Glasgow County, NC - Moses Field, Petition, 1788 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To the honorable the General Assembly of the State of North Carolina The petition of Moses Field of Glasgow County humbly sheweth That your petitioner became bound with three others as security for Benjamin Caswell as Sheriff of Dobbs County for the Year 1788 not doubting but the said Caswell would do and perform all things therein required, he the said Caswell having ever supported an honest Character; but unfortunate for your Petitioner the said Caswell failed to settle the Public Taxes agreeable to Law for the said Year, and hath since become Insolvent by which your Petitioner, with the other three are liable for the whole of the Taxes of said Year amounting to £2000 or thereabout. Your Petitioner therefore begs that he may be exonorated on paying onefourthpart of the sum the said Caswell stands indebted for the aforesiad Year of 1788; the other securities being equally able to pay their proportion of the same, and in duty bound he will pray &c Moses Field On reverse: Petition of Moses Field In the House of Commons 11 Dec'r 1792 read & referred to the Committee of Propositions & Grievances No 2 By order J Hunt CHC In Senate 11 Decem'r 1792 read & referred as by the H. Commons By order J Haywood rejected Source: General Assembly Sessions Records November 1792-January 1793 Box 3 ______________________________________________________________________ Copyright. All rights reserved. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Grace Williamson Turner ______________________________________________________________________