Franklin-Mecklenburg County NcArchives Deed.....Reaves, William - Horn, Jesse January 25, 1789 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Beverly Watson November 5, 2010, 8:52 pm Written: January 25, 1789 Recorded: September 1789 Deed Book 6, Page 224 25 Jan 1789 THIS INDENTURE MADE THE Twenty fifth day of January in the year of our Lord one Thousand seven Hundred & Eighty nine Between Jesse Horn of the County of Mecklenburgh and the State of No. Carolina of the one part and Wm. Reaves of the county of Franklin and State aforesaid of the other part Witnesseth that for & in Consideration of the Sum of forty pounds Specie to him in hand paid by the said William Reaves before the Ensealing hereof the Receipt whereof the sd. Jesse Horn doth hereby Acknowledge & himself therewith fully Satisfied & paid he the said Jesse Horn hath Given Granted Bargained Sold Conveyd & Confirm’d unto the sd William Reaves his heirs and assigns forever one Certain Tract or parcel of Land Lying and being in the County of Franklin on the No side of Turkey Creek it being part of a Survey of Land formerly Granted to John Terrill by deed of Grant and from him Convey’d by deed of Sale to Jacob Powell and from the said Powell to Jesse Horn & from the sd. Horn to William Reaves by Deed of Sale and Bounded as follows Beginning at a pine then Cross the Creek to Rays line to a Corner red Oak thence North along a line of marked trees to a Corner red Oak then West along a line of marked Trees to a Corner pine thence South to the first Station Containing in the whole two Hundred Acres of Land more or less in the bounds above Mentioned together with all woods Waters Hereditaments unto & appurtenances to the said Land belonging or in any wise Appertaining of him the said Jesse Horn his Heirs & of in and to the premises and every part thereof to have and to hold and Singular the above Mentioned & Granted premises to him the sd Wm. Reaves his heirs Exers & Admins do Convey Grant and agree to and with the said Wm. Reaves his heirs & assigns in Manner and form following that is to say that at the time of the Ensealing & delivery of these presents I the said Jesse Horn have in myself a good right & Lawful authority to Sell and Convey the same as above sd. stands Lawfully Seized in peaceable Estate of the same in fee simple and him the said William Reaves his heirs & assigns shall and may rom time to time and at all times forever hereafter by virtue of these presents Lawfully and peaceably & Quietly have hold Occupy possess and enjoy the same tract of Land with all and every other sd. premises hereby Granted free and clear from all manner of Incumbrances and other Gifts Grants Bargains Leases Releasese Mortgates Intails Judgments Executions & h----- whatsoever and furthermore I the said Jesse Horn doth hereby bind myself my Heirs Exers & Admins to warrant the said Land before and --- from the Lawful Claims of all persons whatsoever IN WITNESS I have set my hand and Seal the day and year first above Written - Signed &c Signed Sealed & delivered Jesse Horn (Seal) in presence of us } Benjm Harris Jurat } Franklin County Septm Term 1789 Simon T. Westerbrook } This deed from Jesse Horn to William Reaves Isham Weathers Jurat } was proved by the oath of Isham Weathers & on M. O. R. The foregoing Deed is truly Registered } Teste G Hill C. C. Teste H. Hill P. R. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.9 Kb