Greene County, NC - Court - Webber vs Taylor, 1853 5964 – WEBBER vs TAYLOR NC SUPREME COURT CASE – found at the NC Archives, Raleigh, NC Samuel Webber and Susan his wife vs Benjamin Taylor 1854 – Greene Co 11 Oct 1853 - - Samuel Webber and wife Susan filed against Benjamin Taylor in a bill – Susan Brown late of the county of Pitt died 18--- entitled to a piece of property in Pitt Co which land she by ----- (blank) gave to Susan Webber before her intermarriage with Webber – Susan Webber did by deed convey the land to Speirs Wetherington for $87.50 – sd Wetherington pd to Thomas Moore of Greene Co at the request of Webber – Susan not responsible for any debts of her husband – at this time they were living on a piece of land, the property & estate of one Rebecca Hartt who was residing in the state of Va and Webber considered purchasing Hartt's land – the Webbers applied to one Josiah Barrott who was about to visit Virginia and wished him to purchase the land they were living on from said Rebecca Hartt – he did so and we reside on the land – a deed was executed and Barrott was a wit – part of the purchase money was from the sale of the land to sd Wetherington which was $87.50 and the balance was $48.50 which was also pd and given to sd Barrott to give to sd Hartt – Webber became indebted to Edward Carmon for about $30 and Carmon requested a mortgage on the land purchased of Hartt – on 11 Oct 1850 such a deed was conveyed for $135 – the sum was never paid and never intended to be paid as it was only to secure the $30 – had applied to said Thomas Moore to execute the deed to Webber and Webber even offered to pay Moore the $50 owed to him – Moore sold the land to Benjamin Taylor on 23 Dec 1852 for $200 – said Taylor knew of the facts – Edward Carmon did execute a deed to Moore on 2 Jan 1852 for $30 only – Moore was suppose to make a deed back to Susan Webber ??? or to her children but he didn't, stating that Webber owed him $50 which Webber admitted to but said the debt had nothing to do with his wife – Carmon agreed to give a deed back for $30 saying that Susan was not liable for her husband's debts – Carman was going to sell the land at public auction but Webber raised the $30 – Carman about to leave this state for South Carolina – Thomas Moore made a deed to Benjamin Taylor on 23 Dec 1852 for $200 – Taylor recently commenced an action of ejectment against Webber for the said land – Taylor refused to work with Webber – Webber wants Taylor restrained signed Samuel Webber, Susannah (x) Webber – 11 Oct 1853 answer of Benjamin Taylor – was not aware of any fraud on the part of Carmon or Moore nor of any promises made by Carmon or Moore to Webber – Taylor thought the Webbers were only tenants Def to pay cost of court ______________________________________________________________________ Copyright. All rights reserved. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Martha Mewborn Marble - ______________________________________________________________________