Greene County, NC - Petition of Joel Bryant ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ JOEL BRYANT’S PETITION Abstracted by Roger Kammerer in the May 2002 Pitt County Researchers Quarterly; copy of the original obtained by Guy Potts; transcribed by Martha Mewborn Marble. It appears the petition was presented in 1816 the year after the General Assembly passed the law allowing for such petitions; however, there was an additional petition in 1829. The back of the both petitions indicates it was rejected although Blake Bryan can be found on the Census in both Greene and Lenoir Counties as Blake Bryan. General Assembly Records - Nov-Dec 1816 - Box 1 NC Archives, Raleigh, North Carolina The Petition of JOEL BRYANT of Greene County To the Honorable the General Assembly of the state of North Carolina The Petition of JOEL BRYANT of Greene County humbly represents That your Petitioner is the reputed Father of two natural born children by the name of BLAKE DUWAIN RENTFROE, and PEGGY BALLARD; the mother of one of them he has since married – He is therefore desirous that their names should be altered to that of BLAKE DUWAIN BRYANT and PEGGY BRYANT and that they be Legitimated: and he as in duty bound will ever pray (signed) JOEL BRYANT A Bill to alter the names of BLAKE DUWAIN RENTFROE and PEGGY BALLARD of Greene County to that of BLAKE DUWAIN BRYANT and PEGGY BRYANT and to Legitimate them. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of North Carolina and it is hereby enacted by the Authority of the same that the names of BLAKE DUWAIN RENTFROE and PEGGY BALLARD of the County of Greene be and the same is hereby altered to the names of BLAKE DUWAIN BRYANT and PEGGY BRYANT and they are hereby declared to be legitimated and made capable by their names as above altered, to possess, inherit and enjoy, by descent or otherwise, any estate either real or personal to all intents and purposes as if they had been born in actual wedlock or borne the aforesaid names as above altered from their maternity. In Senate Nov. 23rd 1816 Read the first time & passed. By order M. STOKES CLK In House of Commons 19 Dec. 1816 read the second time & postponed indefinitely. By order J. HENDERSON Clk Rejected A Bill to alter the names of BLAKE DUWAIN RENTFROE and PEGGY BALLAD of Greene County to that of BLAKE DUWAIN BRYANT and PEGGY BRYANT and to legitimate them In House of Commons 23rd Nov. 1816 read the first time & passed By order. J. HENDERSON Clk 2nd Petition General Assembly Records – Nov. 1828 - Jan. 1829 Box 2 NC Archives, Raleigh, North Carolina A Bill to alter the names of BLAKE BALLARD and ELIZABETH BALLARD of Greene County, and to legitimate them. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, that BLAKE BALLARD and ELIZABETH BALLARD, illegitimate children of JOEL BRYON and MARGARET his wife of Greene County, shall hereafter be known and distinguished by the names of BLAKE BRYON and ELIZABETH BRYON, and by those names shall be made capable to sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, in any County within this State; and those names shall be legitimated, and made capable to take, inherit, possess and enjoy any estate, real or personal which may be devised or descend to them in as full and ample a manner, to all intent, and purposes, as if they had been born in lawful wedlock; Any law to the contrary notwithstanding. Read on 3 Jan. 1829 ___________________________________________________________________ Copyright. All rights reserved. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Martha Mewborn Marble ___________________________________________________________________