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The other one, George White Sr., settled on the Roanoke River in Mecklenburg County in the Colony of Virginia. George had two sons, George Jr. and John. These two young brothers purchased land in Granville County, North Carolina on May 2, 1768. This tract of land laid next to George White Sr.'s property across the border in Mecklenburg County,Va. John sold his part of this property and then moved probably to Chatham County, North Carolina. George White Jr. and his children though stayed and lived in Granville County for many years. Family and others: George White, Jr. Susannah [Read] Mary Meginess White William White Ruth Read Carter (daughter) Jesse Carter (husband) John White Coleman Read White Phillip White Ann Read White Garret White Lewis Taylor (neighbor) Joshua White Joseph White Elias Jinkins Josiah Rucks A. Henderson, C.C.C. Slaves: James Judah Charles Sarah Grace (woman) Daniel (boy) Milly (girl) Davis Jacob James (boy) Selvia (girl) Betty (girl) Winny (child) Sam (boy) Sarah (woman) Ben (child) Charles (man) Places: Taylor's Corner (Edmund and Lewis Taylors property; from Carolina Co., Va) Hornsby's Corner (probably William Hornsby's property) Tar River Will dated Oct. 8, 1790 - proved in May Court 1792: I, George White of the County of Granville and State of North Carolina,being infirm in body, but sound of mind and memory, do make and ordain this my last Will and Testiment, in the manner and form following: viz: First: I recommend my soul to Almightly God who gave it, trusting in and through the merits of my dear redeemed for full remission of all my sins, for a resurrection to eternal life, and my body to the ground to be intered at the discretion of my Executor hereafter named. Item: I leave to my beloved wife Susannah White the use of my plantation whereon I now live, and Two Hundred Acres of land and Four negros by name, James, Judah, Charles and Sarah and the household furniture and stock not given heretofore, to enjoy during her natural life. Item: I give and bequeath to my daughter Mary Meginess, one negro women named Grace and her increase which she has in possession to her and her heirs forever. Item: I give and bequeath to my son William White one negro boy named Daniel, to him and his heirs forever. Item: I give and bequeath to my daughter Ruth Read Carter one hundred acres of land, beginning at the mouth of his spring branch, including his house and orchard, to be laid off as near square as it will allow, also one negro girl named Milly to her and her heirs forever. Item: I give and bequeath to my son John White one negro by named Davis to him forever. Item: I give and bequeath to my son Coleman Read White one hundred and fifty acres of land leaving out the Mill Seat, with fifty acres and for his land to adjoin it, one negro named Jacob. Item: I give and bequeath to my son Phillip White two hundred acres of land after the death of his mother, it being the place whereon I now reside, one negro boy named James, one girl named Selvia, one featherbed to him and his heirs forever. Item: I give and bequeath to my daughter Ann Read White one negro girl named Betty and her increase, also a negro child named Winny, one bed and furniture, one horse and saddle, one desk after the death of her mother, to her forever. Item: I give to my son Garrot White two hundred acres of land, beginning at Lewis Taylor's corner running to Hornsby's Corner, from thence a straight line to the river (Tar), one negro boy named Sam, one negro women named Sarah, one horse and saddle, one feather bed and furniture to him forever. Item: I give to my son Joshua White and to my son Joseph White four hundred acres of land to be equally divided, also to my son Joshua, one boy named Ben, one negro man named Charles, one horse and saddle, one bed and furniture. Item: I give to my four sons, Coley, Phillip, Garrot and Joshua, my mill seat and fifty acres of land to them and their heirs forever. I give my Bible to my daughter Ruthey Read Carter. I give to my son Garrot and the division of my estate ten pounds, more than the rest of my children. I do appoint my son Phillip White and Jesse Carter the Executors of this my last will and testiment. Hereunto I set my hand and seal this 8th day of October, in the year of our Lord One Thousand seven hundred and ninty. George White (seal) In the presence of: Lewis Taylor Elias Jinkins Josiah Rucks Granville County: Superior Court May session, A.D. 1792 This last will and testiment was duly proven in open court by oath of Lewis Taylor and Elias Jinkins and O.K. then came Jesse Carter and Phillip White and qualified as Executors. Test. A. Henderson, C.C.C. Note: Against the backdrop of slavery in the old South along with the brutal and destructive consequences it brought, this document is intended to help all those wishing to discover their roots and it serves as a historical source. If any interested readers wish share information with regard to the above, please feel free to contact me - jwhite1907@aol.com - Thanks!