GRANVILLE COUNTY, NC - CENSUS - Beaver Dam School Census ----¤¤¤¤---- Transcribed By Harold A. Lloyd The following information is taken from an undated school census in the NC Archives in Raleigh for the Beaver Dam district. Although undated, the census is apparently from the 1840s. The handwriting is not always easy to read and I have done my best using the actual spelling as best I could read it. Due to the difficulty of transcription and the original spelling used, I caution the reader that these transcriptions are imperfect. I would appreciate hearing from anyone having corrections. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tempy Moore Thomas, Jane (2) Elisha Allen Tulear (should be Artelia?), Emila (2) John Cavenor George, Thomas, James, Edward (4) Elizabeth Allen Roan, Mary, Candas (3) Samuel Harris John, James, William, Mary, Henry (5) Charles Moore John, Lemuel, Rich, Henry, Lucretia (5) John Loyd (crossed out) Samuel Baly Tuller (1) John Davis Sugar, Mary, Johnathan, Sary, Precilla (5) Wm Y Baley Glaffry, Elliner, Rosa, Wesly (4) Labon Catlet John, Sara, George, Amanda (4) Stephen Bridges Thomas (1) John Bridges Elizabeth, Bennet, Susan, Ann (4) Molsy Bragg David, Robert, Luranda (3) Mily Moore Ann, Miranda (2) Nancy Allen Joseph, Mary (2) Zilpha Allen Arasmey, Elizabeth (2) Archibald Richards Precilla, George, Louisa (3) Armstead Mason Thomas, Israel, Eliza (3) Anderson Smith Frances, William, Helemon (3) James Whealus John, Mary (2) Israel Dilliard Eliza, Narcissa, Cornelia (3) William Barrow Edmund, James, Elizabeth, Aurelear, John, Louisa (6) William Baley Davee, William, Eliza, Israel, Helon (5) David Hayton George Lyman (1) Patsy Clopton James, Columbus (2) Nancy Haswell Julia, Hawkins, Elizabeth, Henry, Jorden, Norflet (6) Turner Allen Frances, Eliza, Pricilla (3) Thomas B. Allen Mary, William (2) Burwell Henly Jane, Eliza, Rebecca, William (4) Elisha Pruit Lucy, Rebecca, Catharine (3) Jno P. Laurence Edward, Mary, Bobby (3) Joel Usry Thomas, Jack, Catharine (3) David Fuller William, Henry, Frances, Johnathan (4) Wm P Baly Catharine, Mary, Elizabeth, Pelick (should be Peleg?), Samuel, Burten, Emaline (7) Frances Dent Leonidas (1) Thos Allen Parker (1) Fred Wiggins Mitchel, Martha, Thomas, Sarah, Susan (5) John W. Whitfield Francis, Howard, Asbury (3) Osborn Weathers George (1) John Emory Wyat, William, Hinton, John, Edney (5) Champion Allen Curtis, Cynthia (2) Wm Allen Emily, Sarah, Lucinda, James, Thomas (5) Joseph Bragg Arabel, Medicus?, Amanda (3) Samuel Mason Turner, Sally (2) Hilliard Wellet? Marien (1) Mathias Batchelor Richard (1) Banks McGehee, Sen Frances (1) Banks McGehee, Jun Jane, Zachariah (2) John Loyd Eliza, James, William (3) James Fuller Leonard, Martha, Azariah, Susan (4) George Izard Calvin, Allis, Fanny (3) Winfield Morgan Rachel, Elizabeth (2) Wm Solmon Ann, Precillas, Mary, John, William, Alexander, Joseph, Silas (8) Johnathan M. Stone Atlas, Adalina, Martha, Julia, Silas, Andrew, Marion (7) Turner Lawrence Cornelia, Sylvester (2) George Williams Samuel, Arthur, ? (name smudged), William, Precilla, Eliza (6) Sherod Wilson Nancy, Malissa, Sarah, William, John, Betsy, Amanda (7) Adam Clay Sally, Catharine, James, Betsy (4) Pleasant Clay Charles, James, Robert, Roan (4) Daniel Fuller William, David, Frances, Ann (4) Thos Ray Sally, Patsey, Pucella, Martha, Elsey, Athelaus, Sabila, Thomas (8) Abel Laurence Nathaniel (1) Kinchen Harris Wesley, William, Thomas (3) John E. Peace Jessy, James, Samuel (3) Wm Whitfield Mary, Martha, Margaret, George, William, David (6) Edward Weathers Winny, Marshal (2) Thos D. Thorington Wiley, Wilky, Ruffin, Mary, Francis, Thomas (6) Daniel Fowler Betsy, Mary, Nancy, Catherine, Jackson (5) Isac Crowder Louisa, Caroline, William, Isac, Elizabeth (5) Ransom Jackson Lucy, Sandel?, Mary, Davy, Nancy (5) John Fleming Mariah (1) Duncan Winston Lucinda (1) John Davies John, Priestly, Francis; Arean Baely, Prudence Baley, Louisa Baly (6) Bennet Champion William, Miranda (2) ___________________________________________________________________ Copyright. All rights reserved. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Harold A. Lloyd ___________________________________________________________________