Guilford County NcArchives Military Records.....Thompson, Thomas Revwar - Pension ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Nancy Poquette June 17, 2006, 6:49 pm Pension Application Of Thomas Thompson, Nat’l Archives Series M804, Roll __, Application #S3803 Davidson County, Tennessee, THOMAS THOMPSON, in the 74th year of his age: “I was born October 2nd, 1759, in Guilford County, North Carolina, where I resided till I was 19 years of age. I have no record of my age at home. I resided there until about October or November 1779, when I emigrated to Kentucky, where I resided but a short time, from thence I moved in a few weeks to the place where Nashville now stands, in the county and state aforesaid, in a few miles of which place I have resided ever since.” “About the year 1780, last of June or first of July in Kentucky, I went for that ____, I volunteered myself in a company commanded by Captain DOGERTY, attached to the army under the command of General CLARKE in an expedition against the British and Indians. In that army, I knew General CLARKE, commander in chief, Col. BEN LOGAN, commander of the right , Col. HARROD, the left, and Col. TODD of the center. The army was divided into 3 lines, not regiments, Indian file, as they were intended to operate principally against the Indians. We rendezvoused at the Blue Licks, KY.” “Under these officers, we marched across the Ohio at the place where Cincinnati now stands, to the Picaree towns in the state of Ohio, where we were met by and had an engagement with the Indians, and in which battle we were victorious. This battle was fought on the 10th, ___, 1780 and our army sustained a loss of 27 killed, ___ [?individuals?] not recollected. After that battle we returned immediately to Kentucky, where we were discharged as soon as we arrived, having served 3 months. This was my first tour.” About the last of November or first of December 1780, I volunteered in Captain Daniel GILLESPIE’s company of horse, not attached to the army, intended to operate against the Tories. This ___ was recommended by General GREENE. From Guilford County we marched through the counties of Randolph, Chatham, and Anson, dispersing the Tories wherever we found them. In this business we were occupied 3 months, and then our period of service having expired, we were discharged.” “About the first of March 1781 in Guilford County, North Carolina, I was employed by General Greene to carry expresses and whilst engaged in this business, I was taken prisoner by a party of the troops of Lord Cornwallis and remained a prisoner until a general exchange of prisoners took place, I believe the 19th of October, 1781.” Men testifying on his credibility in Tennessee were: Captain Jonathan Kains, Gilbert G. Washington, Robert Woods, Andrews Capab??, and Will Ewing. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.3 Kb