Granville County, NC - Indenture - Caller to Stroud, 1760 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Granville County Deed Book D, page 3 Caller This Indenture made the XXVth day of June in the year of our Lord to one thousand seven hundred & fifty nine Between Robert Caller of Stroud Granville County of the one part and William Stroud of the afsd Exd County of the other part Witnesseth that the said Robert Callier for and in consideration of the sum of forty pounds Current money of Virga to him in hand paid before the ensealing & delivery of these presents the receipt thereof the said Robert Caller doth hereby acknowledge himself therewith fully satisfyd contented & paid and by these presents doth Grant bargain & sell alien enfeoff release & confirm unto the said William Stroud his heirs & Assigns for ever all that part of a tract of land of six hundred & forty acres lying & being in Granville County afsd on the W. side of Little Creek containing three hundred & twenty acres be the same more or less which sd tract of six hundred & forty acres was granted by Earl Granville to Israel Roberson by Indenture dated 25 March 1749 and also the Reversion & Reversions Remainder & Remainders Rents & Services thereof also all the Estate right title property interest claim & demand whatsoever of him the said Robert Caller and to the said Land & premises lying on the west side of Little Creek afsd. And of in & to every part & parcel thereof To have and to hold the said part and parcel of Land and premises with the appurtenances thereunto belonging unto the said Thos Cook his heirs and assigns to the only proper use and behoof of the said William Stroud his heirs & assigns forever and the sd Robert Caller doth covenant and grant to & with the said William Stroud that he the said Robert Caller the sd devideout or parcel of Land & premises against him & his heirs & Assigns all & every other person & persons will warrant and forever defend by these presents unto the said William Stroud his heirs & assigns forever In Witness whereof the said Robert Caller hath hereunto set his hand and Seal the day and year first above written.I have hereunto Set my hand and Seal the day and year first above written. Robert Caller At a Court held for Granville County 12th August 1760. Robert Caller acknowledged this Deed to be his Act & Deed and on Motion it was Ordered to be Registered. Truly Register’d Willm. Hurst Publ Regr. ___________________________________________________________________ Copyright. All rights reserved. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Beth Collins - ___________________________________________________________________