State of North Carolina Guilford County February Term 1860 Court of Pleas and Quarters Sessions ****************************************************************** File transcribed and contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by:MS LOUISE T OVERTON USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, material may be freely used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material, AND permission is obtained from the contributor of the file. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by other organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for non-commercial purposes, MUST obtain the written consent of the contributor, OR the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. ****************************************************************** Elizabeth JONES Vs L.W. SUMMERS To the Worshipful Judges of said Court The petition of Elizabeth JONES of the State and County aforesaid, against Ludwick W. SUMMERS of the State and County aforesaid, and LINDSAY BRINCEFIELD, George, and Simpson BRINCEFIELD, citizens of one of the Southern or Western States, to the Plaintiff unknown. humbly complaining showeth unto your Worships. That she is the daughter of Thomas BRINCEFIELD deceased, from whom she inherited by will, jointly with her brother Clement BRINCEFIELD, a certain tract of land on Haw River, containing about one hundred and ten acres, more or less, and adjoining the lands of Ludwick W. SUMMERS, Henry SKEINS, and others. She further showeth unto your Worships that her brother Clement BRINCEFIELD, removed many years since to one of the Southern or Western States, which one she knows not, that he has not been heard from in a great many years and the general belief is that he is dead, and she further showeth that Lindsay and George BRINCEFIELD, the children of Clement, are not residents of this State. Your petitioner further showeth that at (Blank) Term of the Court of Equity for Guilford County, and Francis L. SIMPSON as Guardian of Jane BRINCEFIELD filed a petition to sell said tract of land above specified without the leave of your petitioner and without notifying her of his intention so to do, and that he waived a decree of said Court to sell said land imparsuance (sic) of said decree, a sale was made and one Ludwick W. SUMMERS became the last and highest bidder, and still holds his claim under said sale. Your petitioner further showeth that she never released her interest in and to said land to anyone but that she ever has and still claims one undivided in the same under the will of her father, the said Thomas BRINCEFIELD, deceased. Your petitioner further shows that she desires to hold and enjoy her share of said land in surrenty (sic) and to that she prays your Worships to appoint five commissioners to divide the same and by proper metes and bounds and to allot and set apart to your petitioner one half thereof and if an equitable division cannot otherwise be effected then in that case to charge the more valuable dividend or dividends with such sum or sums as they shall judge necessary to be paid to the dividend or dividends of inferior value, in order to make the division equal and to report their proceedings under their hands and Seals to the next Term of Court. To the end therefore that your petitioner may have partatition (sic) according to law and the course of this Court. May I please your Worships to grant unto your petitioner the Statis of Subponna (sic) to be directed to the said Ludwick W. SUMMERS commanding him to appear at the next Term of this Court to be held for said County at the court house in Greensboro on the 3rd Monday in May next and answering to order publication to be made as to the said Lindsay BRINCEFIELD, George and Simpson BRINCEFIELD who reside beyond the limits of this State, notifying them of the filing of the petition and directing them to appear and answer. And your petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray. Ralph GORRELL and J.L. GORRELL Attorneys for Petitioner ==== NCROOTS Mailing List ==== Remember!!! Try to limit the use of original message in your replies. Use either a portion of original message or a good subject line to reference your reply. Thanks!! Virginia