Guilford County NcArchives Wills.....Dick, William 1810 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Katherine Dick Benbow August 28, 2008, 1:14 am Source: Personal Written: 1810 Recorded: 1810 William Dick ~ 1810 In the name of God, amen. I, William Dick, of the state and county aforesaid, being of sound mind and memory, but weak in body and calling to mind that it is appointed for all men once to die, do this day make, pronounce, and declare this my last will and testament in manner and form following... In the first place, I give my soul to God, who gave it, and my body to the ground to be buried in a decent manner by my ancestors, and as to my worldly goods, I dispose of them in the following manner. First, my funeral expenses and debts are to be paid. Secondly, I leave all my moveable effects such as household and kitchen furniture, and all my livestock, to my beloved wife Rebecca during her life and also the use of the plantation wheron the widows Hutchinson and Gibson live. Thirdly, I give, devise, and bequest unto William Dick, my grandson and son of James Dick, all that plantation or parcel of land bounded by Hance McCanz [McLaine] on the north, by the court house lands on the west, by the plantation whereon I live on the south, and containing two hundred and forty acres, except three lots that have been conveyed away and including the house where Obediah Dick kept store, and running agreeably to the Ongonue [?] deed. Fourthly, I give my son Samuel Dick five hundred dollars, the amount of a note I have on my son Obediah Dick, or in case of his death, to his child or children if he has any, but if he should be dead and not having left a child or children lawfully begotten, then the said five hundred dollars to be equally divided between my sons James, Thomas, and Obediah. Fifthly, I give, bequest and devise unto my son Thomas Dick the plantation wheron I live containing about three hundred acres bounded on the north by the land I have last devised to my grandson William Dick, westwardly by Smith Moore Sands and eastwardly by land whereon the widow Gibson now lives and including my horse barn, orchard and old frame house. Sixthly, after the death of my beloved wife Rebecca, I will that my plantations, first mentioned, whereon the widows Hutchinson and Gibson now live, be sold and the money arising thus from to be equally divided between my three sons James, Thomas and Obediah. Seventhly, I will that after my wife's death, the personal estate that may be left, be sold and one hundred dollars of this money I give to Polly Dick, daughter of my son John Dick, and the residue be equally divided between my three last named sons, James, Thomas, and Obediah. And lastly, I do hereby appoint my two sons James Dick and Thomas Dick Executors of this my last will and testament hereby dissolving, abrogating, and annulling and revoking all former wills and writings testamentary made or executed by me. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 22nd day of January, 1810 - - - One Thousand Eight Hundred and Ten - - - [signed] William Dick [Witnesses] Walter McCuiston Robert McCuiston Thomas Dyakill Robert McCuiston proved the will that was ordered to be recorded in Guilford County at November Court, 1810. [Will Book A, page 109] File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.7 Kb