Wheeler Family Cemetery in Granville County, NC From: Janet D. Hughes Wheeler Family Cemetery in Granville County, NC From: Janet D. Hughes Location: This cemetery is located on left side of Jack Clement Road .03 mile off Old 75 just south of Providence in Granville County, NC. Drive down lane through grove of pine trees and it is in a clearing at end of lane. It is surrounded by wall which is two cement blocks high and is in good condition. Our darling Infant Daughter of J. D. and Minnie Wheeler Born and died May 9, 1917 Ruthie J. Wheeler February 7, 1861 March 11, 1928 Mamie S. Wheeler October 22, 1884 June 18, 1962 Dudley W. Wheeler September 3, 1834 March 21, 1905 His Wife Emiline B. Wheeler October 27, 1840 November 19, 1916 Mildred Lane Wheeler Daughter of Emeline Peed (Name is spelled with "I" on above tombstone) and Dudley William Wheeler June 6, 1880 April 22, 1943 Joseph D. Wheeler September 20, 1872 May 31, 1950 Faithfull Kind and True Jeannette Daniel Wife of Joseph Dudley Wheeler October 10, 1870 December 13, 1943 Our Aunt Miss Bettie Daniel Age 76 years Died Dec. 27, 1914 Earllie Son of J. H. Wheeler Aug. 31, 1903 Sept. 11, 1908 He whose love exceedeth Ours, has taken home Our child. (unreadable on top of stone) Son of J. H. Wheeler Oct. 5, 1905 June 28, 1906 Budded on earth to Bloom in heaven Our Baby Son of J. H. and Flora E. Wheeler Feb. ___, 1902 Safe in the arms of Jesus Flora E. Wife of J. H. Wheeler Sept. 15, 1874 Nov. 1, 1905 She was a Kind and affectionate wife, a fond Mother and a friend to all. Eakes (same headstone for both names) Ethel Wheeler Oct. 7, 1899 Aug 12, 1973 Charlie W. Eakes Sept 10, 1897 Dec. 21, 1973 Footstone Charlie W. Eakes North Carolina Cook US Army World War 1 Sept. 10, 1897 Dec. 21, 1973 Beadie A. Harris Beloved Wife of S. M. Wheeler Born Sept. 28, 1872 Died Jan. 13, 1901 Oakley Earlie Lee July 3, 1901 May 14, 1945 Asleep with Jesus Sallie Stroud Born Feb. 23, 1878 Died Aug. 18, 1911 (almost unreadable) Faithful to her trust Even unto death Learah Florence Arrington Born Sept 8, 1881 Died Jan. 28, 1917 George B. Arrington Apr. 14, 1867 May 5, 1931 Jackson (one headstone for both) Alda A. Jack June 16, 1914 July 10, 1912 Feb. 24, 2000 Nov. 8, 1981 Always Remembered Gravestone - head and foot stone No Marking Another grave is possible because there is a sunken area and is marked with a rock. ==================================================================== USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or for presentation by other persons or organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than stated above must obtain the written consent of the file contributor. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Janet D. Hughes ====================================================================