GRAY and ANDERSON Family Bible, Guilford Co. NC ****************************************************************** File transcribed and contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Thelma Smith USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or for presentation by other persons or organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than stated above must obtain the written consent of the file contributor. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. ******************************************************************. MARRIAGES James Gray and Nancy _____ was married Aug. 16, 1826. James Gray and Mary Petigrue was married June 14, 1836. BIRTHS James Gray was born May 24, 1807 Nancy ____ Gray was born June 24, 1807 Mary P. Gray was born June 24, 1807. Hannah G. Gray daughter of James Gray and Nancy his wife, was born November 5, 1828. Thankful C. Gray daughter of James Gray and Nancy his wife was born March 22, 1831. John A. Gray, son of James Gray and Nancy his wife was born Oct. 5, 1833. Benton W. Gray, son of James Gray and Mary his wife was born April 30, 1838. Margaret J. Gray daughter of James and Mary Gray was born April 7, 1840. Giles J. Gray, son of James and Mary Gray, was born Oct. 7, 1842. Samuel P. B. Gray, son of James and Mary Gray, was born Sept. 17, 1850. James Moses Anderson born Dec. 30, 1892 Maggie Mozell Anderson Born Sept. 6, 1895 Ira Franklin Anderson born April 25, 1897 Charlie Clayton Anderson Born Jan. 14, 1900 Samuel Porter Anderson born Feb. 16, 1902 Ruthie Maie Anderson Born Sept. 6, 1904 Myrtle Anderson born Mar 19, 1908 [Submitter's note: All these Andersons are the children of Hannah G. Whittington Anderson and William J. Anderson. Hannah G. Gray married Thomas H. Whittington 1/7/1851, per marriage bond. Their child Hannah G. Whittington married William J. Anderson. Ira Franklin Anderson married Thelma Edna Gibson 1/8/1925.] DEATHS Mary Gray wife of James Gray died May 19, 1872 James Gray died Dec. 17, 1891 Margaret J. Gray Henry daughter of James Gray died Aug. 5, 1917 Maggie Mozell Anderson died Nov 24, 1895 Myrtle Anderson died March 20, 1909 Samuel Porter Anderson died Jan. 15, 1911 James Moses Anderson died May 11, 1953 Ira Franklin Anderson died Dec 12, 1958 Charles Clayton Anderson died July 27, 1982 John A. Gray, Son of James and Nancy Gray departed this life May 14, 1835. Nancy ____ Gray wife of James Gray died April 1, 1836. Thankful C. Gray daughter of James and Nancy Gray, died Feb. 3, 1846. Samuel P. B. Gray, son of James and Mary Gray died July 4, 1854. Hannah Gray, mother of James Gray, died July 18, 1854. E. G. Gray brother of James Gray died July 19, 1854. James Gray senier Died November the 28th, 1841. J. A. Gray died July 1854. Nancy C. Gray Consent of J. A. Gray Died July 26, 1854. Sarah A. Gray wife of Giles Gray died November 2, 1869