Guilford County, NC - Will of Abram Duff, 1791 In the name of God, amen. Abram Duff of Guilford County being weak in body but of perfectly sound mind and memory thanks be to God for his mercy and calling to mind the Mortality of man that it is appointed for all men once to die and after Death come to Judgement, I committ my soul to God which gave it to me and body to the Earth to be Buried in a godlike and Christian manner at the Discretion of my Executor, nothing Doubting but at the General resserection of the Dead Shall receive the same again, and as touching the worldly things that it has pleased God to bless me with I Leave and bequeath them in the following manner and form. Imprimus I Leave and bequeath to Mary Duff, my beloved wife one young bay mare and her own sadle and bridle and her choice of two of the best of my milch cow and two calf, and two Ewes and Lambs and two beds and their furniture and all the ----- and -----which belong to me. Imprimus I leave and bequeath to Abram Duff, son to my Brother Samuel as much money or other Property as would have Purchased one cow six years ago. Imprimus I leave the remainder of my Estate to be Divided Between my five Brothers Namely James, William, Samuel, John and Robert. And appoint William Duff and my father Samuel Duff to be my Executors and I do acknowledge this to be my last will and testament revocking any former wills made by me. Here made is Witness where of I have ---- my hand and seal this 6th Day of March 1781. Sined sealed and pronounced in the Preferred..... . Ralph Gorrell Thomas Brown her Ann Kerr mark Guilford County--North Carolina 1791 The execution of the written Will was proven in Open Court by the Oath of Ralph Gorrell Esq. one of the Subscribing Witnesses there to and on Motion Ordered To be as ordered. Ts D John Kamittonble Duffs Papers Abraham Duffs Last Will and Testament Ent. A page 96 1791 ______________________________________________________________________ Copyright. All rights reserved. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Judy Duff - ______________________________________________________________________