GRANVILLE COUNTY, NC - OBITUARIES - Lucy Piper, 1905 Copyright. All rights reserved. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Tina Tarlton Smith ------------------------------------------------------------------- Oxford Public Ledger Friday, March 10, 1905 Death of Mrs. Lucy Piper Mrs. Lucy A. Piper, after a short but painful illness, died at the home of her son Mr. Carl Piper, on March 4th, age 63 years. She lost her husband many years ago, but lived happy, useful life in the pleasant home of her devoted son, Mr. Carl Piper. She leaves two brothers, three sisters, four children, other relatives, and a host of friends to mourn hre loss. Sister Piper, was a loved, and loving member of Tally Ho Baptist church. She looked forward with pleasing anticipation to the pleasure of attending her church on the first Saturday in March; but on that very say the Lord took her from the church she loved so well on earth, to the church of the redeemed in heaven. An unusually large concourse of people attended her burial at the old Cozart, grave yard. The funeral services were conducted by the pastors. The universal testimony was; Mrs. Piper was a good woman. We will greatly miss her for a while, but we shall meet again where loved ones part no more.---- J.A. S----- -------------------------------------------------------------------- USGENWEB NOTICE All documents placed in the USGenWeb Archives remain the property of the contributors, who retain publication rights in accordance with US Copyright Laws and Regulations. In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, these documents may be used by anyone for their personal research. They may be used by non-commercial entities so long as all notices and submitter information is included. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit. Any other use, including copying files to other sites, requires permission from the contributors PRIOR to uploading to the other sites. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. ---------------------------------------------------------------