Guilford County NcArchives Military Records.....Wadkins, John November 6, 1850 Revwar - Pension ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Nancy Poquette March 19, 2007, 3:04 am Pension Application Of John Wadkins, Nat’l Archives Series M804, Roll 2467, Application #W6415 Habersham County, Georgia} Personally came this day before me, Andrew Gurley, a justice of the peace in and for the county and state aforesaid, James Anderson, and after being duly sworn, saith on oath that he has been acquainted in the family of John Watkins and Cynthia Watkins, his wife from early youth, and has often seen the within record and knows it to be their family register, and that he is now 51 years old. He further says that he has always understood from the said John Watkins that he was raised an orphan boy by his aunt Rachel Watkins. He also further says that the said John Watkins was always regarded and respected as a soldier and patriot of the revolution. Sworn and subscribed before me, this 6th day of November, 1850, Andrew Gurley. James Anderson. Habersham County, Georgia} On this 24th day of June, 1851, On this 20th day of April, 1855, personally appeared before me, one of the justices of the Inferior Court of the county and state aforesaid, Cynthia Wadkins, a resident of the County aforesaid, aged 81 years, who being first duly sworn makes on oath the following declaration…: That she is the widow of John Wadkins, a soldier in the Army of the United States, in the War of the Revolution in the North Carolina line [as she has been informed by him] and served in that war [as she has been informed by him] as an express. That she was born in Pennsylvania and taken in early childhood to North Carolina [as she remembers] to the County of Guilford and there resided till she was nearly grown. That there, she became acquainted with the said John Wadkins, her future husband, who lived in the same neighborhood. That when she was nearly grown, she was taken by her father, John Loftis to Newberry District, South Carolina, where she was married to the said John Wadkins, who had accompanied her father’s family from North Carolina as a wagoner, during the year 1791, the precise month having escaped her recollection. That her eldest child named Nancy Wadkins, now living and aged 59 years, was born the April of the year following her marriage; that she believes no record of the marriage exists. That the aforesaid John Wadkins, her husband, who with the declarant and the rest of his family moved into that part of Georgia now organized as Habersham County about 40 years ago, and there resided until his death, died in said county on the of 19th February, 1841. That she was not married to her said husband prior to his leaving the service, but the marriage took place prior to the 1st day of January, 1794, at the time and place aforesaid. That she and her husband were both illiterate and were therefore unable to keep records of events happening in their family. That she did not apply earlier for a pension because she did not know of the Act of Congress under which this application is made until a recent period. Cynthia Wadkins, her mark. Habersham County, Georgia} At a regular session of the Honorable Inferior Court of said county setting for ordinary purposes, held this day at the courthouse of said county, the Honorable Moses Ayers, one of the justices of the said court, being duly sworn in open court, deposes and says that the foregoing declaration was subscribed and sworn to before him by the said Cynthia Wadkins at the date therein stated at the residence of one of her family in said county; and that she, on account of bodily infirmity, was and is unable to attend at the courthouse for that purpose; deponent says that he has, for many years, been acquainted with the late John Wadkins and the above declarant Cynthia Wadkins, that they always appeared in society and recognized each other as husband and wife, and as such, were universally recognized in the community in which they lived. That the deponent knows that John Wadkins died in said county at or about the time stated in said declaration. That from deponent’s knowledge of the ages of the children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren of the said Cynthia Wadkins, he is confident that her marriage with the said John Wadkins took place before the 1st of January, 1794. Moses Ayer Habersham County, Georgia} Personally appeared before me, a justice of the peace in and for said county, James Reynolds, a resident of said county who, being duly sworn, deposes and says that he is 64 years of age, that he was raised in the state of South Carolina, that in early childhood he became acquainted with the family of the late John Wadkins who then lived with them? in the house of the deponent’s father, that he has continued ?acquaintance from thence to the present time both while the said Wadkins lived in the state of South Carolina and after his, the said Wadkins removal to the state of Georgia, Habersahm County, in which county deponent himself has resided more than 20 years. That in his early childhood he frequently associated with the children of the said Wadkins, and has ever since known the two eldest of them named Nancy and Rebecca; that the said Nancy, deponent knows to be 59 and 60 years old, and the said Rebecca to be about 18 months to two years younger; that the said Rebecca and Nancy were _____ ____ always known to be the _____ [? children?] of the said John Wadkins and Cynthia, his wife. Deponent states that he has often heard the said JOHN speak of his service in the Revolutionary War as a soldier under Captain BAKER from North Carolina; that he has heard the said Wadkins say that he fought in the American Army in the Battles of Guilford and Cowpens and was for some time employed in said army as an express. That the said Wadkins died in the said county of Habersham, in February, 1841, that the said John Wadkins and Cynthia Wadkins, who is now applying for a pension as his widow, always appeared in society and were recognized by each other and by the community in which they lived as husband and wife. James Reynolds Habersham County, Georgia} On this 20th day of April, 1855, personally appeared before me, a justice of the peace within and for the county and state aforesaid, Cynthia Wadkins, aged 85 years, a resident of Habersahm County in the state of Georgia, who, being duly sworn according to law, declares that she is the widow of John Wadkins, deceased, who was a private in the company commanded by Captain ____ Baker, the regiment nor the name of the colonel not now known or recollected, in the Revolutionary War with Great Britain and the United States. That her said husband enlisted at Guilford in the state of North Carolina, some time, as she believes, between 1776 and 1778, the precise time not known, nor the term of time for which he enlisted, and continued in actual service for the term of nine months, and was honorably discharged [the place nor time of his discharge not now known or recollected]. She further states that she was lawfully married to the said John Watkins some time in the year of 1791, the month nor the day not recollected, by a justice of the peace whose name she has forgotten, in Newberry District, South Carolina, and that her name before her marriage was Cynthia Loftis. That there is no public or private record of her said marriage within her knowledge, possession, power or control. That her said husband died at her present place of residence on or about the 19th day of February, 1841 and that she is now a widow. She also declares that she is a pensioner for the services aforesaid of her said husband and respectfully refers to the proof now on file in the pension office of his said services in aid of this claim for bounty land. She makes this declaration for the purpose of obtaining the bounty land to which she may be entitled under the Act approved March 3, 1855. Cynthia Wadkins, her mark. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 8.5 Kb