Greene County, NC - Rountree vs Edwards Et Al ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 8034 FRANCIS M. ROUNTREE VS HOLLAND EDWARDS ET AL Supreme Court Case found at the NC Archives Greene County June 1862 At a Greene Court in 1861 a Bill of Complaint of Francis M. Rountree and Alice A. E. Rountree his wife against Holland Edwards, Patrick Rogers and Mary W. Rogers his wife formerly Mary B. Albritton, Josiah Edwards and Samuel E. Edwards the last two infants under the age of 21 by their guardian John H. Coward The pft states that Cullen Edwards late of Greene County departed this life sometime in the year 18--- with a Will which has been admitted to probate – John H. Coward was appointed Administrator but he declined and Josiah Sugg was appointed and took into his possession all of the personal effects of Cullen Edward, dec – among other items he gave to his daughter Alice A. E. Edwards during her natural life the following Negro slaves viz woman Cherry and her children Miser, Daniel and Debby, man Squire and boy Noah with all the future increase of said slaves – Alice md Francis Rountree – there was some conflict between the plf and the def over the negroes and their increase – the dispute was if Alice was entitled to absolute possession or life estate – the plf was content it is an absolute estate and upon her marriage the property because that of Francis Rountree The def said Alice was only entitled to a life estate There was a copy of the Will of Cullen Edwards attached which is under Wills. The answer of Josiah Sugg – Spring Term 1861 – he said the Will was for her natural life Patrick Rogers and his wife Mary lived in Wayne Co. The case was dismissed without prejudice ______________________________________________________________________ Copyright. All rights reserved. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Martha Mewborn Marble - ______________________________________________________________________