors at December Court next- 1. Brickell Bridges 16. Johh H Edwards 2. Richard Ward 17. Robert Jeffreys 3. John Yousef[?] Jr. 18. Leroy Jackson 4. John Wilson 19. William Britton 5. Ruben Stallings 20. John Leonard 6. Matthew Walker 21. Isaac H Winston 7. John Wood 22. Edward Merril[?] 8. Amos Jones 23. Drury Winton[?] 9. Nelson Green [scratched] 24. William Chavis 9. David Collins 25. Hugh Perry 10. Benjamin Jones 26. Howell Cooke 11. Thomas Y. Wright 27. Richard Conyars 12. Nathan Pearce 28. Joseph Winston 13. Bryann[or Bnjmn] Waddy 29. Julius[or Julus] May 14. James Collins Jr. 30. Solomon Batchelor 15. Eppy Timberlake Ordered that the following persons be summoned to serve as Jurors at the next Sup. Co. of Law to wit 1. Wm M. Hight 11. Jno D Hawkins 21. Jno Baker 2. Jacob Fox 12. Francis D Allen 22. Eben N Davis 3. Alex. Evans 13. Geo. W. Stamper 23. Hezikiah Terrell 4. Isaac Winston 14. Briggs S. Edwards 24. Bnja. May 5. Emmitt Pearce 15. Thomas Galloway 25. Rob. Thomas 6. Willis Perry (fork?) 16. James Gay 26. Bird Murphy 7. Willis Perry L.R., 17. John Griffin 27. Willie Clifton 8. Allen Hams[or Rams] 18. Nat. Macon 28. Jno. Overton 9. Wm Jeffreys 19. Sam. Harris 29. Jno. M. Earls 10. Wm G. Collins 20. Robt. Gupton 30. Henry Keany[?] 31. [sic] Thomas Cope 31. Thos. Wright 32. Richd. Arrandell 33. Thos. G. Stone 34. Saml. James 35. Baldwin Perry [end of page] [Dec 1834] Ordered that James Murphy Const of the grand Jury be allowed $6.00 for his attendance at Sup. C. oct & at this term & that &c ----- The CommiSsioners appointed to audit the accounts of James Cooke Excr of William Harrison made their report in open Court which on Motion is Confirmed ----- [paragraph scratched] On motion administration for the Estate of Louisa Stubblefield be granted to Wilson D Webb who enters into Bond in the sum of $600- with William Stone his security who is approved of by the Court- ----- On motion administration in the Estate of Dickerson Perry decd. be granted to Presley C. Person who enters into Bond in the sum of $1200 with JeSse Person & Howell Corde[?] his securities- & qualified &c[?] ----- The execution of a Deed from Mary Dungan[or Donagan?] third[?] to John Parker was duly proved in open Court by the oath of William G. Collins [?] & was on MOR [end of page] [June 1835] State v Allen Hanes[?] } on motion it is ordered that the fine which on Allen Hanes[or Harris] on account of a forfeited Rieznezann[?] at last Court be committed[commuted?] to the sum of $10 & the costs- ----- Ordered that JeSse Brown be appointed overseer of the road from Sells' to Underwoods old place in room of William Coppedge with the usual hands ----- Ordered that James Murphy Cons. of the grand Jury be allowed two dollars for two days attendance at March Court last & that &c ----- Ordered that Samuel Morgan son of Nancy Morgan about Eleven years of age be bound to Burwell Stalling untill he arrive to the age of twenty one years, who enters into Bond according to Law with William Jackson his Security who is approv'd of by the Court- ----- a majority of the Justices being present, Burell Baker is Elected County Trustee for the County of Franklin who offers as his securities Sam. Winston[?] and James Baker who are approve of by the Court. ----- ordered by the Court- (a majority of the acting Justices of the County being present) that Hardy W Harp[?], Col. Sam. Perry & David M Luves[?] be appointed CommiSsioners to contract in their discretion the construction of a good [end of page] [Sept 1835] Sam. Perry Esq. retd. a List of Taxable property for Foster's Mill District for the year 1835 ----- ordered that Alfred[or Alford] Pearce be appointed overseer of the road from Contrary Creek to Mocason Creek in room of Wm. Medlin with the usual hands. ----- ordered Harrison W. Irby be appointed over of the road from Shocco Bridge to Benjamin Pearces in room of Phenner[or Plummer?] Pearce with the usual hands ----- Isaac Winston Esq retd a List of Taxable property- Cap. Bridans[?] District for 1835 ----- ordered that the hands Doct. Master work in the road from the county line of Granville to Fullers Crop Road with[?] Jas. Winston overseer ----- no. 4 Norflet Gupton v Henry H. Ingram[?] } Jury charged to wit Young Patterson James Mosley Brickel Bridges David Thomas David Hunt David Stone Hardy Wood Jn. A Whitaker Simon G. Jeffreys Reynolds Burnitt Nathl. Hight Jnt Odum who find- Jury withdrawn [end of page] [June 1836] no. 2 Norflet Gupton v Henry H. Ingram} appl. Jury charged to wit- James Houze Leroy Jackson Juan S. Williams Jacob Moody Jno. M Earls Tho. R. Debnam Howell Cook Wm Reeves Eben Davis Isaac Perry Jno. Young Jr. Calvin Upchurch who find all the iSsues in favour of the plantiff and aSseSs his damages to $47.60 of which sum $40 is principal & costs- defendant prays an appeal to the Superior Court & offers as security Elijah B. Perry & Thos. J Judkins. 47.60/95.20 ----- A majority of the magistrates being on the Bench Burell Baker is Elected County Trustee who enters into Bond according to Law with James Sparks[?] and James Baker Jr. his Securities who are approved of by the Corut- ----- iSsd Ordered that Gringe[or George] Davis be allowed sixteen Dollars & 12 cents for Bail fees in Orange County & his expences in bringing Merrill Blue from Hilsburrogh to this place. & that & an order iSsue for the same- ----- Ordered that James Murphy Sr. be appointed overseer of the road from Cobbs CroSs Roads to the underwood Hill in room of Henry James with the usual hands ----- ordered that John Thomas, Eben N. Davis & Doct Thomas Davis be appointed CommiSsioners to let the building of a Bridge acroSs Red Bird Creek on the Road heading from Sell[or Sill?] to Warrenton- [end of page] [March 1837] Ordered that Susan Williams a Girl of Colour of the age of Eleven years be bound to David Bunn according to law who enters into Bond in the sum of $500 with Benjamin Jones his security who is approved of by the Court ----- Ordered that Archibald H. Davis, William R. Williams & Jones Cook be appointed CommiSsioners to audit the accounts of Richard Noble Guardn. to Sarah Jes[?] Alston & report ot this Court ----- ordered that Joseph J Williams, Elijah B. Perry & James Murphy to let the building a Bridge acroSs Sandy Creek at angston[?] mill & report to next court ----- Crawford[or Cranford] Keany is appointed Constable in the County of Franklin who enters into Bond in the Sum of Four Thousand Dollars with Stephen Sparks, Gupton[or Genton] Perry & Shawn[?] Keany as his securities. ----- Ordered tha Smith Patterson be allowed thirty three dollars & 89c for Books &c according to acct. filed & that the County Trustee pay the same and it allowed the same ----- Richard Noble returned his account as guardian to Sarah Jes[?] Alston in open Court on oath & was on MOR [end of page] [June 1837] Ordered that the following persons be appointed Poll keepers at the different Election grounds for the year 1837, to wit, at Hayesville- Jordan Denson, Jas. Houze & David Stone. Macons Store- Jas. Solomon, Edwd. T. Fowlkes[?], & Tol. Turell Arrington's Mill- Ted[Fed?] Leonard, Jas. J. Williams & Elijah B. Perry Davis'- A H Davis H H Harris, & Saml. Brodie Harrison's Store-James Baker, Tho. Y. Wright, & Abnr. Evans Fullers-Jones Cooke, Allen C. Perry, & Jas. Yarbrough Hicks' Store- Col. Isaac Winston, Tho. Yarbro & Jas. Keaney Louisburg-Wm. P. Williams, Burell Baker, & A B MaSsenburg[?] ----- It is ordered that Nathaniel Murphry be appointed Constable in Cooke's District untill March Court next, who enters into Bond according to Law with Jno. Parker, W. Macon[?] & Jas. J. Thomas his securities who approved by the Court all the members of the Special Court being present & qualified accordingly- ----- Ordered that William H Newby[Numby?] be appointed constable in Franklin County for Fosters District until march Court next who offerd for his securities Joseph J. Maclin & Thomas Haverton who are approved by the Court the whole of the special Court being present- &qualified- accordingly. ----- ordered that William Floyd. a boy of Colour, who has thus ban[?] covt. inform[?] the court to be bound, be left in the care of Alford A Lancaster. untill it shall appear to the Court hat[sic] the said boy be bound to some other person, of which the said Lancaster is to have due notion. [end of page] [Sept 1837] An inventory and an account of Sales of the Estate of Mary Maxwell[?] decd. was returned in open Court by Lahew[?] Ferrill Excr & was on motion ordered to be Recorded ----- The execution of a Deed from Gaston Perry Sheriff to Elijah B. Perry was duly acknowledged in open court & was on motion was ordered to be Recorded. ----- ordered that David Yarbrough be appointed overseer of the road from Arrington mill to Cobbs CroSs Roads in room of Gupton with the usual hands ----- ordered that an Execution iSsue against David Williams, Jno. C Jones & Jordan Bridges Jr. the amount of the Debts filed in farm of John Winston & K. Keany ----- Tho. Y. Wright & James Murphy returned their List of Insolvent debters &c and which was allowed by the Court (Seven members) ----- ordered that Simon G. Green[?] & Taylor Young be exempt from the paying of county taxes working on Roads & serving Jurys. and correganence[?] if Louisburg[?] musicians[?] in Capt. Jeffrey's district- ----- iSsd ordered that Wade Yarbrough be appointed overseer of the road from Jas J. Williams by Arrington mill with the usual hands. [end of page] Minutes of December Court 1837 ----- State of North Carolina At a court of pleas and quarter seSsions opened and held for the county of Franklin at the Court House in Louisburg on the second Monday in December 1837. & it being the 11th day. Present David M Luves[?] Jordan Denson Jones Cooke Gideon Glenn} Esquires ----- ordered that the following Jurys be summoned[?] to serve at next court 1. Thomas Wynnes 16. William Andrews 2. James Harris 17. Has[?] J.G. Ruffin 3. William Harper 28.[sic] Jno. Pearce 4. Sion Whisky[?] 19. Benjamin Bridges 5. John Gupton Jnr. 20. Jno. G. Leonard 6. Abram Moses 21. Peter Gill 7. Hillard Stallings 22. Silas Winston 8. Nathl. Gilliam 23. Thomas Pearce 9. William A. Cheves 24. Tho. Y. Wright 10. Elijah B. Perry 25. Josiah[?] Murphy 11. Howell Cooke 26. Winton Perry 12. Isaac H. Winston 27. [??] Westray 13. William Jackson 28. Joel Harris 14. Joseph Lancaster 29. Abram Spencer 15. Bennett Stallings 30. Eaton Leonard [end of page] [end of excerpt]