Franklin-Johnston County NcArchives Obituaries.....Pollard, Leroy Frank September 17, 2006 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Brenda Love Gaffney May 28, 2007, 4:55 am News and Observer Sept 19, 2006 Zebulon - Leroy Frank Pollard, 74, of 560 Perry Rd., died September 17, 2006 at his home. He was born in Johnston Co., the son of the late Frank and Mildred Sanderford Pollard. He was a retired Sergeant with the NC State Fairgrounds Public Safety. His funeral was held at Grace Baptist Church in Louisburg and the burial was at Bethlehem Baptist Church in Youngsville. Survivors include his wife, Betty Upchurch Pollard; step-son, Harry Upchurch and wife Jennifer of Zebulon; granddaughters, Kathleen and Rachel Upchurch; sisters, Margaret Parrish, Madie Rivenbark, Dorothy Davis all of Raleigh and Jeannie Kirby of Boone. Arrangements by Strickland Funeral Home, Wendell. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 1.3 Kb