Guilford County NcArchives Court.....Fields - Pardon, Jeremiah 1771 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Connie Ardrey n/a August 11, 2009, 8:26 pm Source: Colonial Records Of North Carolina Written: 1771 Petition from Jeremiah Fields concerning his pardon Fields, Jeremiah October 25, 1771 Volume 09, Page 40 [From MS. Records in Office of Secretary of State.] To his Excellency Josiah Martin Esquire his Majestys Captain General, Governor, Commander in Chief in and over the Province of North Carolina &c The Humble petition of Jeremiah Fields one of the unfortunate persons who are out Lawed for being active in the late Riots and Insurrections Which happened in this province Humbly Sheweth That his Ignorance of the Nature of government the Springs Causing Regularity and good order among men and Being unacquainted with the Blessings I Enjoyed under a British Constitution was the Reason I Joined With other Misguided men in the late Insurrection or Riot, your petitioner being Now Sensible and with Sincerity truly penitent for my Errors Committed and the Sin I was guilty of in being Instrumental in putting a Stop to the peace Tranquility and good order of government thus humbly begs leave to offer to your Excellency some few Reasons flattering my hopes that they will Exsite your pitty and Compassion towards your Misguided and Deluded petitioner Your petitioner acknowledges he was one of these men who Called them Selves Regulators that among them he assembled at Hillsborough when the Court of Justice was Interrupted and the officers belonging to it abused that I made use of aprobius Language Which occasioned your petitioners outlawry tho Not Instrumental in the acts of vilence offered to Either the persons or properties of Men but endeavored to persuade others from Committing such unwarrantable actions, and the better to ascertain the Same Begs your Excellencys pardon your petitioner Relying not on his own Merits But on your Excellencys Lenity Compassion and Mercy towards your unfortunate Supplicant Who is the husband of an unhappy Woman and father of five Small Children, Thus Humbly presumes to throw his Case at your feet imploring the Royal pardon for a Life that hearafter shall be employed in Loyalty to his Sovereigns Submission to Government Obedience to its Laws and officers promoting peace and at all times While Life lasts for your Excellencys Temporall and Etarnall Wealfare Actuated By principles of Gratitude with unfeigned Zeal Pray October 25 1771 JEREMIAH his X mark FIELDS File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.9 Kb