Gates County, NC - Rountree Wills Rountree Wills at the NC Archives First name - Date of record - County Abner - 1816 - Gates Alfred - 1865 - Chowan C.J. - 1881 - Wilson Cader - 1858 - Wilson Charles - 1760 - Chowan Charles - 1816 - Gates Charles - 1896 - Mecklenburg Charles - 1816 - Orange David R. - 1851 - Person Elizabeth - 1813 - Perquimans F.M. - 1888 - Lenoir Francis - 1793 - Craven Francis - 1748 - Johnston George - 1872 - Wilson Hannah - 1759 - Perquimans Harvey - 1848 - Orange Jason - 1840 - Gates Jesse - 1777 - Craven John A. - 1900 - Gates John W. - 1853 - Orange Lewis - 1850 - Edgecombe Malvina - 1889 - Wilson Mary Ann - 1873 - Wilson Mary D. - 1876 - Pitt Monroe - 1892 - Craven Moses - 1841 - Beaufort Moses - 1755 - Perquimans Moses - 1889 - Wilson N.T. - 1862 - Wilson Nancy - 1892 - Gates Nathan H. - 1837 - Edgecombe Seth - 1808 - Gates Seth H. - 1866 - Gates Solomon - 1871 - Gates Thomas - 1781 - Gates Thomas - 1832 - Gates Thomas - 1820 - Orange Thomas - 1805 - Orange William - 1791 - Craven Willie - 1847 - Edgecombe Roundtree Wills Elizabeth - 1817 - Wayne Ella G. - 1894 - Carteret Lemuel - c1809 - Beaufort ______________________________________________________________________ Copyright. All rights reserved. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Guy Potts - ______________________________________________________________________