Granville County NcArchives Wills.....Hix, Samuel March 17, 1770 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Mark Valsame July 26, 2011, 4:06 pm Source: North Carolina State Archives, Raleigh, Nc Written: March 17, 1770 Recorded: November 1772 Will of Samuel Hix Granville County, NC Original Wills, North Carolina State Archives, Raleigh, NC; Recorded Copy, Granville County, NC Will Book 1, p. 4. In the name of God Amen, I Samuel Hix of Granvile County In the Province of North Carolina being in Perfect Health Mind and Memory but being Well Stricken in years and Calling to mind that I am Mortall and am one Day to Die and being willing to Bestow what Little almighty God hath given me as followeth after My Just Debts and funeral Charges be Paid. I lend unto my loving wife Daina [Diana] Hix the Plantation whereon I now live During Her life which sd Plantation Begins at a Poplar upon the West of Tabs Creek from the poplar along a line of of choped trees it runs West to Pine from thence to the graet Branch and Down the Branch to the Creek and hence up the Creek to the sd Poplar. I likewise Lend to my sd wife all my whole Personal Estate Besides the sd land During the time of her widow hood & in Case of Mariage only one third of the sd Estate & after her Deceas I lend to Jacob Woodal and his Wife Agnes the sd land During their live[s] upon Condition they pay Quit rents & I give it to the sd Jacob Wodals Son James & his Heirs for ever & after my wifes Deacease I give to Agnes Woodal a feather Bed and all that Bellongeth thereto. I lend to Nathaniel Whitlow and his Wife Diana the other part of the land viz from the great Branch mov up to the Back line frome thence along the line to a corner Pine from thence to [to crossed out] along the line to a black Wallnut upon the Creek from thence up the Creek to the great Branches Mouth Upon Condition the[y] Pay Quit rents if required. I give and Bequaeth to Agnes [Agnes crossed out] nany hix Whitlow Dauhter to Nathaniel Whitlow a feather Bed and all Belonging thearto. I next give and Bequaeth to David Hix Son to Samuel hix Junr one Cow and Calf after the Deaceas of my wife like wise one Riphel Gun: one Sow. I give and Bequaeth to Beeshop [Bishop] Hix Son to Adslom Hix one Heifer at the Deacease of my wife The land I lent to Nathaniel Whitlow I give and Bequaeth to his Son Sollomon after at the Deaceas of his sd Parents Nathaniel & Diana Whitlows All my Cattle and Hogs and Houshold goods Exept the before Mentioned legacies I at my sd wifes Decease I Desire to be equaly Divided Bettwen Samuel & Henry Hixs whom I apoint as Executors To this my last will and testament in Wittness Whereof I have Set Hereunto Set my hand and Seal to this my last will this 17th Day of March 1770. Robert Allison Wittness Jurat his John Allison witness Samuel (S) Hix Mark [signature mark is an S turned horizontally] Granville County November Court Anno Dom. 1772 This Will was prov’d by the Oath of Robert Allison a Subscribing Witness thereto and on Motion was Order'd to be Recorded. then Samuel Hix Qualified as Executor which was Order’d to be Certified. Test. Reuben Searcy C. C. Additional Comments: Transcribed verbatim from the original Granville County, NC will of Samuel Hix (Devised March 17, 1770, Proven November Court, 1772), North Carolina State Archives, Raleigh, NC. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.8 Kb